Ch.VIII Trixibella Morris

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Who, Who, WHO

Soft murmuring could be heard as well as machines beeping.

And then everything clicks. I'm in a hospital after my apartment exploded in fire, leaving a number of dead, and I'm the killer. My stomach twists in knots as my throat clenches on itself as I could hear the machines beeping more erratically. Shouting could be heard as footsteps overtake my hearing as people hold me down and I fight them. I thrash against them as a scream was fighting to get out, but before I could do something irrational someone grabs a chunk of my neck and a prick could be felt. I internally cuss the person out as my eyelids feel heavy once more and I'm welcomed by sleep.

I open my eyes only to close them immediately as they were assaulted by a bright light and I cover my eyes with my right hand. I let out a disgruntled sound as I turn on my side and a wave of nausea hits me like a commercial truck. I force myself back onto my back and once the nausea subdues I remove my hand slightly from my eyes as I squint at the lights. They will be the death of me.

'Trixibella Morris?' I fling my head to look at the voice that called my name and I swear I could feel my brain hit my skull causing me a concussion from that movement. I wince as I rub my head and I look at the person with curious eyes. They weren't in scrubs, no white doctor coat, and no police uniform. The next thing that pops to my mind is that I don't have any friends or family members despite living by myself for three years. I just never saw the possibility of getting in touch with my family once I killed my parents, and I didn't see the need to make friends only to lie to them about my past. It was all so pointless and meaningless. 'Can you hear me? I mean I guess you can since you looked my way,...perhaps...lost in thoughts?' The person steps towards me and I tense as I look at them warily.

The person before me was tall and slim as their skin was horribly pale (although I'm sure I'm not any better) and their hair was a dark chestnut brown as it cascaded down their back. Their eyes were a stunning tortoise color that I didn't even know was possible and their aurora held such elegance. The clothes the person wore didn't give any of that away as they wore a plain white t-shirt and ripped blue jeans.

I gulp before pressing my lips thin and licking them. I open my mouth but nothing comes out. A moment of fear overtakes me and before I know it the person has their arms wrapped around me in a protective manner.

'You need to calm down if you don't want to be drugged again.' I nod at the person's words as I close my eyes and try to calm down as I could feel my heart calming down. The person unwraps their arms from me and grabs my hands instead as they look into my eyes intensely that almost makes me look away, but I hold my ground and stare just as blatantly. The person's mouth curves as they smile. 'Tough cookie, aren't yeah? Well, don't worry I mean you no harm as I'm a friend. I'm just here to evaluate you as you're going to be relocated.' I nod my head slowly in apprehension and the person lets go of my hands. I almost miss their hands in mine, but they shove the feeling deep down in my heart as I cross my arms across my chest.

I think for a brief moment before trying my voice again and my voice cracks as I say, 'Are you relocating me to prison?' The person lets out a hefty laugh before they go quiet.

'Why would you go to prison, dear? Because some of your neighbors died in that terrible fire? It's not your fault that they died. They were a bunch of sheeps anyway.' The person spoke with malice and I was put more on edge than before. Was this person here to kill me? Why are they acting this way? I clench my hands and the person observes me before their eyes light up. 'Oh! I'm terribly rude aren't I? Here am I calling your neighbors a bunch of sheep and you don't even know my name!' The person holds out their hand to me as they lower their head, the shadow on their face makes them look ominous and villianness. 'I am Vincent Geroge Walls the Third.' I look down to their hand once more before I gulp and I grab their hand giving it a firm shake to the best of my abilities, with how much fear was running through me.

We sit in an awkward silence for a few seconds before I blush in embarrassment. 'Trixibella Maur Morris, as you know.' My voice is small and weak as I slip my hand away from his and he gives me a sharkish grin. With all of my courage I push the next set of words out of my mouth. 'Why are you here? I know you're here to relocate me, but why are you truly here?' Once I was done asking the question I let out a shaky breath as my hands trembled and I fisted them as I held back tears.

I watched Vincent raise his head to look at me and I gulped once more as I felt weak in my knees and I was thankful in that moment for being in a bed instead of standing.

'Well, I heard so much about you! I had to come here and see you myself! You're so adorable.' Vincent reaches towards me and before I could pull back he pinches my cheek and wriggles it around as he makes baby sounds. 'Such a cutie! Yes you are, yes you are! Who's a good girl? You Are!' Vincent coos at me and I felt sheepish as I let him continue on for a bit before he was pulled off of me by a bulky, but slim, man. I scooted away from the pair a bit as much as the bed would allow and I could feel my fear rising once more.

'Vin stop scaring the poor girl.' The gruff man drops Vincent to the ground and I watch with utter horrification as Vincent gets up and pats himself off.

'If anyone is scaring her, it's you! You look like some mofo boss! Babe you should lose the muscle and be my chubby big scary husband!' Vincent frets around the man that is his husband and the man looks dog tired out of his mind. I felt less scared of the man knowing he was with someone like Vincent.

'I'm not doing that.' The man gruffly replies to Vincent before he looks at me and I shrink under his scrutinizing gaze as I duck my head. I could feel my stomach knotting itself up as I could hear time tick by with each passing second.

'Well what do you think?' Vincent asks in a curious voice and I press my lips together not wanting to be here for their conversation. I just wanted them to go away. I just wanted to go back to my apartment building and salvage anything that was left by the fire.

'I think she's scrawny.'

'Isn't that good? It means she won't be a problem.'

'She won't be able to survive the soulbond ritual.'

'You're still going to do that?! She clearly doesn't have a taste for blood!'

'We can't risk it, Vin and you know that.'

The two continue to whisper their fight and I start to get a headache from it, but I was too scared of them to tell them to stop, so I silently pull the blanket over my head as I curl up in a fetal position. I closed my eyes as I could feel my forehead throbbing painfully against my skull. Why did the nurses let them in? They're not family, friends, lovers, or authority figures. I thought the hospital would have better security measures than this. Maybe they did know me? I try to recall their faces in my memories, but I was drawing a blank and it was making my headache worse, so I stopped. Instead I lay silently underneath the blanket trying to block out the noise.

In my sick twisted mind I find myself missing my family. My family was never this loud. We never fought this much. We were quiet. We stayed out of each others' way as much as possible. We hid behind discipline.

Discipline of abuse.

I let out a squeal as the hospital blanket was torn off of me and I was startled half to death. My heart beats loudly in my chest as I look at stormy brown eyes and Vincent's husband drops the blanket to the floor.

'Come with us child. We have much to discuss.' Vincent is chuckling as he said that and it makes me wonder how I ever found him scary before. I nod my head meekly as I stand up and in the back of my mind I know I shouldn't be leaving, but there was another part of me that was telling me I was fine to leave the hospital either way.

I wonder if I could escape these two? Don't be stupid.

I clench my hands and I take a deep breath as it felt like I was sealing my fate by going with these two men.

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