It was all a dream?

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No pov:

Tubbo disposed of Tommys body, not feeling a bit of remorse.

He doesn't know how, or why, for that matter. Tommy wasn't a bad person! He was a great person in fact! He didn't hurt anyone, he just did understand that ranboo and Tubbo where dating.

But Tubbo didn't care. He tried to take ranboo, his ranboo. And that his wouldn't slide.

He smiled after finishing his work, but everything started to set in.

That was his best friend. The one person who was there for him, the one person who helped him at his worst. And he killed him for a boy he met a few months ago.

Tubbo didn't know what to do, he was lost, confused. He never thought he would have to try figure out what to do without tommy, he always thought tommy would just be there, that he would never leave.

Some things just don't last forever...

But something was off...

This wasn't real.

Everything looked real, but it was slightly distorted, slightly off putting. Like the uncanny valley.

Tubbo felt his eyes grow heavy, everything so round him darkening slowly..

He slowly succumbed to the swallowing darkness, feeling at peace, and sleepy..

Tubbos pov:

I started to regain my consciousness. I sat up and looked around.

I was in my room, everything was real. I was in my forest green painted room, in my bed with bee bed sheets. Everything was here.

I felt a wave of relief come over me. I realised I never wanted to kill tommy.. I just wanted to distance him from Ranboo. Why would I ever want to kill my best friend?

I smiled and stood up, walking out the room and went to the kitchen, seeing Ranboo and tommy talking.

"Oh hey, tubbo!" Ranboo said in his sweet voice. "Hi tubs!" And theres my best friend with his whiny voice.

I wouldn't change a thing.

"Hey guys" i yawned and sat on the counter. "What ya talking about?" I asked.  "I was telling Tommy about.. well- us two, and he felt really bad about what happened-" ranboo chuckled softly. "I seriously had no idea, I'm so sorry! But I really shouldn't have kissed Ranboo.. that was horrible of me." Tommy apologised, seemingly for the 1000th time according to Ranboos expression.

"It's alright.. can you just- not be so touchy?" I questioned quietly, not wanting to me rude. "Mhm! That's okay! We where already setting up some boundaries just there, it's all good.

I sighed in relief.

This is better than any plan I had. Much better.

Authors note:
I know I was gonna write yandere Tubbo, but I couldn't bring myself to do it- IM SORRYYYYYYY


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