His fiancé stolen by his (supposedly) kind-hearted and merciful younger brother, Sun Fang decides to take the high road. (To the surprise of everyone who's ever known him.) Instead of fighting to get his cheating fiancé back, Sun Fang sets out to fu...
At two in the afternoon, Sun Fang walked into Mo Cheng's café. Ivy was with him—Sun Fang plainly just didn't want to go here without him. Mo Cheng and him had had an awkward silence going on ever since their talk, but Sun Fang was moving to a whole other planet and he thought... well, he thought he should tell Mo Cheng that face-to-face. He thought Mo Cheng deserved it, after everything that Sun Fang had put him through.
It was only fair, really.
Licking his lips, he stalled just inside the door, glancing around the café's bottom floor. He worried his bottom lip, chewing softly on it. There weren't that many people around, luckily. But it also meant that Sun Fang had a straight line of sight to Mo Cheng behind the counter, and Mo Cheng could see him just as well.
Sun Fang's gaze lowered to the hardwood floor for a moment, and then he took a deep breath, straightened his back and forced back his shoulders. He held his head high as he walked over to Mo Cheng. "Can we... talk, for moment?" Sun Fang asked, voice low.
Mo Cheng put down the rag he had been cleaning the counter with, and frowned a little. But he only said, "My break's in twenty minutes, can you wait around?"
"Year, sure," Sun Fang bobbed his head. He tried to smile at his ex-boyfriend (because that was what they were, right?) but it felt stiff and unwieldy on his face.
"Do you want something while you wait?" Mo Cheng asked after a second. He looked over Sun Fang's shoulder briefly at Ivy, but didn't make any comment on it. Sun Fang was glad—he didn't want to have to defend this.
"A basic coffee will do, thanks," Sun Fang said. He smiled again, glad that his sunglasses covered his eyes. Nervous energy was beginning to run through him; he wanted to jump and move. Just not sit still, which was precisely what he was going to be doing while waiting for Mo Cheng's break. At the thought of that, he added, "And a piece of strawberry cake, please."
"No problem," said Mo Cheng. The other omega moved in practiced motions as he grabbed the cake from behind the counter, putting it on the tray. Because it was simple, it took him no time to add a cup of coffee. Sun Fang paid quickly, and then walked over to the second floor, making sure that Mo Cheng saw where he was going so there wouldn't be any confusion. Ivy silently followed at his heels.
The second floor was cozier than the first. It was broken up into several sections, split by half-walls that went about to his waist. He made his way through them, spotting an empty corner with what looked like very comfortable armchairs.
Placing his tray on the low table, he then sighed audibly. "Are you alright?" Ivy asked, sitting down on one of the chairs.
Smiling, Sun Fang said, "Yeah, I think." He licked his lips and flopped down on his seat beside Ivy, picking up his spoon and cutting off a large piece of cake. He plopped it in his mouth without ceremony, letting the cake melt on his tongue. He relaxed as the taste permeated his mouth, sinking into his bones. Sighing softly again, he smiled at Ivy when he finished swallowing. "I'll be fine," he swore.
Ivy didn't move, simply staring at him. Sun Fang narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything, even when the unbridled attention was starting to get annoying. Instead, he stubbornly ate his cake and drank his coffee in sips, wiling the time away.
Mo Cheng came up the stairs just as Sun Fang was finishing off the last of the coffee, the cake—magnificent as always—already gone. Sun Fang rose halfway as he saw Mo Cheng, waving to get his attention, and Mo Cheng immediately sped up toward them. As he reached them, Sun Fang sat back down and pressed his hands under his legs to force them to stop shaking.
It was fine. Everything was fine.
"The cake was great as always," Sun Fang said when Mo Cheng had been sitting opposite him or a good twenty seconds and no-one had said a word yet.
Mo Cheng's cracked a small smile, murmuring a soft, "Thank you." Then he glance dat Ivy and Sun Fang, clearing his throat as he asked, "What did you want to talk about?"
"We're moving," Sun Fang quickly said, trying to get it out as soon as possible. He didn't want this to be painful, and he didn't want this to go wrong the way so many of his interactions with Mo Cheng had. He added, when Mo Cheng didn't respond, "I thought I should tell you in person."
Mo Cheng slowly nodded, his frown thoughtful. "Where to?" he asked, sounding genuinely curious.
"Firelight," said Sun Fang. He worked hard to not take Ivy's hand, to not cling onto it for support. He needed to be able to have conversations like this on his own, and anyway just having Ivy nearby was already more than enough support.
"Firelight..." Mo Cheng elongated the word, frown easing a little. "That's where you were on vacation. Did you like it that much?"
"Yeah," Sun Fang smiled. He picked up his mug, glanced at it, and put it down again. He continued, "Ivy loved it there, too. And well, I thought maybe a change would be good for us, you know? And it really is so beautiful there, all the green things..."
Mo Cheng was silent for a minute, his gaze distant. He was thinking, but Sun Fang couldn't imagine what about. Finally, Mo Cheng's eyes focused on Sun Fang's, and the beta smiled kindly as he said, "I hope it goes well." Mo Cheng cleared his throat and gave him a mock-serious look, saying, "I expect lots of pictures."
Sun Fang breathed out, the pressure on his chest lessening. He beamed back at Mo Cheng.
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A/N: I read somewhere that the average person needs to see a link about a hundred times before they'll click on it (I'm not one of them, I click every link I see, lol). well, how about it? you've seen me mention my patreon lots of times now... you feeling tempted? *wiggles eyebrows* is my plan working? *evil laughter*