Chapter 3: The Exam Results Are In!

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A week later, I'm laying on my bed with my eyes closed as punk rock fills my ears. I was in the middle of the song  "Face Down" by the band "The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus" when I hear my dad screaming my name from downstairs. I take one earbud out and yell, "What's going on Dad why are you yelling?" He runs up the stairs and into my room, breathing heavily and waving an envelope in the air. "I'm yelling because your exam results from U.A. are finally here!" I stare at him in excitement for a second and then rip my earbuds out of my ears and snatch the envelope out of his hands. I push my dad out of the door and slam it shut, then quickly sit at my desk that's completely covered in various band logos. I stare at the object in my hand, soaking up this moment that I had dreamed of for so long now. The smell and feel of the paper, and the sun shining off of the wax seal with the prideful U.A. insignia on it. All of my hard work and training had got me to this fateful moment. The moment where I will truly find out if I have what it takes to become a hero. My hands shake as I grasp the paper envelope and rip it open. A small metal disk dropped onto my desk with a metallic "thunk" then rolls around and comes to a stop. I stare at it for a confused second, then the disk flares to life showing a projection of All Might who pridefully belts out, "BOOYA I AM HERE AS A PROJECTION NOW!"

 I stare at it for a confused second, then the disk flares to life showing a projection of All Might who pridefully belts out, "BOOYA I AM HERE AS A PROJECTION NOW!"

