His fiancé stolen by his (supposedly) kind-hearted and merciful younger brother, Sun Fang decides to take the high road. (To the surprise of everyone who's ever known him.) Instead of fighting to get his cheating fiancé back, Sun Fang sets out to fu...
Saying goodbye to Mianmian was hard. It was always going to be hard. When Mianmian looked at him like that, his eyes soft and his smile gentle and his—everything. Everything about him was captivating. It made Sun Fang angry, almost, how Mianmian still had this power over him. It was never going to go away. He was never going to look at Mianmian and not feel his breath catch in his throat.
The worst part was that he didn't mind. It had been so long and oh, how in love he'd been with Mianmian once. It had been passionate, sudden, utterly all-consuming. Sun Fang had never felt anything like it since, and he didn't think he ever would.
His love wasn't like that for Mianmian anymore, though. It had settled, since. Calmed down. Eased into something that squeezed into the back of his head and made a home there. It didn't consume him anymore, didn't fill his every thought. He wasn't tormented by the fact that Mianmian was married and had a child—he was simply satisfied that Mianmian was happy.
"Take care of yourself," Mianmian said, hugging him tightly at the spaceport. His head was wedged in between Sun Fang's shoulder and his neck, and his arms were tight around his back. Sun Fang hugged the other omega just as tightly.
"Don't worry," he whispered into Mianmian's hair. He smiled, feeling his heart settle into something easy in his chest—not a raging fire, but a calm ember. "I can take care of myself, you know," he added, a little cheekily.
"I know," Mianmian laughed, somewhat wetly. He squeezed Sun Fang one last time and let go, sniffling softly. Brushing his hand over his eyes, he smiled at Sun Fang, "But you shouldn't have to."
"Well, you have to take care of yourself, too," Sun Fang said, rising a judging eyebrow. It was different from his condescending eyebrow (but be couldn't quite explain how). "And Casey, of course," he added, maybe a smidgen too late.
"Yeah," Mianmian lowered his gaze to the floor and nodded. "Of course."
Sun Fang's eyebrows furrowed. "Are you alright?" he asked, lowering his voice. Mianmian was looking at the floor, his mouth neutral instead of the smile that came so easy to him.
"I'm fine, A'Fang," Mianmian said, taking a deep breath. He smiled at Sun Fang, the motion only slightly wobbly. His eyes were still so soft when he looked at Sun Fang, like they were teenagers again, and—he wasn't going to think about that.
"Are you happy?" Sun Fang asked abruptly, a burning need to have Mianmian actually say the words catching him by surprise.
Mianmian smiled at him, "I am happy," he confirmed. "I am always happy when you are, darling" he added, grinning.
Sun Fang snorted. "That's how it should be, then," he said and beamed. Scratching at his nose, he ducked his head slightly and said, "But you know you can talk to me if you're not?"
"Of course, love," Mianmian purred.
Sun Fang bit down on his laughter and shook his head. "You are a fiend," he said, "A dangerous fiend that will destabilize the entire system with your beauty. There will be war, Mianmian, and it'll be all your fault."
"Oh, yes, my plans are coming to fruition," Mianmian nodded solemnly. "No person shall escape when my beauty evolves to the next level, like I have worked for."
"If only there was someone out there, someone who was immune... but alas..."
Mianmian laughed loudly, throwing his head back. He attacked Sun Fang with another hug, a quick and dirty one. Sun Fang didn't contain his own smile, hugging back tightly. They let go, then, to the sound of the announcement over the intercom. Mianmian's shuttle had started boarding and it was time for him to leave, lest he be left behind. Which would be absolutely terrible, of course. A real tragedy.
Sun Fang walked with Mianmian to the gate, which was as far as he could go. The ticket he'd bought to get access to the departing part of the spaceport obviously couldn't get him on the shuttle and he didn't want to, anyway. Why would he want to return to the same planet the Sun Family was based on? What utter lunacy could make him leave his well-deserved vacation?
Nothing, was the answer. Sun Fang would miss Mianmian. They'd call each other, and he would visit in a couple months. Mianmian and Deng Xi would visit him, as well. Not to mention that he was going to be there for Mianmian's birthdays, and Casey's too, he supposed. He didn't really care about Deng Xi's birthday's but then, that had never been a big deal for them. Just like Sun Fang didn't care for his own birthday.
When Mianmian got on the shuttle, Sun Fang was already leaving. He saw no reason to wait until it took off, and as he was already out and about, figured he could stop by at a restaurant on the way home. It would be nice, to share a fancy meal with Ivy that Ivy hadn't made. Give life a little variety.
"It all went well, Young Master?" Ivy asked on the way out, leading the way to the car.
Sun Fang bobbed his head. "As well as it could," he said, then frowned. "It went well," he said again, "Mianmian is on his way home, and I'm going to a restaurant on the way back."
"We're swinging by the shopping district?"
"The smaller one," Sun Fang confirmed. He wasn't feeling up for the hustle and bustle of the main one. Disregarding the fact that that was where Mo Cheng worked (though it was far too big for him to realistically run into him) it was always just so full of people. Sun Fang wanted to go to a place with a slower tempo tonight. Get a chance to breathe and organize his thoughts. He wanted to go to a place where the world was quieter.
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