The plan

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Tubbo pov:

Nothing will change my mind. Tommy had to die.

There's no other way! What if ranboo loves him more than me? I can't lose him!

Who cares if ur known tommy for 10 years, I love ranboo. I need him.

I 100% sound crazy right now, but I don't care. I will protect the one I love. Ranboos mine. And only mine.

So I invited tommy to go shopping on Saturday, I know ranboo has a job interview then so I won't get caught by him, lucky me!

Although, I will need to turn my notifications off so it doesn't distract me, that might make him a bit suspicious-

Jeez didn't think of that- I'll just say I was studying and didn't want to get distracted, he won't mind, he's not like that.

So now lets settled, let's get onto the main plan:

Tommy is quite new to this town, I loved here when I was 10 and I spoke to him over discord most of the time, Tommy only moved here for collage, so that means I can tell him where something is and he'll have to believe me!

That's while I'll lead him to a dead end.
No where to run
No signal
Just us
And soon to be just me.

The plan was perfect, hardly any cons apart from if tommy can run away.
I doubt it, he may be taller but I'm stronger and faster than him, so hardly anything could go wrong.

This is it, my beloved will be safe!

He'll be mine.



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