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I scream and fall out of my chair as All Might's muscular body towers over me laughing. "As you know it's been awhile since the exam, but know that with great power comes a great amount of paperwork!" I stand up and sit back in my chair as All Might's projection keeps talking. "The truth is I didn't just come to this city to fight villains, in fact your looking at the newest U.A. faculty member!" I'm completely stunned at this news. This means that All Might could be my teacher! How cool is that?! All Might looks to his left and seems to be talking to someone in the background. "Huh? Yes what's the matter?....Who's showboating?.....OH sorry I'll wrap it up, my apologies young Yusara." I laugh and can't help but smile as All Might goes on. "Yusara Kakuro you were able to pass the written exam and collected 68 combat points in the practical exam. "I clench my hands into fists and feel my whole body tense up as I wait for All Might to continue. "However there were other factors involved. How could a hero course reject someone who's is committed to saving others no matter the consequences to himself, after all that is what makes a hero. "My eyes widen as I listen carefully to his next few sentences. "We strive to train those who would risk their lives for the greater good, and that's why we have rescue points! A panel of judges watches and awards points for heroic acts beyond just fighting villains. You helped out another young student so you received 5 rescue points!" I had no idea that was a factor for points in the exam, but it's to be expected of U.A. "You received a total of 73 points total which means that YOU have passed the exam!" I jump out of my chair and scream "YES!" As I pump my fist into the air with excitement. All Might's projection extends out his hand to me and says' "Welcome Yusara you have made it and are now part of the hero Acadamia!" With that the projection turned off and I was left in silence. I stand there for what seemed like an hour, but couldn't have been more than ten minutes. My dad opens the door quietly and says, "Now son just know that if you didn't make it, your still a hero in my eyes and I thought you did AWESOME in the exam!" I slowly spin around in my chair to face my dad with a huge smile on my face and say, "Dad......your looking at the next future pro hero to graduate from U.A. High!" My dad starts to cry and runs over and picks me up and spins me around yelling, "OH MY GOSH YUSARA YOU DID IT! IM SO PROUD OF YOU!" He sets me down finally and wipes the tears out of his eyes and says, "I knew you could do it Yusara. You have your mother's determination in you, and you'll go on to be a great hero one day that will do amazing things for the world!" I smile and hug him again and say, "Thanks dad I love you so much, and I never could have done it with out your constant support." My dad puts his hand on my shoulder and says, "Anytime son, now let's go celebrate your accomplishment with some ICE CREAM!" I nod and follow him out of my room, glancing one more time at the projector on my desk before closing the door. I sent a quick text to Hikara telling him the good news, and asking how his results went. I grabbed my coat and walked out of the house with my dad. Later that night I lay awake in bed not able to fall asleep. I couldn't believe I had done it. I made it, and now my first day of Hero courses starts tomorrow. Something didn't seem right though, and it was nagging at the back of my mind. Hikara hadn't answered my text about his results and I was really starting to worry about him. At first I thought he was probobly just celebrating like my dad and I, but I'm starting to think that's wrong. Hikara never leaves me out of things and always let's me know when things are up with him. He doesn't handle things the best way all the time, and tends to isolate himself if things get really bad. I sigh and do what I always do when I'm anxious or stressed out. I put in my earbuds and play some punk music on shuffle. The last thing I remember is Blink 182, before I drift off to sleep. I wake up again to my annoying as hell alarm. After I win the battle against the snooze button, I rub the sleep out of my eyes and sit up in my bed. I check my phone to turn off my music that was playing all night long, and freeze as I see a message from Hikara. I take a deep breath and open the message. It said, "See you by the subway." And that was it. Not knowing how to take that message, I just got ready for my first day at U.A. High. I jump into the shower before my dad steals all the hot water and wash myself for the morning with the smooth, tones of "Yellow card" bouncing off the shower walls. After that, I did my hair in my signature fashion, got dressed into my school uniform, grabbed my backpack, and ran downstairs for a breakfast of All Might shaped pancakes. I scarfed the delicious, fluffy, buttermilk delights down with the ferocity of a starving wolf! I Swoon with bliss at my dad's amazing culinary skills. If I didn't know any better, I'd say dad had a hidden quirk for culinary mastery, because he could please anyone's tastebuds. "Woah woah WOAH! Slow down sport, or you'll start a famine in the house!" My dad says before laughing, then taking a sip of coffee. After I finish breakfast and say goodbye to my dad, I start the walk to the subway station. It was weird walking to the subway alone, and I half expected to hear Hikara's hand me down shoes slapping the ground as he runs to catch up to me. He didn't of course, but I almost wish he had. This was torture for me. I mean he totally left me hanging with that text. What was so important for him to tell me that he has to wake up early and break our normal routine? I try not to feel too lonely as I walk, and try to focus on the main issue today, which was my first day of the hero course. As I walk, I put my earbuds in to help pass the time. I hum along with the song "Move Along" by All American Rejects and after awhile I get into the beat as I always do and start to mimic playing an electric guitar. I've been practicing the guitar ever since I was little and have gotten pretty good at it. I can play almost every song in my playlist with little trouble. For that reason I can't help but practice the finger placement for the chords, and the strumming rhythms when a song I love starts to play. Practice makes perfect am I right? As I approach the subway entrance I see Hikara leaning against a tree. I take a deep breath, and walk up to my best friend. "Hey Hikara how you been lately, because I've been stressing the hell out!" I say as I smile and stretch my arms out then rest them behind my head. He shakes his head and doesn't look at me as he says, "I've been better man, but I need to know what happened to you first before I say anything." I put my hands in my pockets and sigh before saying, "Well I passed the physical exam, but it wasn't by a lot." Hikara clenches his fists and his whole body tenses up. He starts to shake a little bit and says "Glad to hear that man, I knew you could do it...w-what class did you g-get into Yusara?" He is starting to stutter and I can tell now that something is seriously bugging him. I hesitate before saying, "Class 1-A...are you gonna be ok man?" Hikara's whole body is shaking uncontrollably and he says through clenched teeth, "I was afraid of that...DAMN IT!" He yells out and punches the tree he was leaning against. I put my arm on his shoulder and notice that he is breathing heavily and that his hand is now bleeding. This was not normal for Hikara and I was scared to see him act this way. "Hikara...tell me what's wrong man. why are you acting this way?" He turns to face me with a look of pure defeat. He hesitates before saying, "I barely passed the exam with exactly 60 points from rescuing three people and boosting their quirks. However, my performance was mostly helping others do the work, and because of that...I was put into Class 1-B."

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