New place,new school

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Ranboo pov:

Here I was, at the gates of l'manburg collage. I was moving into the dorms here, so I had a suitcase with me. I was scared on who my roommates where gonna be, I'm sharing a room with 2 other people from what I know...

I walked to the dorm building and had to fill out a form:
Name:Ranboo m. Beloved
Birth date:———-
Phone number:*************

Once I had fillled it in, I handed the form to the front desk lady who then gave me a room key.
Room 069? Lol, funny number
I walked to the room while giggling to myself.

I got to the room and immediately saw band posters on the door

I walked in the room and saw 2 teens shouting at each other.
"Come on tommyyyy, I'm sure our roommate won't care!"
"Well I care!"

They both looked over at me, the shorter one smiling at me. "Sup! Welcome to hell! Im Tubbo, that thing there is tommy-"
Tubbo walked over to me. "What's your name?"

I stayed quiet for a second. "O-oh.. my names Ranboo.. he/they pronouns.."
"Nice to meet ya! My pronouns are they/it, and his pronouns are he/him"

I smiled. At least they weren't homophobic. "Say, you wanna have first dibs on the room?"
"Oh- sure-?" I looked confused and dragged my suitcase to the room at the end of the hall, I opened the door and looked around.

There was a bed, desk and some shelfs, we where aloud to decorate our rooms so at least it won't be to miserable. I sat on the bed and sighed.

This is gonna be a longggggg year...

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