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Going out to the movies in the middle of moving was a good thing, in Sun Fang's opinion. They had been hard at work, and so it only made sense to take a break every once in a while. So to the movies they went, watching an old classic on the gigantic screen. They got good seats, too, and the movie was an old favorite of his. He could still remember watching it every week for months when he was a child, determinedly sitting on Ivy's lap and singing along to the opening song.

After the movie was finished, they went for a walk. Sun Fang's stomach was kind of bloated—he'd eaten too many sugary treats in the cinema. His mouth was sticky, too; he could use a good brushing.

Smacking his lips, Sun Fang swung the hand connected with Ivy's, delighting that Ivy played along, swinging right there with him. Sun Fang glanced at him over the edge of his large, round sunglasses, grinning with the warmth curling in his belly. He then looked around at the park they were walked through, the artificial plants colorful but unable to truly pass as real. This wasn't one of those botanic gardens, where the domes were built specifically for plant-life, and it was glaringly obvious.

Once, when Sun Fang first went to this planet, he'd witnessed someone trying to grow genetically engineered plants in a park much like this; they hadn't even lasted a year. Guillotine was just incredibly hostile to all life.

Pouting, he sidled closer to Ivy. "Did you like the movie?" he asked, looking out at the view around them still. The sun was beginning to set, at last. They were in the that sweet zone of not steaming hot, and not freezing cold that only lasted for an hour or so, before nightfall. His eyes trickled over the other people out walking, and he nodded to the few that he vaguely recognized.

They weren't far from their apartment building, now, when Ivy broke the silence to say, "It was enjoyable, as always."

Sun Fang's eyes narrowed. He looked at Ivy with suspicious littering his gaze, his cold eyes like lasers at his long-time butler. "Really... you didn't seem to be paying much attention to it, though? Why, it almost seemed as if you weren't watching it at all?"

Ivy's steps hitched for a single second, then it smoothly kept walking, Sun Fang keeping pace effortlessly. He kept his amusement at bay, more interested to see how Ivy would respond, what it would say, what it would do. Was it going to lie to him? Defend itself? Justify it? He was intensely curious, all of a sudden.

"I wasn't watching the movie," Ivy fessed up, without Sun Fang even needing to resort to more extreme measures. Like tickling. ...Could Ivy be tickled? He shook his head at his thoughts, and watched Ivy stare straight ahead, as if not looking at him would spare it Sun Fang's judgement. Ivy continued, "I have seen the movie forty-seven times. I have memorized every line. I can picture the entire movie playing out before me."

Sun Fang's eyebrows slowly furrowed. He hummed and asked, "So, then, you didn't enjoy it?"

"I had fun," said Ivy, finally turning its head to look at him. It smiled at him, so softly that Sun Fang's heart almost stopped in his chest. It said, "You love this movie. It is always fun to watch it with you, to see you be spellbound time and time again."

Sun Fang stared at Ivy for a long moment, then finally cleared his throat and looked away, sniffling once. He cleared his throat again and said, "Well, I'm glad you had fun."

They fell into silence. The air around them was silent; there weren't any car-streets anywhere nearby and the nether birds nor flies lived in the wild on Guillotine. The air was so silent, in fact, that he could hear his own breath, his own heartbeat, his own blood rushing through his veins.

The horizon was a long, pink line as the sun slowly set. The streetlights in the park were quite a distance apart, and would probably punch very weakly through the night's darkness. Not many people were outside during the night. Despite the day's smothering heat, it was easier to deal with (in a way) than the freezing night. One could lose a few limbs on a night on this planet, if one weren't careful.

Well, Sun Fang didn't have to fear that. He had special clothes made of the most expensive material, to wear when he went out on evenings, so when night fell he wouldn't be finished off right away.

The benefit of being ridiculously rich. Not even nature could defeat him.

Pressing down on his sudden laughter, Sun Fang swung his and Ivy's hand again. He tilted his head back, closing his eyes momentarily.

He'd needed this, he thought. It wasn't bad to admit, either. He'd needed something silly and sweet and mindless like this, to get the ball rolling. Because tomorrow, he would call Mianmian and have that dreaded talk—he'd already decided. He was tired of putting it off, tired of letting his nerves defeat him over and over. He was going to deal with it once and for all; going to, finally, put it all to rest.

Ah, it hurt. "I'll definitely be crying, tomorrow evening," Sun Fang muttered, clinging tighter to Ivy's arm.

"I will bake a cake and prepare a suitable area for cuddling," Ivy said. Sun Fang looked at him, silent, and finally nudged his shoulder against Ivy's. Ivy allowed the movement to startle it, pressing back and giving him something to hang onto.

Sun Fang said, somewhat shakily, "I'll hold you to that." Ivy's answering nod was a balm to a wounded soul. He looked ahead again, seeing the park's exit not far off. Speeding up subtly, he pulled Ivy along as they exited, the sun dyeing the streets orange ahead of them. Sun Fang took a deep breath, and headed onward.

 Sun Fang took a deep breath, and headed onward

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