Irene Tsunami

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Irene Tsunami

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Irene Tsunami

Twin sister to William Furno (goes by Furno) i.e this guy

in this universe there are different branches of heroes, like aquatic rescues, stealth/undercover heroes, normal heroes (like Furno and Stormer), and others

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in this universe there are different branches of heroes, like aquatic rescues, stealth/undercover heroes, normal heroes (like Furno and Stormer), and others


when Furno was being made his core split into two parts, which worried Mr. Makura (I remember his name but not the blue friend's i remembered it as i typed that XD "Surge") but he made another body for the half core and the first ever twins were made, Mr. Makura named them William Furno and Irene Tsunami, as they were of fire and water

he split the two, into different hero training, and hoped they wouldn't' meet but they snuck around and did meet each other, they kept their meetings a secret, but they also learned about them being twins, they continued in their departments of hero-ing and it was generally alright nothing seemed to happen

It continued like this until one hero swapped roles (the lion dude....who is like Furno but isn't can't remember his name) and soon many hero's tried to swap, and get training so they could be more well-rounded and helpful as ALL hero's had a desire to help (except those who went to the bad side) Tsunami (most called her either Tsu or Nami) tried to get in the normal hero group so she could fight by her brother but was refused and it pissed her off but she couldn't do anything about it

Later in the story, there's a large gathering of heroes in the main HQ as some villains wanted one on one matches with specific heroes and if any other heroes were seen then they'd blow up the city so the heroes were stuck, but either way, all heroes were watching the main crew (Furno, Stormer, Surge, Breeze, Stringer, Bulk and the other 3, ninja dude, lion dude, and the third guy) arrived and did their one on ones but something was wrong, and Tsunami knew it, but she couldn't say anything for fear of her brother.

The fight happened and most villains were subdued, but then a villain got trigger happy and attacked one of the heroes despite being already defeated, Furno blocked the attack on his teammate, the attack was stronger than it should have been and threw him back into a wall, breaking it, the villains to this chance to escape and the hero's gave chase, Furno seemed to have vanished after he crashed through the wall

A new villain planned this and captured Furno after he crashed through the wall and then made another plan to have the hero's finally die, but the hero's had to leave before he could get it fully perfected, but without Furno as they couldn't find him.

When they returned home Tsu furiously attacked the heroes which shocked them and she shouted they shouldn't have done that, and they had to back for him, many realized she meant Furno and tried to reason with her but she wouldn't listen, she was angry and upset and afraid for her brother, Mr. Makura got everyone to focus and pulled together a meeting of all the heroes, making sure to take the ones that were fighting before to the bed bay and the healing core thing.

The meeting was going fine heroes were giving ideas and all were discussing the ways to save Furno, Nami was watching with narrowed eyes, after a few hours of discussion she felt a pull on her twin core bond, she listened and only heard faint painting/gasping/wheezing and then a single phrase "I'm sorry" before pain flooded her systems and she let out a blood curdling scream. Many Heroes looked over at her as she grasped at her covered core pain and heat emitting from it.

A hand gently was placed on her back and words were spoken above her but all she could make out was "Furno" she lets out a cry and nodded fast before chanting her brother's name "Furno! Furno! Furno!" words around her were loud and confusing but the pain was there to keep the words at bay the quiet voice spoke about something and the other words went silent the chant still on her metalic lips hands clawing at her covered core, before all the pain stopped and she gasped in shock, throwing herself backward "wh-what the h- was that Wills!? she spoke out loud but was speaking in her bond "c-c-c-core t-t-taker" his wheezy reply came and she let out a strangled noise "YOU'RE CORE WAS TAKEN!?" he let out a whimper "n-n-not in b-b-body" she let out a shriek "YOU'RE NOT IN YOUR BODY!?"

she leapt up and rushed toward the computer slammed down on a button and it activated a virus she and Furno created and had in all the mainframes to pull up the core readings of the two to help if ever need be and she saw the body was dead but the core was thriving "okay, okay, took the virus code thing, it's on, you're alive, probably in containment...." he lets out a pulse "y-y-yeah I can feel that, I'm floating, and I hear words" she frowns "what words Wills?" he relays them and she types them quickly on the computer "okay, okay, subject Furno, plan success, captured, oddity, half core, component missing....oh f-! they're going to try experiment on your core!" Furno pulsed with fear "NO! don't let them do that! I can't! not again!" Tsu nodded, "they won't get to it, I have your cords now!"

Tsu turned and spotted the other heroes behind her and sighs "Breeze Surge Stormer, with me Furno likes you three and will need it once we get him back, Bulk Stringer you're back up, everyone else keep the villains distracted, let's go!" and she bolted to the hero ships/pods

they go save Furno yadda yadda and she ends up being a hero beside her brother

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