Chapter 3

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"So, wanna come over to my house and study for that science quiz?" I asked Liz as we walked home.

I haven't told her about the note. I haven't even decided if I would meet him. She would most likely tell me I was imagining it, that he would be faking.

"Sure," she said beaming. "So, I saw Connor follow you out of the room," she nudged me with her elbow, "what happened?!"

"Nothing, he just told me Annie didn't mean to be overly mean," I lied.

"Oh," she said slightly disappointed. "So, are you okay?"

"Well, kinda. I heard you yell at her, thanks." I mumbled.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me," she handed me my notebook. A sudden surge of air brushed my hair around me, impairing my vision temporarily.

"Thanks, I owe you one." I said, leafing through the pages. A few pages were missing, I noticed immediately the pattern. I suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" asked Liz. She turned back at me, her eyes searched mine quizzically "Did you take pages from my book?"

Liz shook her head 'no'. "Why?" She asked.

"The the pages about Connor, gone," I whispered. We looked at each other, knowing who took the papers. Annie.

"What a bitch!" exclaimed Liz. We walked the rest of the way to my house in silence. Both of us feeling a little down, imagining what would happen. We walked towards my small house. The wood was darkened from the previous rain. I didn't see a car in the driveway, it was usual.

"Mom must be shopping," I lied I knew what my mother was really doing, drinking at a club like always. It embarrassed both Charlie and I a lot. I only hoped Liz didn't realize.

The door opened without needing a key and pounded up the stairs without taking our shoes off. I sighed dramatically and opened a textbook.

"I really don't understand this" I said pointing to a picture of the periodic table of elements.

"Honesty, I don't care enough to understand" says the one with an average of 86%.

I groaned.

"I'm hungry," I said, "want an apple?"

"Uhh... sure." Liz said. I ran downstairs to the kitchen to get two apples. I took my time washing them and then walked back upstairs. I heard a car engine stop and I assumed it was Charlie, coming back from work.

I opened the door to my room and saw Liz staring at the clock

"Uhhh... Liz, are you okay?" I asked.

"Of course! I'm fine, just fine," she said in a too cheery voice. She looked at me and gave me a fake smile,

"just checking the time... it's quarter after six..." she continued. We heard the front door slowly open, then slam shut. Liz grinned wildly.

"Wanna play a game?" she asked suddenly.

"Well, sure," I put the apples on my desk and looked at Liz. She was hiding a smile. "What kind of game?" I asked.

"How about... hide and seek?" She suggested. I nodded.

"You aren't allowed to look, so... let's blindfold you!" she put a tee shirt over my eyes. I heard footsteps come slowly up the stairs.

"Okay," she said, "count to ten!"

"One...two..." the footsteps came closer, "three...four...." I heard my door open and close. "Five...six..." I began to smell my mom's perfume. Lots of it. "Seven...eight..." I heard his hushed laugh. "w-who's there?!" I say franticly. No reply. I turned my head to where I thought the door was.

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