Chapter 5: A Plus Ultra Fitness Test!

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Again the crowd of students around me gasp in shock, including me. That shock turned into determination when I realized that I had to pass in order to fulfill my dream of becoming a pro. I smiled and turned to see a bunch of cones set up to mark different tests. I'll have to think outside the box if I'm going to do well in all the tests, or else I risk getting kicked out on my first day! The first test was the 50m sprint. I smile to myself and realize that this could be a moment to show off my quirk to everyone and make a name for myself. I'm first in line so I walk up and get ready to go, as I pop my earbuds in and start my favorite playlist. Another student lines up next to me, and as I look at him I realize it was the kid that was arguing with Ida in the classroom earlier. He had dark, messy hair and a blank look on his face. The most interesting thing about him though was the fact that he had one blue eye, but another that was bright purple. I must have looked at him a bit too long because he turned to look at me and said, "You got a problem with me or something kid?" I shook my head no and turned to face the track where Aizawa was standing. A motion capture device that stood at the finish line said "On your marks........get set.......GO!" And I used my quirk to instantly teleport to the finish line. I turn around to face everyone and put on a sly smile as the motion capture device said, "0.001 seconds!" The crowd of students waiting gasped once again and I notice Jiro looking at me too so I put my arms behind my head and smile back. The grumpy guy that was next to me makes it to the line and the device said, "7.23 seconds!" As he catches his breath I say, "Good time dude!" But he gives me a annoyed look and snaps back with, "I don't need you tell me what's good and what's bad!" I hesitate for a second, then say, "My bad bro, I wasn't trying to be rude." He walks past me and pushes me to the side with his hand. I feel a weird sensation go through me when he shoves me, but it ended as soon as his hand left my shoulder. "Weird." I think to myself as he walks away to the next station. I decide to give him space and I watch Jiro go through her run. She ran past me and finished with a time of 8.57 seconds. The kid with the slicked back hair finishes his run in 8.53 seconds and as he walks by me I say "Hey man, not to be nosy or anything, but isn't it pretty hard to run in a gas mask like that?" He stops and looks at me and says, "Yeah it's pretty difficult but I'm used to it." His voice was muffled by the gas mask but he didn't seem fazed by the question. I scratch my head and say, "So you must wear that mask a lot it a part of your quirk?" He shrugs and says "Nope." Confused, I analyze him to try and see if he's messing with me or being serious. "Nice time by the way that was pretty impressive." He says in between labored breaths. I smile and say, "Well it's kinda my quirk's thing so I would hope that I was good at it!" He nods and says, "Yes one would hope so...well I'll see you at the next test...Yusara was it? I smile and nod at him. "My name is Thomas Anderson. Nice to me you." He waved at me and starts walking over to the next test. "Thomas Anderson? That's certainly not a Japanese name. He must be from somewhere else then!" I think to myself as I walk over to the next area. We continued to do exercises that tested things like grip strength, long distance stamina, flexibility, agility and other things of that sort. Nukkaru really showed the class why he was in class 1A by doing great in most of the tests and I was very curious to see what his quirk actually did. I didn't do great in every test, but I did stand out with the long distance run. It hurt my head a little bit but I had the fastest time in both running events! I watched as other student's quirks help them shine in certain tests but not in others, and I started to see how the assessment gauges everyone and their potential. So far I only stood out in the running events, but was that enough to pass? I need to shine again in the ball throw and I think then I should be good in placement with other students. "Alright class this is your last test so do you're best so you don't get sent home!" Aizawa said as he applied eye drops to his bloodshot, and sleepy looking eyes. I went through my game plan in my head as I waited for my turn at the ball throw. One thing I can also do with my blink quirk is build up momentum with multiple teleports in rapid succession, however it puts a lot of stress on my head. If I could build up a decent amount of momentum and launch the ball on the last blink then the ball should go really far. I take a deep breath and nod my head to the beat of my punk rock. So far that cute girl that I saved from the giant robot had the best throw. She can manipulate gravity on things she touches, making the ball go as far and long as she wants! After two more students went it was my turn so I went with my game plan. I built up momentum with rapid teleports and then launched the ball as hard as I could on the last one. The ball soared though the air and landed with a range of 323 meters. I pump my fist with pride as I pop some ibuprofen in my mouth. Up next was kid with the gas mask that I now know as Thomas. He walks up to the starting spot and takes the ball from Mr. Aizawa. All of a sudden a handgun fazes into his right hand and he balances the ball on the tip of it. Before anyone is able to react to what just happened Thomas shoots the ball with a loud "CRACK!" as the ball is sent soaring through he air! I'm completely stunned as to what just happened and as I look towards Aizawa he also looked pretty surprised. Thomas twirls the handgun around his finger with a stylish flourish and it vanishes into thin air just as suddenly as it appeared. The ball finally hits the ground and the measurement read 398 meters! The whole class is stunned, however Thomas puts his hands in his pockets and casually walked to the end of the line. Before he could slide them into his pocket I noticed blood trickling down one of his fingers. Once everyone broke out of their initial shock the line moved on as normal. After everyone had gone Mr. Aizawa ushered everyone over to a large screen. He pulled out a remote and turned on the large screen to show the placements of the class for the assessment. I tense up as my eyes carefully go through each name on the list. I finally find my name placed #7 and I sigh in relief. In last place was a name I didn't recognize that said "Densei Rugo" but before I can figure out who that name belonged to Aizawa chimes in with, "I was lying the whole time and nobody is going home! That's it for class today so I'll see you tomorrow." And walked away. Relieved, I followed the rest of the class back inside. We all grabbed our bags and went to our respected locker rooms to change. Instead of going to the bathroom like last time I changed, I decided I would try to mingle a bit and get to know some of my fellow classmates. I walked into the locker room for the first time and it was about what you'd expect a locker room to look like, only this one was remarkably large and clean. It had walls of tall lockers on both sides with benches in the middle, and off to the back of the room were the showers and bathrooms. I set my backpack on a bench and sat down to grab my hygiene kit to get a shower. As I'm still grabbing my stuff the other guys in my class all trickle into the room and start to get changed. As Thomas walks in I usher for him to come over to me but he rushes for one of the showers and yanks the curtain shut before I can even say a word. At first I was confused but then I shrug and find myself an open shower to wash up with. I worked hard today and worked up a pretty good sweat, so the shower felt GREAT! I let out a satisfied "AAAAAHHHhhhhhhh" as the hot water trickles down my soar body. I dry myself off and walk out of the shower to see everybody crowded around a short, purple ball haired kid who was pointing to the wall.

