Chapter 1: UA High Orientation

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UA High stands tall and strong in front of me. It gives me a feeling of pride, inspiration, and honor to know that soon I will be walking through the same halls as pro heros like All Might, Best Jeanist, Edgeshot, and Endevor. I might even be taught by one of them! I could only imagine walking into class day one and being greeted by All Might himself! Hikara gently shakes me to get my head out of the clouds. "You ok Yusara?" I shake my head to get back to the present and say, "Yeah I'm fine Hikara, it's just that seeing it in person is so...incredible." Hikara pats me on the back and we continue walking. I take a look around me and suddenly notice how many people are showing up and walking inside. "All of these people must be here for the exams like us. I wonder if they have strong quirks." Hikara shrugs and says, "You never know man, there's a whole world of people out there full of awesome quirks!" I take another look around my surroundings, still in awe that I'm here right now. "Anyway, we should get inside before it's too late." Hikara nods as we walk through the entrance door and follow the crowd of people. UA was our dream school so Hikara and I take some time to take in the sights, sounds, and atmosphere of the place. After awhile I notice that we are no longer surrounded by people anymore. I check my watch and almost have a heart attack as my watch screen says, "9:54". Hikara notices something is up and asks me what's wrong. I simply show him my watch and we share a scared look before sprinting back the way we had come. We finally come to a set of doors with a sign that says, "UA High School Exam Orientationin big bold letters. I look at my watch and see that it's 9:58. "This must be it. Let's hurry up and get inside!" I say as I do something between a jog and a walk and make my way through the door followed by a slightly timid Hikara. We enter a huge room filled with chairs on all sides and a podium at the center with a large screen monitor. "It must be for assemblies and important meetings." I think to myself as I look for an open spot for us to sit. Since we are almost late, all of the front and middle row seats are taken, so I look at the back rows and find two seats for Hikara and I. As we walk to our seats I can't help but feel hundreds of eyes on us. I awkwardly sit down, embarrassed that I was almost late to the exams. That soon goes away however, as I hear an overly energetic voice come over a loud speaker. "Good morning all of you wonderful boys and girls!" Everyone focuses their attention towards the podium in the center of the room as a man with very tall, cone shaped blonde hair and a black, almost punk-looking outfit, comes on the stage followed by a rock music intro.

 "On behalf of all of the faculty of UA, let me welcome all of you to the UA High School Entrance Exam Orientation, Brought to you by your super attractive pro hero host Present Mic!" Hikara and I share confused glances as Present Mic continues to...

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"On behalf of all of the faculty of UA, let me welcome all of you to the UA High School Entrance Exam Orientation, Brought to you by your super attractive pro hero host Present Mic!" Hikara and I share confused glances as Present Mic continues to boom through the loudspeaker. "Now which one of you beautiful people are ready to become heros? LET ME HEAR YA!" Present Mic strikes a weird pose as he says this and is rewarded with a completely silent room. Present Mic stands there awkwardly for several seconds waiting for a response. After nothing happens he hesitantly replies with, "Keeping it mellow huh? That's fine I'll just skip straight to the main show." Present Mic, clearly disappointed in the silent response, gathers himself and continues. "let's talk about how this practical exam is gonna go down ok?" I can't help but snicker at Present Mic getting shut down by the crowd and I have to clamp my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing too loud. "As your UA applications said, today is the day you rocking boys and girls will be out there conducting ten minute mock battles in super hip suburban settings!" A large monitor is lowered and turns on. "After I drop the mic here, you'll head to your specified battle centers! Sound good?" More silence from the room as Present Mic is given no slack at all, followed by another snicker from me. "Okay okay, lets check out your targets!" He points to the monitor as he begins to explain what is shown on the screen. "There are three types of villains in every battle center and you'll earn points based on their level of difficulty so better choose wisely!" Hikara and I look at our exam cards and notice that we will be in separate battle centers. I'm in battle center B, while Hikara is in battle center A. Present Mic continues talking. "Your goal in this trial is to use your quirk to raise your score by shredding these foe villains like a mid-song guitar solo!" Present Mic points to the crowd of students and continues with the rules. "But check it...Make sure your keeping things heroic! Attacking other examinees is a UA no no, ya dig?" Before Present Mic can continue, he is interrupted by a loud and confident voice saying, "Excuse me sir, but I have a question." Present Mic, clearly thrilled to finally get a response from someone, yells out, "HIT ME!" The student who interrupted Present Mic was in the row directly in front of me so I got a really good look at him. He was tall and athletic, with well kept blue hair, nice clothes, and glasses.

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