Is this love?

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Tubbo pov:

At this point tommy has went to bed and it was only me and Ranboo in the living room.
In silence.
Until he spoke up

"Your names Tubbo, yeah?" I turned towards them. "Uh- yeah, well my real name is Toby, but I prefer Tubbo." I smiled softly and hugged my knees to my chest. I thought the conversation was gonna end there, but he kept talking.

"Thats a pretty name" he smiled back. I felt my face heat up again. "Pretty n-name-?" I managed to stutter out. "Mhm! I haven't heard anyone called Tubbo before, it's interesting and unique.. kinda like you"

I grabbed onto one of the pillows on the couch and buried my face into it. I heard him giggle then stand up. He walked behind the couch and ruffled my hair. "I'm going to bed, you should sleep soon as well.. Goodnight, bee"

"Goodnight.." after I spoke, they walked to his room, leaving me alone in the living room. I checked the time and it was 1am. I just stayed on the couch and ended up falling asleep there.

Ranboo pov:

I woke up to the ringing sound from my alarm. I turned it off. I yawned and stood up, then went to my closet to get changed. I just put on the usual stuff I wear but added some necklaces and rings.

I walked out my room and saw Tubbo still asleep on the couch. He looked so cute and comfortable... Ranboo- no. That's creepy- you only just met them!

I sighed and walked to the kitchen. I started making toast for everyone when I saw Tommy walking into the kitchen. "Morning ranboob" I scoffed at the nickname. "Morning tomathy" he glared at me and I laughed.

Once he picked up his toast, he went back to his room to change. I quickly finished my breakfast then walked to the living room and sat on the bed of the couch Tubbo wasn't taking up.

They looked so peaceful while it was sleeping and I didn't want to wake them, so I stayed quiet.

A little later, Tubbo woke up and yawned. "Where- oh- hi Ranboo" he smiled at me and sat up. I smiled back. "Morning bee, how are you?" I saw its face heat up and I giggled.

What if I do love them..?

"I-I'm good- how are you, boo?"
Right, now I'm blushing.
"I'm a-alright-!"
"Your blushing!"
"So are you!"

We stayed quiet for a second before bursting into laughter. "We are- Idiots-" they managed to muster through giggles.

After we calmed down, Tubbo got its breakfast then changed into new clothes.
I don't know if I like them or not, we've only been friends for 2 days!

Is this love..?

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