His fiancé stolen by his (supposedly) kind-hearted and merciful younger brother, Sun Fang decides to take the high road. (To the surprise of everyone who's ever known him.) Instead of fighting to get his cheating fiancé back, Sun Fang sets out to fu...
Sun Fang woke up with his facedown on the pillow. He eyes blinked rapidly, his mind trying to separate dreams from reality with little success. Frowning, his hand patted along the lines of the bed to pull the cover up to his chin and he curled up into a ball, closing his eyes and trying to go back to sleep.
It didn't work. Twenty minutes later, Sun Fang reluctantly rolled out of the bed. Brushing his hands through his wild mane of hair, he yawned as he unsteadily ambled over to the bathroom, snagging a hairbrush on the way. Going to the toilet, brushing his hair and twisting it into a simple tail at the base of his neck, he continued to walk through the apartment toward the kitchen. Only to stop as he came across a spiral staircase leading to the floor below.
"Ivy?" Sun Fang called, placing his hands on the staircase's railing and looking down. "Did you do this?"
Ivy walked out of another room and said, "Yes. It was a surprise."
"You..." Sun Fang furrowed his brows and tilted his head to the side, "You bought the apartment below?"
"Yes," Ivy confirmed, standing beside him. "I needed it for the pool."
"The pool on the balcony," Ivy added. It began to walk down the stairs and for lack of anything else to do, Sun Fang followed. He'd never been in the apartment below, but it had almost the same layout as his own. It was slightly bigger, in the sense that his own balcony cut into the building and was situated above normal indoor rooms down here. However, where before there had likely been a normal room, there was now transparent walls clearly showing sparkling water.
Because Ivy had had a pool built on the balcony. And it was deep, too—it went all the way to this apartment's floor.
Sun Fang stood by the glass and looked up; he could vaguely make out the sunlight filtering through the top of the water. Rubbing his eyes, he pressed his hands up to the glass and stayed still, his eyes glued to that amazing vision.
"I hope... you like it?" Ivy asked, a deliberate pause in the sentence that belied its hesitance. Sun Fang tore his gaze from the waters and stared at his butler. He opened his mouth, wet his lips and closed it again. Turning to face Ivy fully, he took a quick step forward and swept it into a tight hug. He hooked his head over Ivy's shoulder and closed his eyes, his breaths shuddering.
"I like it," he mumbled. "Thank you," he added, his eyes strangely misty.
Ivy's hands settled on his back and softly massaged him. "Then I'm glad," Ivy said, its voice back to its usual inflectionless quality. Sun Fang snorted on a laugh and let go, stepping back to turn to the pool. The water was still glittering in the sunlight.
"Let's get breakfast," Sun Fang abruptly said. "And then I'll try out this new pool."
"Yes, Young Master," said Ivy.
During breakfast, Sun Fang messaged Mo Cheng about the new pool with lots of exclamation marks. He ate the cereal and drank the milk in nearly record speed, an excitement beginning to stir in his stomach. As soon as he was done, he rose from his seat and hurried over to his bedroom where his swimming clothing were.
He tore into the closet, rummaging through it for the swim trunks. Then he shot out into the hallway again and nearly ran to the balcony door. There was still the sound of Ivy clanging something in the kitchen. Sun Fang waved at it when it peeked around the corner, but he had a one-track mind right now and no space for thinking.
The pool was almost even more beautiful from the topside. It was buried in the apartment below and didn't stick up above floor level at all, the water gently swaying from the wind. The sunlight sparkled when it hit the water, causing diamond-shaped light to form on the blue mini-sea.
Sun Fang licked his lips. He rose a hand over his eyes and gazed up at the silent sky, sitting squarely above him. No clouds were traversing it, the sunlight relentlessly attacking as usual. Tilting his head back, he closed his eyes and breathed in the outdoor air, the scent reminding him of citrus. Then he began to hum a lullaby as he changed into the swimwear.
He took his time putting on sunblock. The sun on Guillotine was brutal, and there was no such thing as taking too much caution. He continued to hum as he placed a pair of gold sunglasses on his nose and dipped his toes into the pool.
The water was warm.
Eyeing the bottom, he stepped back far enough and then ran to the edge, taking a leap of faith. The moment he hit the water, all sound ceased to exist. He opened his eyes, his vision obscured by the sunglasses, and grinned.
Rising back to the surface, he brushed his hair out of his face and swam to the edge of the pool. Ivy was standing there waiting for him and asked, "Will you need any refreshments?"
"Not yet," answered Sun Fang. He grinned brightly at his butler, his eyes shining behind the sunglasses. Taking a deep breath, he went below the surface again and opened his eyes, gazing at the blurry image of the apartment the pool was nestled in. He swam to the end and placed his hand on the glass, his eyes beginning to tear up.
He rose back up to take another breath before he dove back down. He could barely see through the sunglasses and the water scratching at his eyes, but he didn't particularly care. He'd done a lot of things in his decades of life (just because Sun Yi was only twenty-nine, it didn't mean that Sun Fang was old, okay) but never this. He could really grow to like this.
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