Sun Fang left Guillotine on a wonderfully cold Monday morning. That annoyed him; that the weather was finally starting to become bearable just as he was leaving. Still, he stepped on the starship cruiser with his butler at his side without hesitation.
The surgery wasn't for yet another week, but Sun Fang was going to be there two days early. He didn't want the first time he saw Mianmian in months to be after a surgery, and he missed the other omega. He wanted to make sure he was okay before heading into surgery, and that he was being treated right by Deng Xi.
The cruise ship—even a first class one with the latest and fastest technology on the market—would take days to arrive. Sun Fang was in the first class section, which meant that he had a whole compartment (with a proper bed and everything) to himself and his butler.
He settled in with a glass of wine held loosely in his hand, fuzziness growing stronger in his mind. He generally had pretty good alcohol tolerance, but this was his fourth glass and it was maybe starting to get to him. He probably should have eaten something between all those glasses, but oh well. What was done was done.
"Do you need anything, Young Master?" his butler asked when it was done putting away their carry-on bags.
Sun Fang blinked at the glass that was suddenly empty, staring at the bottom and watching the handful of drops of liquid rolling as he played with the glass. "Something to eat, maybe," he said, putting the glass down.
"It'll only be a moment, Young Master," his butler said and left the compartment.
Sun Fang nodded in the silence. His finger tapped distractedly on the armrest of the wide chair, and after a moment, he sighed and turned on the screen imbedded in the wall. There was a bunch of movies and whole series already downloaded on it, so all he had to do was browse through them for something he liked. He scrolled his way past what felt like hundreds of movies before he found one he liked.
It was a decent watch; not something that required use of his brainpower. Objectively, it wasn't a very good movie. But it entertained him, and sometimes that was all he wanted.
His butler returned only a couple of minutes after Sun Fang had turned on the mindless adventure movie. "Thank you," said Sun Fang as he accepted the tray from it.
It was merely a sandwich, but it made that gurgling sound in his stomach settle down, and his head cleared some. It hadn't been very fuzzy in the first place, so he was almost ready to count himself sober again.
"Your welcome," it said by his side and settled on the couch.
The butler pulled a pink blanket out of some pocket he couldn't divine and put it over Sun Fang's lap. His fingers curled on the blanket, bunching up the comfortable fabric. After a beat's hesitation, he turned on his side and leaned his back against the butler.
It wasn't the most comfortable position, being as his butler was made of mechanical materials. But it wasn't as uncomfortable as it could have been, either.
He'd gotten his butler when he was very young, and his parents had been worried he'd accidentally hurt himself on it. So they'd spent extra money to give it extra padding, to make it safer for a little child that liked hugging people. With subsequent repairs some of that padding had been removed, but the majority was still there below the synthetic skin.
And thanks to all the conduits and electricity running through it, the butler was pleasantly warm.
It took a moment, but soon enough his butler put an arm around him and hugged him close, pulling the blanket further up Sun Fang as it worked. Sun Fang turned his head to continue watching the movie, nostalgia threatening to drown him whole.
He had so many childhood memories of nights ending just like this. With exhaustion weighing him down, with eyes heavy-lidded and vision fuzzy; Sun Fang had slowly fallen asleep like this more times than he could count.
His eyelids grew heavier as time past, his stomach sated and the fuzziness leaving him only to be replaced by blurriness as his eyes lost the ability to focus.
His butler interrupted the comfy silence with, "I have decided on a name for myself."
Sun Fang blinked. He rubbed his eyes and turned his head so he could see his butler's face. "Really?" he asked, his chest squeezing.
"Yes," the butler confirmed. It looked back at him with steel-colored eyes lit up from within by lighting and cameras. If he concentrated, Sun Fang thought he could see the camera's shutters moving.
He smiled softly, "That's amazing. What is it, if I can ask?"
"That's a great name," Sun Fang nodded and made certain to memorize it. Ivy, Ivy, Ivy.
He'd tried really hard not to contemplate names for his butler, because he wanted it to be its own decision. He didn't want to accidentally influence it with any thoughtless comments, and so had very determinedly not thought about it. So Ivy hadn't been a name that had ever crossed his mind.
But it was a nice name.
"I think so, too," Ivy said.
It was hard reading emotions from his butler when it had such a limited range of facial expressions, but Sun Fang's experience told him that it seemed pleased. He grinned brightly, a warmth spreading through his chest. Snuggling deeper against his butler—Ivy, Sun Fang finally allowed his mind to clear as he refocused on the movie while he slowly fell asleep.
It felt like he was a kid again, staying up past bedtime because there was a thunderstorm and he couldn't possibly sleep, and his butler sat with him on the bed while they watched a movie to drown out the noise of thunder.
Like this, it was the easiest thing in the world to fall asleep.

Our Sweet Days (M/M Interstellar A/B/O)
RomanceHis fiancé stolen by his (supposedly) kind-hearted and merciful younger brother, Sun Fang decides to take the high road. (To the surprise of everyone who's ever known him.) Instead of fighting to get his cheating fiancé back, Sun Fang sets out to fu...