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can y'all tell i'm trying to finish this asap 😭


Bey and I were on our way to our engagement party. We weren't on the beat terms but it is what it is. We both know we can't get married yet and honestly the only reason we're throwing this is so she can meet my parents.

"You nervous?" I asked even though I knew she was. She hasn't let go of my hand since we got in the car and I could feel how much she was shaking.

"No. Do you think they'll like me?"

"My sister is coming too. She might get along with Blue, they're about the same age." I didn't want to lie to her so I just didn't answer her question.

"Blue doesn't really like people her age. I just hope she's not too mean to her."

"Blues not that bad, it'll be fine." I hope.

"We're here." The driver told us. I didn't even realize we were here.

Bey and I are both terrible with time management so we were way past fashionably late. Everyone was already here but at least we can make an entrance.

As soon as we walked in people started bombarding us with congratulations. It was nice but it was a lot.

Eventually the crowd dispersed and we were alone again. "They should be here soon. You okay?"

"Shit. I need a drink, you want one?"

"No. My mom would beat my ass if I was drunk in front of her."

"Okay, come find me when they get here." She let go of my hand and went to find some drinks.

I was just as nervous as her but I don't want to scare her anymore than she already was. My mom is like one of those judgmental church ladies, she won't say anything rude but she's so passive aggressive that everyone will know that she's judging you and my dad... All I can do is pray.

"Nika!" I heard someone yell behind me. I turned around just in time to catch my little sister Ming.

"Ming look how big you got! Hey!" I haven't seen her in years, I don't go back to New York anymore.

"Hi daddy." I let ming go and gave my dad a hug. I was a huge daddy's girl.

"How are you babygirl?"

"Since we wouldn't know because you don't call." Carols starting early today.

"Hi mommy." I know how to handle my parents, I'm not too sure how Bey is going to.

"Hi. Where's your friend?"

"My fiancée. I'll go find her right now so don't go too far." I don't even know why she said that knowing this is an engagement party.

I walked away to find Bey and she was drinking with Megan. They need to stop partying together, they get sloppy drunk every time.

"Bey. My parents are here." She stopped and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Shit. I'm about to throw up."

"No you're not, come on." She's so dramatic I swear.

I took her cup from her and drank the rest of what was in there. Fuck it. I'm gonna need it to get through this.

I could tell she was still nervous so I took her band and walked to where I last saw my parents.

"Calm down, it's gonna be okay." Her hands were starting to sweat the closer we got to them.

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