Ch.VI Damian Valorin

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The Song of A Siren

The seduction of the grey smoke before me tempts me with its intoxicating, yet lethal smell and I let myself become victim to it as I close my eyes briefly and enjoy my time in it as the dying fire pinches my fingers indicating the smoke was dying out even more than before. I didn't care though and I let a heavy sigh escape past my lips as I tilt my head backwards a bit and the cool air nips at my skin like a kitten biting its owner's toes thinking it's a game.

'Oh Damian~' A sultry voice speaks up and I open my eyes half lidded, not yet ready to be fully awakened from my nap. I'm met with a pair of bright hazel eyes that have amber flecks swirling in them and I pull the cancer stick away from my mouth as I breath out the toxins through my nose.

'What is it, Gloria?' As I spoke the wench's name it was like an invitation to her as she lowered herself in the hot water and her face held an art of seduction to it as her arms were on either side of me as she lowered herself onto my lap. She carelessly slithers her arms around my neck once she gets herself situated and I watch her with no emotion on my face as I carelessly put my hands on her hips and keep a loose grip on them.

'You haven't seen me in so long...I started to wonder if you would forget about me,' Gloria leans forward as she nips at the bottom of my ear in a seducing way, but I found it mildly irritating as I only wanted to take my bath in peace and away from unwanted company. 'Master~' She whispers the word seductively into my ear and I lean back in interest at Gloria's feeble attempt to bed me. A smirk graces my lips as I let my eyes travel to her hips to her face and I took notice she really fancied herself up for this. I wondered for a brief moment how it took her to get this doll up, but the thought was only a fleeting thought as I leaned forward and took a whiff of Gloria's hair. It held such an intricate smell to it as it smelled like burnt wood and lilacs. The smells don't go together and I twist my face in disgust as I pull away from her and look back to her hazel eyes. They were calculating my every move as was I to her.

I let go of Gloria's waist with my right hand as I ran it through my hair carelessly and I looked at her in a bored manner as I arched my brow. 'You know I'm not one to forget things so easily, Gloria. I merely seek the company of silence.' Gloria's seductive smile turns into something predatory like and I become alert at this while I keep my exterior cool.

'You know...,' No, I obviously don't know you wench, 'the people are growing concerned for you. They think you have gone rogue and turned into a homosexual on them.' The words are like venom coming out of Gloria's mouth and I don't entertain her anymore as I push her off my lap as I stand up. I was done with these charades. 'They want an heir, master.' Gloria hisses those God awful words at me and I look down at her feeble, venomous, form and scoff at her.

'I will not be having my heir with you, Gloria. You are nothing but a wench and a tool. Not to mention you are not my essence and never will be, so get lost before I grow to have an appetite to see you dead.' I turn my head upwards to the sky as I peer menacingly down at her and she scoffs at me as if I was the ridiculous one.

'Those rumors are not true.' She snarls at me and dares to show her fangs to me and I watch curiously. 'You will not scare me away! I will conceive your baby today!' Gloria rises to her feet and in one foul swoop as I wrap my arms around her waist as I stab my protruding fangs into her neck and the blood flows like a river out the puncture wounds I make and I suck the blood and life out of her as I could feel her body going limp in my arms.

Her body soon became dead weight in my arms and I dropped her body in the hot water as I watched what little blood I left behind spill out of her body and into the water. Everything was getting stained red and my appetite wasn't even nearly full as I had only grown more hungry from her bitter blood.

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