Maybe its real

408 20 31

Cw:making out
-owner 2

Ranboo pov:

Me and Tubbo where in the dorm alone, Tommy was going to some stupid party. I thought Tubbo would have went, but they don't like party's either.

I was helping it study for a bit, but we lost interest and ordered pizza. We where just chilling and watching a horror movie, but I noticed them getting closer with each jumpscare. And I'm not going to stop myself from thinking it was cute anymore, I've fallen bad for them.

Soon enough, it was cuddled up next to me, gripping onto my shirt. I felt my face heat up and I wrapped my arms around them. "Want me to turn the movie off, bee?" They shook its head. "N-no it's fine- just kinda scary- AHH-" they squeaked and buried their face in my chest.

Now I was a blushing mess, I paused the movie and hugged Tubbo close. "It's just a movie, bee.. it's not real" they nodded but only cuddled closer to me, it now being on my lap. "S-sorry.. didn't expect the movie to be that scary..."

I smiled and ruffled their hair. "Understandable, are you okay?" I was genuinely concerned, but they smiled back at me. "Yeah I'm okay.." it looked up at me, glancing at my lips before shaking their head and looked down.

"You alright there?" I used one finger to make them look up at me, it's face was bright red. "Y-yeah- I'm alright-"

Tubbo pov:

My face was red hot as I glanced at Ranboos lips again. I wanted to kiss them so badly, but I didn't want to seem weird. We've only known each other for about a week now-!

"I know what your wanting to do" he spoke calmly. "Wha-"
"I'm not stupid" he cupped my cheek with one hand.
"I-I didn't know if you wanted t-to-"
They pulled me closer and kissed my nose. "Well I do~"

My face went redder as I moved so I was straddling them, he cupped my cheeks and kissed me gently.

I closed my eyes and kissed him back, it felt like heaven. He ran their hand through my hair before we pulled away. I wanted more, I wanted to kiss them again.
So I did.

This time it was more rough, I bit his bottom lip and as they gasped, I slipped my tongue in his mouth. Our tongues danced as we fought for dominance, me ultimately winning.

His hand rested on my waist as i deepened the kiss by tilting my head.

The kiss was full of love and care, I never wanted it to end. but they pulled away, a string of siliva connecting us.

He wiped their mouth a brushed my hair out my face, a soft smile formed on their lips.

"What does this make us then?" I questioned, I've never really loved someone like this, so I didn't know what to do. "Partners? Boyfriends? Whatever you prefer"

I was taken back. He didn't just say we where boyfriends..?
I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder. "Partners.." I mumbled quietly.
They kissed the top of my head and wrapped their arms around my waist. "Alright honeybee.."

I blushed at the nickname, burying my head in the crease of their neck. They picked me up slightly to move me into a more comfortable position on their lap. "Your so adorable"
Welp, now my face in completely red.

He chuckled and rubbed circles on my back, making me fall asleep slowly.
I like this...
I love this..
I love him.
Woooo another chapter done
You might be getting yandere Tubbo, you might not.
Here, how about you make the decision?:

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