Chapter 7: Making Connections

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I stood there frozen for a couple of seconds after reading the text. I started to sweat and my throat felt dry as I tried to think of what to say. "What should I do? I frantically think to myself as my mind begins to race. "Should I answer her? Should I pretend my phone was dead? Should I play stupid and act like I wasn't there when it happened?" I try to force myself to calm down as I send, "Oh yeah?" To Jiro trying to play it as cool as possible. After a couple seconds I see her typing and I tense up. "Yeah turns out that Purple ball haired kid in our class is a pervert!" I type back saying, "Gross...that's not cool!" And hit send while I lay on my bed. My phone dings and I look to see that Jiro sent, "Tell me about it! He tried peeping at the girls through a hole he found in the boys locker about creepy right?" I swallow the knot in my throat and continue to play it cool and send, "Oh yeah! I was there when that happened...the guy tried to get me to look too but I refused!" After a couple of seconds she sent back, "Well I'm glad you didn't peep on the girls...that must have been pretty tough to resist huh?" I started sweating again as my cool guy facade started to crumble. "I mean....Yeah it was pretty tough, but I stood my ground." I grabbed my guitar from the corner and started messing with it to help calm my nerves. Jiro buzzed back with, "Either way, that Mineta guy needs to chill out!" I tune my guitar strings for a second and respond with, "I'm guessing you stabbed him in the eye because you heard him using your quirk right? Jiro responded with, "Yeah I totally heard that creep yelling through the wall and gave him what he deserved!" I chuckled a little at that last text. How is it possible for her to be cute even when she is texting? I reply back with, "You sure did Jiro! That creep was asking for it too so good on you!" I wipe the sweat off of my brow and give myself a sigh of relief. "Crisis averted!" I think to myself, as I turn my attention back to my phone. We continued to chat about random things that came to mind but mostly about our first day at U.A. high. After awhile my dad called me down for dinner and I told Jiro I'd see her around and headed downstairs to some delicious spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread! It was amazing as always and I ate it all while talking to my dad about his day at the Law Enforcement Agency in Tokyo. Later that night I lay in bed and think about all the events that happened on my first day of hero training. I had successfully passed Mr. Aizawa's tests, I had connected with several students and made some new friends, I saw some really cool new quirks, and I even got Jiro's phone number! I sigh and lay my head on my pillow and look up at my ceiling with a smile. If this was the U.A. lifestyle then I could defiantly get used to this! I set my alarm for the morning, pop my earbuds in, swipe to my Neck Deep playlist, and close my eyes as sleep eventually takes me. I wake up once again to my evil villain alarm clock. After turning it off, and getting ready for the day, I make my way down the stairs to find the house empty. I notice a note on the table and I pick it up to read. "Hey kiddo! Got called in to work early this morning. I think that I might be close to getting a promotion with all these extra hours they are throwing at me! Anyways I didn't forget about my future pro because there is some Yum-Yums in the fridge with your name on them in maple syrup :)" I smile to myself as I open the fridge to see some pancakes on my favorite All Might plate. My dad can come off as cheesy to some people but I love him and the stuff he does...even if it is a bit extra! I heat up the pancakes in the microwave and check my phone as I wait. I debate sending Jiro a text but I don't want her to think I'm desperate or anything so I leave it be for now. I hear a knock on the door and open it up to see a tired looking Hikara. "Sup man, how's your morning going?" I say as I let my best friend in. Barely alive anything to eat?" I motion to the fridge and I say "Help yourself." As Hikara raids the fridge, I get my food from the microwave and dig in. As we both eat we talk about the normal stuff like school and hobbies. Once we are both done we head out the door and I lock it behind us as we walk to the station. On the subway ride my phone vibrates and I check it to see a text from Jiro saying, "Hey I was listening to some music and I found some songs you might like!" I smile and send her a message back saying, "Ok cool! I'm always down to hear more songs so thanks a lot!" Hikara looked at me with a suspicious expression. "You ok man? You look like you gotta pee or something." I laugh and turn to him and say no I'm just playing a game on my phone and this boss is kicking my ass!" He smiles and says, "You should probably just get good at the game then bro!" I playfully punch him on the shoulder and say, "You don't have to be a dick about it!" He rubs his shoulder and laughs then gets on his phone. I decide not to tell Hikara about Jiro just yet, because he will do nothing but bug me about it if I do. My phone buzzes and I look to see a list of songs that Jiro sent me. "I'll have to check them out later." I think to myself as I send a thumbs up emoji in response. Hikara and I get off the train and leave the subway. Once we got to U.A. Hikara and I parted with our Plus Ultra hand shake and parted ways to our classrooms. My morning classes were English, History, and Algebra and went by very slowly. I've never been a huge fan of any of those subjects, but I didn't mind history because I got to learn about hero's and the origins of quirks. Next came Hero Basic Training which I was super excited for. After all, hero training is the first big step for me to achieve my dream of becoming a pro hero. As I make my way to Classroom 1A I go through what today's class will be covering. I walk through the door and look around to see that I'm early and nobody else is in the room yet. The classroom was fairly large with several student desks and a large desk and white board at the front for the teacher. I sit down in my seat and pop some music into my eardrums to help the time go by faster as I wait. Recently I've been drawing inspiration from certain artists and I started to attempt to write my own music. I pull out a notebook and review what I had so far which was just the first verse lyrics with some guitar chords I'd added in. I take a ruler out of my bag and use it as a makeshift fretboard and practice the chords as I sing the words quietly to myself. Before long people begin to trickle into the classroom and I put my song notes away. I see Thomas walk in and wave to him and he waves back and goes to his seat. As he sits down I look a little bit closer at his neck and I'm surprised to see what looks like part of a large scar going from the back of his neck down past the collar of his uniform! I wonder what happened to him to create that large of a gash? I stop staring and decide not to ask him about it. My attention then turns to the sleek and gentle figure of Jiro and she walks into the classroom and looks my way. I give her a wave and she smiles and waves back. "God I love that smile of hers!" I think to myself as she goes to talk to another classmate. All of a sudden the entire class is silenced as a booming voice yells, I am here as your new teacher!" I look up to see All Might himself come flying into the room with that world famous smile of his! I'm filled with awe and stare as my childhood hero stands before me. All Might clears his throat and says, "Right! Today we will be practicing fighting villains during a hostage situation, but in order to act the part you must look the part! Everyone designed their own hero costumes before entering the U.A. Hero Course so please get dressed and meet me out at Battle Center Gamma!"

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