His fiancé stolen by his (supposedly) kind-hearted and merciful younger brother, Sun Fang decides to take the high road. (To the surprise of everyone who's ever known him.) Instead of fighting to get his cheating fiancé back, Sun Fang sets out to fu...
Flying high over the city he called home, Sun Fang pressed his nose to the window and watched his breath fog it up. He oooh'd and aaah'd over the view, pulling out his phone with a distracted hand, unable to tear his gaze from the view long enough to grab it properly. Thus, it was not really a surprise (but certainly scared him enough for him to jump) when it fell to the shuttle's floor.
This was an impromptu trip. He'd spent two hours looking through vacation resorts on nearby human territories and he'd found one that he'd liked. And so, with absolutely no planning involved, he'd reserved a hotel suite for a good week. With travel time, he'd be gone a total of a little shy of two weeks.
Naturally, Ivy had been surprised. Sun Fang had had to come up with a very ridiculous tale in which he lied and said this was a place he'd always wanted to visit. (It was not. The place had only opened two years ago.)
Picking up his phone, he rattled it a little to make sure that it was intact. Satisfied that he hadn't broken it, he turned on the app and aimed the camera at the window, his mouth opening somewhat as he saw that view again. They had left the dome through a specific opening that the shuttle had raced through along the ground. First when it was outside did it rise to the sky.
From outside the dome, the city looked entirely different. All the lights were smothered by the transparent dome, the high buildings only small pinpricks on an otherwise red canvas. There was a stark line between the environment inside the dome and the outside. Like this, one could clearly see how much humans had had to work to make Guillotine livable.
"Don't you think Guillotine is beautiful, Ivy?" Sun Fang asked, his hand on the window again. He rested his forehead on it, his eyes fluttering shut.
"I do," Ivy said from beside him. Sun Fang threw him a distracted smile, still with his eyes closed. He kind of couldn't believe that he was actually doing this. A trip! With absolutely no planning involved. Even when Sun Fang was doing impulsive things, there'd always been a degree of planning to it. He planned to go shopping and waste a bunch of money. He planned to spend hours watching TV dramas and eating chips. He planned to get into a relationship, suddenly (after only two seconds of knowing his name) writing a whole epic love story with Mo Cheng in his head and when it didn't match the reality, he'd broken up with the beta without a second thought.
He'd really been thoughtlessly cruel to Mo Cheng, utterly disregarding his feelings every moment of their relationship.
He frowned.
Turning his phone over in his hands, he opened his eyes and backed away. He moved over to the closest chair and settled on it, crossing his legs elegantly and tilting his head back. The entire top and walls of the shuttle were transparent, so even like this, he had a good view. He could clearly see his city becoming smaller and smaller below them, see other entombed cities joining it on the planet's red surface.
Ivy sat down on the chair next to him and patted his shoulder softly. "Are you okay?" Ivy asked, voice stiff and unfeeling.
Sun Fang crossed his arms over his chest and huffed. "I'm an asshole," he said, pouting and sinking further into the seat. Ivy's hand was warm on his exposed skin, and he leaned into it, shifting a little so as to be able to rest more against it. Ivy made no move to retract, just kept patting.
"Sometimes, you do asshole things, but you're not an asshole. Why are you thinking like this?" Ivy asked, head tilted.
Sun Fang huffed again. He explained, sulking, "I've been an utter asshole to Mo Cheng, Ivy. I broke up with him all of a sudden! And then contacted him again, all of a sudden! And I'm the one that asked him out in the first place! And now I kind of... miss him."
"Do you wish to enter a romantic relationship with him again?" Ivy asked, cutting right to the heart of the matter. Before Sun Fang could answer, Ivy continued, "You must speak to him about these things regardless. If you have wronged him, you must apologize." Ivy's head tilted. "Does he know you're going on vacation?"
"Yeah, I texted him lots while I was looking through resorts," Sun Fang said. He had the urge to throw his head back and toss his hair, but his hair wasn't really long enough to do that artfully anymore. It'd just be a mess, instead. So he settled for just poking out his painted lower lip more, upping his pouting by three-hundred percent. An utterly lethal amount, if one asked him.
Not that anyone did. A shame, he would love the chance to brag.
"But you haven't spoken about the breakup? Or his feelings for you?" Ivy asked, still pressing.
Sun Fang squirmed. He sucked in a deep breath and turned his gaze to the windows again, staring outside at the stars. They were approaching the upper atmosphere and soon there would be a black sheet painted on the sky. And a whole hoard of stars to stare at. "No, not really," he muttered.
Ivy let go of his shoulder and scooted closer to him, letting their bodies line up. "I want you to be happy, Fang'er. And he did make you happy, didn't he?"
"...Yeah," Sun Fang said. His lips twitched, a tiny smile growing. His fingers slid back into his pocket and he gripped his phone; Mo Cheng had made him happy. It just... hadn't been the same kind of happiness he'd once felt with Mianmian (still felt, sometimes) and it wasn't the all-consuming emotion he'd once had. Things had been much calmer, despite the way Sun Fang had rushed their relationship in the beginning.
And maybe that had... confused him.
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