Chapter 2: Fight for the points!

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The huge group of students all sprint through the doors as Present Mic's booming voice continues to push us to begin. I run with the group to start but quickly branch myself off from them to create less stress and more room. As I'm running, I go through my original game plan I had on the bus. Everything should go alright as long as I'm careful and think ahead. I hear the robot before I see it, and prepare for a battle as I run around the corner. I'm greeted on the other side by a large robot that I recognized as a 2 point enemy. It had 4 limbs with a small head and a spiked tail, almost like a scorpion. I waited for the robot to make the first move as it crawled closer to me, quickly closing the distance. It reared back to stab at me with its tail, which is when I made my move. I teleported behind the robot just as it's tail smashed into the ground. Before it realized where I had gone, I touched it's back leg and teleported it strait into the air, then quickly teleported myself onto the roof of a nearby building. I watch as the robot falls helplessly to the ground and smashes into several pieces with a satisfying "CRASH" as chunks of concrete and dust fly into the air. I smile at my work and teleport back to the ground and begin my search for the next one. "There's my first 2 points, but I'm just getting started." I think as I run to an intersection filled with more robots. I see several students fighting the bots using their quirks. I look around and spot a 3 point robot moving around the corner. It resembled a mix between a crab and a tank, with two claw-like arms and four large wheels to propel it forwards. It also had what looked like two hexagonal missile pods on the top of its back. Before it sees me, I teleport on top of its head and teleport it into the sky above a nearby pool. As it falls, it flails it's claw at me and I have to teleport to a nearby building to not get hit. The robot finally lands in the water and malfunctions as the water shorts out it's circuits. "There's 3 more points, now I just have to keep it up." I continue my teleportation strategy on several more robots as my points begin to rack up. I run and vault over the crumbled remains of a robot, as I'm greeted by an open clearing in a park. I see three robots which included a 2 and 3 pointer, but there was also a 1 point robot in the mix as well. The 1 point robot looked like it was built for higher speeds than the others as it was smaller and lighter than the others. It had a slender body and one large motorcycle like wheel at the bottom, and two arms with what looked like chain guns attached to them with a spike on the very end. I quickly analyze the situation, and get an idea. I run into the clearing and wave my arms and yell, "HEY LOOK OVER HERE!" To get their attention. All three of them turn to face me and charge me all at once! Just as I thought, the 1 point robot was faster and reached me first, swinging a wide punch motion at me. I dive to the side and dodge the attack as the robot swerved to turn towards me again. I look around and see that the other two robots had caught up and surrounded me. "Perfect!" I think to myself as all three robots attack me at the same time. I teleport onto the tank crab robot to dodge, and then look straight up to bring it high into the air. I smile as I watch the large robot crush the other two like tin cans as parts fly everywhere! 6 more points added to my score which now totaled up to 29 points. I analyze myself and notice that I'm only feeling some minor pain in my head which is good news. "8 MINUTES REMAINING!" Present Mic yells over the loudspeakers. I'm doing good on points for how much time has passed, so as long as I keep this pace up I should have around 60 to 70 points by the end, with a few minutes to cover for any mistakes or hazards I come across. I keep smashing baddies as more minutes pass by, and I was starting to feel some pain in my head now. I dropped two 3 point robots by dodging cars they threw at me, and three 2 point robots by evading their scorpion tail attacks. I then finish off two 1 point robots. One of them I dodged and then counter attacked with a teleport drop, and the other I baited into a river that shorted its circuits. "I should now have around 43 points, but I gotta go for bigger targets now because of my growing headache which was now a dull ache that was getting steadily worse. I run to an intersection where I find a 2 point robot, and I prepare to use my quirk again when out of nowhere Ida comes running in with incredible speed and kicks the robots head off, scoring 2 points for himself. "Damn I was too slow, but nice one Ida." I say as I pop some ibuprofen into my mouth. He looks at me and says, "Thanks Yusara but I don't have time to stand and talk I'm only at 50 points right now and that will simply not do for me." He speeds off leaving me in the dust. I shake my head and run to a new area as Present Mic screams, " FIVE MINUTES REMAINING!" I run around a smashed building and find another student in combat with a robot but he seems to be frozen in fear as the 3 point robot is about ready to strike. I quickly teleport behind the robot and send him into the sky. Before it falls I teleport the student a safe distance away so they don't become a human pancake. Once the bot is finished, I run over to the student and ask, "Are you ok?" He stands up and says, "I'm fine man...thanks for the help." He runs off and I'm about to start running again when I suddenly grab my head as my headache becomes a strong throbbing pain. "Damn this stupid side effect!" I say out loud to myself as I pop in another ibuprofen pill. I calculate my points to be at 46 now. I look for more bots on top of a building, and spy three 2 point robots crawling in a gas station parking lot. I teleport onto the head of one of them as a second 2 pointer tries to stab me with its tail. I blink away as it destroys the robot I was standing on with the attack that was meant for me. I then teleport it into the sky and drop it on the third 2 point robot before it could react. That gives me another six points making my total 52 points. I spot another 3 point robot as it charges me. I blink it's grab attempt, and make sure that his face meets the pavement. I hear the rockets before I see them and turn to see five of them flying my way. I blink to my right making two collide into each other with a "BOOM" and teleport onto the head of the 3 point robot that just launched the missiles at me. It tries to grab me with its claw but I blink away as the last three missiles crash into the robot and destroy it. My headache is getting worse by the minute and I don't know if I can keep it up for much longer. "TWO MINUTES REMAINING EVERYONE!" I curse under my breath as I hold my head in pain. With the addition of the two 3 pointers I just destroyed, I'm now at 58 points. I should be fine with these last minutes if I can just get a couple more robots. I'm able to find another 3 point bot that shoots more missiles at me. I use them to destroy two nearby 2 pointers that were attempting to flank me, and turn my sights on the 3 pointer once more. I dodge the robot's claw attacks with ease and send it into the sky, then watch as it greets the earth with a loud metallic crash. "That leaves me at 65 points, but there's still time to get more." I think to myself as I have to massage my head to relieve some of the pain. After a moment of that, I shake my head and run back to the main road of the city as a huge robot enters the road smashing a large building over like a tower of jenga blocks. Everyone starts running away from the huge robot and runs past me as I'm stunned by the sheer size of the robot before me. It easily put the other robots I had been fighting to shame, and was as tall as a skyscraper! It had two gigantic tank treads for legs, a wide rectangular body that could bend at multiple angles, and two massive arms that ended in a large curled fist. This had to be the zero point robot that we were meant to avoid, which I fully intended to leave alone. I'm shaken out of my shock as a 3 pointer comes into view a couple of blocks in front of me. "That's it, that's going to give me enough points to pass!" I think as I prepare to use my quirk a final time. I run up to it as it goes for a double armed, hulk smash attack with it's claw hands. I teleport behind it, but it spins around and tries to backhand me. I drop to the ground just in time as the bot's claw flies past just above my head. I get up and wait for a better chance to attack the bot, as it moves forward ready to strike. It begins to spin really fast like a top and speeds forward towards me, and I see the opening I need. I blink to the side of the attack to dodge it. Before it can react, I instantly blink on top of the robot's head then finally teleport it into the sky. The robot drops down onto the concrete and smashes into pieces. I blink back to the ground and almost faint as the pain in my head becomes a splitting migraine. I stagger and sway as I fight to stay on my feet, but eventually catch myself. I pop in another ibuprofen pill, even though I know that it won't do anything for the pain right now. "That's 68 points now, so I should have enough to pass the exam!" I think to myself in pride. My attention is then interrupted by a cry for help. I turn around confused, but then I see that cute brown haired girl I was staring at earlier trapped under some rubble. I gasp as I notice that she is directly in the path of the huge robot. Next thing I know I'm running towards the huge robot at full speed! My legs were moving on their own free will and my mind was completely blank except for the scared expression of the girl about to be crushed by the robot. The robot raises its giant arm up and sends it flying towards me in an attempt to smash me like a bug. I blink the attack and blink onto its fist as I continue to sprint up its arm. My head is pounding with with a pain I have never felt before, but I use it to help push me forward. I make it to the 0 point robot's shoulder as it attempts to crush me again with it's opposite arm. I blink high up onto the robots head to dodge the attack as the robot destroys its own arm. As the shattered arm falls to the ground, the robot leans to one side and I almost fall off it's head. Once I have regained my footing, I look up and away from the girl and blink the massive robot into the sky. In the spit second before the blink goes off, I prepare myself for the pain that I know is coming with a grimace, as I let out a scream of pure effort and adrenaline! The robot gets sent high up into the sky and I feel my vision blur. My entire body goes numb, as I begin to plummet towards the ground. In my final moments before I black out, I think to myself. "I'm going to meet the same fate that I have given to all of these ironic is that?" The last thing I hear is Present Mic yelling "ALRIGHT EVERYONE TIMES UP WHICH MEANS THE EXAM IS OVER!" as everything goes blurry and I lose consciousness. The darkness slowly breaks to light as my eyes slowly start to open. My vision was blurry at first, but soon adjusts to what looks like a hospital room. I slowly sit up and look around. The room was cozy and well stocked, containing one door, a medical bed, and an open window that revealed the U.A. courtyard in the afternoon sun. Before I can say anything, the door opens and a short, kind looking old woman walks up to me. She was dressed in a red and white suit and lab coat, and had a pink helmet with a purple shaded visor on her head. In her hand she carried a walking cane that looked like a syringe.

