Chapter 4: First Day of Hero Training

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      I didn't know what to say. I was stunned as I stared at my defeated best friend. He was in class 1-B which was for quirks that, based on ability and performance, weren't considered top quality hero quirks. I'm happy that he passed and got into UA High, but now all of our hard work and practice together as teammates is wasted. That was our dream after all, and I'm not surprised that the news was crippling and hard for him to except. I still have my hand on his shoulder and his hand is still bleeding. Without saying anything I take off my backpack and pull out a spare black t-shirt and begin to rip it. Hikara looks up at me as I do this and says "What are you doing? Isn't that your favorite Breaking Benjamin shirt Yusara?" I rip off a long strip of the shirt and say, "Yeah it is, now give me your hand." as he slowly holds it out to me. I start to wrap his bleeding hand with the ripped t-shirt. Hikara looks at me and says, "Why are you doing this Yusara? Did you not hear what I said?" I continue to wrap his hand as I say, "Who cares what class your in Hikara your still going to be a pro hero, and I don't think any less of you for that." Hikara looks confused for a second then says, "But all I did was help others be successful. I didn't do anything special and that's why I'm not in class 1-A like you." I shake my head and smile as I finish up wrapping Hikara's hand. Once I was done I looked at Hikara and said, "You think that I would be upset at you because you put others first? That alone makes me proud to be your friend, and helping those people in the exam is the same as coming to a civilians aid during a villain attack." Hikara smiles and says, "I never thought of it that way." as he looks at his patched up hand. I put my backpack on and say, "Be yourself and soon people will know you for it, now let's get on the train so we can get to class you big baby." He nods in agreement and we walk through the subway entrance and get on the train to UA. Once we arrive, Hikara thanks me for earlier and gives me a fist bump before walking to his class. I make my way through UA looking for my class room. The place was so big that you could easily get lost, and that's the LAST thing I needed today. As I walk along the halls I see a sign above a huge door that says, "1-A" on it, and quickly walk up to it. I hear several voices talking on the other side, which makes me a little nervous. I take a deep breath and mentally prepare myself for my first day of hero training. "Alright Yusara, lets not make a fool of ourselves today and maybe make some friends for once." I grab the door handle and slowly slide the door open. I freeze as every student in the room stops talking and turns to look at me. I nervously stand there for a moment and try to think of something cool to say that won't seem weird. "H-Hey everyone...congrats on getting into UA." I say to the crowd of strangers and make my way through the room. A cute, pink skinned girl with horns smiles at me and says, "Hey thanks man you too!" In an energetic voice. I rest my arms on my neck and say, "Thanks! My name is Yusara kakuro...what's your name? She smiles again and says, "Mina Ashido, nice to meet ya Yusara."

I smile at her then turn to look around the room

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I smile at her then turn to look around the room. I spot Ida walking over to me and wave at him. He bows to me and says, "Good morning Yusara I am glad to see you passed the exam, in order to make a good impression on the teacher I'm trying to get everyone to sit and act in an orderly fashion so please try to find a seat." I put my hands up and say, "Hey man I respect that. Don't worry you'll have no trouble from me." as I walk to find a place to sit. I walk past a kid with slicked back hair that looked straight out of a war movie. However, what really grabbed my attention was the gas mask he was wearing. I wave at him and he turned to me and nods his head at me. "Not the most talkative person, but he seems nice enough." I think to myself as I find a desk near the back of the room next to another student who was in conversation with the girl that I now know as Mina. I drop my backpack by my desk and make myself at home. I close my eyes and try to relax but not two seconds later I hear Ida's voice yell out, "Take your feet off of that desk NOW! It's the first day and your already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property you jerk!" A kid with dark, messy hair snapped back at Iilda with, "Your kidding me right? Did your old school put a stick up your ass? Or were you born with it? Iilda hesitates for a second then says, "Let's start over ok, I'm Ida Tenya from the S.O.M.E. private academy." The dark haired kid rolls his eyes and says, "S.O.M.E. huh? So you must think your better than me is that it? Boy I'm gonna have fun tearing you a new one!" The two of them continue to argue on and it's clear it's going nowhere. Annoyed, I put in my earbuds and play some Breaking Benjamin to drown their yelling out. I close my eyes and lean back to relax as the song starts it's first verse and gets to the chorus. My music cuts off suddenly and I open my eyes to see a different headphone jack in my phone. Stunned, I turn to yell at the jerk that just stopped my music, but instead I'm stopped dead in my tracks. A girl stands to my right looking over my shoulder. Her eyes were closed, but the headphone jack in my phone was attached to her ears, or should I say WAS her ear.

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