As I walked over to him he whispered, "Yusara look what gift our past students have left for us!" He pulls back a paper on the wall to reveal a small hole that I can only assume goes all the way through the wall

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As I walked over to him he whispered, "Yusara look what gift our past students have left for us!" He pulls back a paper on the wall to reveal a small hole that I can only assume goes all the way through the wall. "This hole leads to the girls locker room on the other side of this wall! Just think about all the hotties that could be undressing on the other side!" I grimace at him and say, "Ok holy cow you are a creep. Spying on girls while they aren't aware is wrong, even if it is tempting!" Some of the other guys agree with me in the circle but there were some that seemed to agree with the creepy kid. He leans in closer to me and puts his arm around me. "Aww cmon Yusara, you can't tell me there isn't a girl in this class that you don't want to see naked!" My mind flashes to an image of Jiro and have to shake my head to break out of my daze. I push him away from my now beet red face and say, "I mean that Jiro girl IS pretty hot, but that still doesn't make it right for me to spy on her! It doesn't matter how hot they are it's still wrong and I'm not going to do it!" I look around the circle of guys looking for somebody to help me out with this creep, and I see Thomas, Nukkaru, and a couple of other guys nod in agreement at me. The creepy kid shakes his head and says, "Suit yourselves gentlemen but I'm going to take this golden opportunity to peek at all the hotties next door!" He moves to the wall and goes to look through the hole yelling, "I want to see Uraraka's fit thighs, Ashido's slender waist, I WANT TO SEE YAOYOROZU'S BOOBS!" All of a sudden he screams in pain and falls backwards crashing to the floor holding his eye in his hands. I look up to see a familiar looking earphone jack pull itself back through the hole that the creepy kid was just looking through. I realize that she must have used her quirk to hear what he said, and poked his eye for trying to see! I smile, glad that she stopped that creep from being a pervert. My smile slowly fades however, as I realize that she was listening to the whole conversation. I gasp as I realize that if she was listening for that long, then she must have heard what I said about her!

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