Chapter 6: A Red Hot Rivalry!

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"Oh man, oh man, OH MAN!" I think to myself in a panic as I struggle to keep my composure. "If she heard me does she think I'M a pervert too!? I hope she didn't get the wrong idea!" My frantic thoughts keep racing through my head as I attempt to get dressed into my uniform and pack my bag up for the day. "Maybe she was only listening to that creep and didn't hear me....yeah that's it! Maybe she didn't hear me at all and still thinks I'm cool!" I'm snapped out of my thoughts as I'm shoved aside by somebody. I look up to see that purple eyed kid that snapped at me earlier. As he walked past me I say, "You know instead of being a jerk you could just ask me to know, like a normal human being?" The kid stops walking and turns to face me with an annoyed look on his face. "Why should I have to wait on you just because you weren't paying attention? Maybe you should spend less time lost in the clouds and spend more of it being aware of your know, like a normal human being?" I sit there stunned at this guy's rudeness. What was his deal? Did I do something to him earlier that just made him hate me or something? I snap back at him with, "Ok first off, YOU bumped into ME  buddy, not the other way around. SECONDLY, you should be kinder to people on you're first day, otherwise you will make a bad reputation for yourself and nobody will like you!" I say as I throw my backpack over my shoulder. He walks up to me and gets in my face and says, "I don't need friends to be a hero, and if I did...I wouldn't EVER want to be friends with a loser like you! You are just as annoying as that Ida kid! I shoot a quick glance over to Ida who is now looking in our direction. He begins to defend himself by saying, "Now listen here you rude little-" but gets interrupted by the dark haired kid who says, "SHUT IT four-eyes!" Ida sits there in surprised silence as the bully turns back to me saying, "Just so you know...the "normal human being" side of me died long ago so you can save that crap for someone else!" I shove the kid hard and say, "Get out of my face..." as he grunts and stumbles back a few feet. Out of the corner of my eye I see Nukkaru put on his brass knuckles and I notice that Thomas has taken a step towards us and got into a defensive stance. I don't know why but these two seemed to either have my back, or planned to stop both of us if things got out of hand. I stare at him for a few seconds trying to see if he wanted to push this further. He looked at me up and down before scoffing at me and walking out of the room. I stood there for a few seconds confused, then turned to see that everybody was looking at me. Not wanting to look like a coward I shrug and say, "Tch, I guess he woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning am I right?" A guy to my left with spiky yellow hair chimes in with, "I don't know man, but that dude needs to seriously chill out! Oh yeah I'm Denkai Kaminari by the way, nice to meet you Yusara!"

 Not wanting to look like a coward I shrug and say, "Tch, I guess he woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning am I right?" A guy to my left with spiky yellow hair chimes in with, "I don't know man, but that dude needs to seriously chill o...

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I smile and wave hello to him as he points over to the creepy kid. "This guy right here is my friend Mineta. Yeah sure he's a pervert, but if you want info on any girls in this school, he's you're man!" I nod and look over at Mineta who was still rubbing his eye. Kaminari leans close and whispers, "Oh and by the way, I TOTALLY agree with you on that Jiro chick bro. She is SO hot!" He gives me a wink and I laugh nervously and scratch the back of my head saying, "Yep hehe...she's something alright, although I really hope she didn't hear me when she was listening to Mineta through the wall!" Kaminari shrugs his shoulders and says, "Nah I wouldn't worry about it bro, I'm pretty sure Mineta was being WAY louder than you." I nod and wave goodbye to him as I exit the locker room. I turn around to see Nukkaru and Thomas putting their stuff away. I sigh and walk up to them and say, "Hey guys...sorry for almost starting a fight, but that guy was kinda asking for it." Nukkaru shrugged and said, "I was just there to stop you two from getting hurt, however I think you were in the right because you were just getting him out of your face." Thomas walked up and chimed in with, "Yeah man don't worry about it because I would have done the same thing if I was in your shoes." I thank them as they both walk out of the locker room and go home. I silently curse myself for making a scene on my first day, but then I shake it off and leave the locker room as well. Normally I would go home and eat, but I wanted to see what the cafeteria was like here. I sent my dad a text letting him know my plan and made my way to the cafeteria. I pop my headphones in as I walk and start my Sum 41 playlist. Eventually I make it to the cafeteria and get in line to eat. As I get to the food I'm greeted by Lunch Rush the food hero who gives me the special of the day, which was seasoned beef stew with rice.

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