Room decoration and shopping

424 21 59

Tw! Homophobia

No ones pov:

"So no one but me brought room decorations-" Tubbo asked the others. "Apparently so-" Ranboo chuckled softly. "Guess I just rushed to get my clothes packed-"

Tubbo rolled their eyes. "We are going shopping, we need food as well anyway"
Ranboo and tommy didn't argue,they knew they needed food and Tubbo was persistent about them decorating rooms.

Tubbo quickly ran to its room and grabbed their bag and pronoun badge before running back to the other two. "Okay! You two ready?"
Tommy and Ranboo nodded, Ranboo unlocked the door and all three of them walked out the room.

Tubbo was rambling on about something, probably his obsession with bees. Soon enough they where all at the store and spilt up.

Tubbo pov:

Okay, so we are all at the store now and it's my job to do the food shopping cause I have decorations already- not the most lucky thing in the world but I could care less.

I had a list of things to get so I wouldn't get distracted, Tommy sent me it in a message so I'll go get everything now.

I opened up my phone and started walking through the isles, finding stuff wasn't my strong point so it was gonna take a while. I heard some people laughing behind me, so I turned around to see no one there.

Thats weird...

I walked to the freezer isle and collected the last few things I needed, so I had finished my job now. As I was about to leave the isle, I heard someone shout at me.

"Hey! You! The emo over there!"

God I don't wanna do this. I turned around and sighed. "What do you want? And who are you?"
The boy and his gang walked over, I looked confused. "You don't need to know who I am, I just wanted to ask what you pronouns where?"

Oh? Was he actually nice?

"Oh- um- my pronouns are they/it-?"

All the boys around me started laughing. God that was a mistake.

"So your an object?"

"What- no I never-"

"Guys look! It's a fucking emo doll!"
"More like an emo f4gg0t!"

I blinked back tears and I pushed past some of the boys, dragging the cart behind me. "Aw! There he goes! Little fucking pussy."

I'll need to deal with those guys again at school. They all. Went. To. My. School.

I sighed and walked to the home section of the store, seeing Ranboo.
"Oh- hey tubs! What's up?"
"Nothing.. are you almost done shoppin'..?"
Ranboo nodded, picked up one last thing before taking the cart off me.

"Tommy is at the check outs.. you sure your okay, bee?"
I felt my face heat up when he said that. That's the cutest nickname ever-"
"Y-yeah, I'm okay-!"

God Tubbo don't fall in love with someone you just met!

When got to the check out, payed for all our stuff then headed back to the dorm building, it was pretty chill after we decorated the room.

We all sat on the couch and we where just eating pizza and talking.

Maybe this year won't be so bad?

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