She smiles warmly, like a grandmother would smile at her grandson

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She smiles warmly, like a grandmother would smile at her grandson. "Hello Yusara! How are you feeling?" She says in a kindhearted and caring tone. I rub the back of my neck and respond with, "Well besides being a little sore and drowsy, I feel great." She smiles again and says, "That's wonderful to hear! My name is Recovery Girl and I'm U.A. High School's main doctor and medical care provider." I smile back and say, "It's nice to meet you Recovery Girl, and thank you so much for taking care of me!" She smiles but then her expression becomes more serious, as she pulls out a clipboard and begins to examine some papers on it. "It says here that you passed out while attempting to save a young lady from a giant robot. That was very unsafe young man, and you are very lucky to be alive! If it wasn't for that girl's levitation quirk you would be dead right now." I look away, clearly embarrassed as I realize the stupidity of what I did. She clears her throat and continues her examination. "Be that as it may, you are safe and back to your normal, healthy self thanks to my quirk! I can heal any wound with a kiss, however it saps all of the physical energy your body would have used to heal the damage. So the injury heals right away but you will become tired or even fall asleep if the wound is bad enough." What a great quirk to have for a medical professional! It's no wonder that U.A. hired her with all of the potential danger that some quirks can cause. "Wow that's amazing! Also I'm sorry for being so reckless and I'll be careful in the future." She sets the clipboard down and says, "That's good to hear young man, now be sure to get home safe. Don't worry your father already knows everything and is waiting for you." She opens the door and holds it for me as I thank her one last time and head home.

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