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Tw! T slur (I'm trans btw), transphobia and homophobia

The teams have been made, Tubbo and Ranboo on opposite teams(much to tubbos disliking.)

As the game started, Tubbo didn't bother going forward to grab a ball, they just stayed behind some of the taller people and hid.

Ranboo on the other hand was managing to get many people out, leaving only Tubbo and 2 other people on the other side.

The people on Ranboos team where only aiming for Tubbo, who was dodging everything.

"Hey- shouldn't we try get the other two? Tubbo keeps dodging-" Ranboo suggested. "Didn't you hear? It's all over Twitter, tubbos trans! We are trying to get her out because she's a tranny."

This made Ranboos blood boil. "They shouldn't be targeted because of who it is." He grabbed a ball and threw it at one of the other people, hitting them easily. "Get the other one then it'll be easier to get Tubbo."

They all scoffed and got the other guy, then Tubbo. "Take that, Taylor!"

This caught Tubbo off gaurd."

"W-what...?" Tubbo mumbled,

That was the last straw for ranboo.
He grabbed tubbos hand and pulled them out the gymnasium.

Tubbo clung onto him tightly, crying quietly into his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, bee.. I'm so so sorry-"

"I-it's okay- it w-wasn't your fault.." tubbo sniffled.

"Do you want to go get changed then go to the library..?"
"Yes please..."

Sorry it's short, again, I had to get a chapter out

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