Chapter 10: 2v2 Part 2! Yusara VS Rugo!

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(From the perspective of Yusara during his fight!)

      Rugo and I stared each other down as the sound of Nukkuru and Thomas's battle erupted in the other room. I quickly try to formulate a plan in my head as Rugo walks slowly towards me cracking his neck on both sides. "What do I know about this guy? I know that he isn't crazy fast or physically strong, and he doesn't seem to be crazy smart either. All signs point to me having the upper hand in those categories, but I still have no idea what his quirk is!" Rugo keeps walking closer to me, a look of hostile intent on his face. He definitely means business, and this could be bad if I don't give it my all. If I can keep my distance and stay smart with my teleports when I engage then I should be able to win. Rugo starts running towards me yelling, "Guess I'll be the one to attack first!" I wait until Rugo is mid stride and teleport behind him. "Huh? Where did he-" I interrupt him with a punch to the side of his head. Rugo's head rocks to the side and before he can recover I kick him in the ribs. Rugo grunts in pain and turns to swing a wild haymaker punch behind him yelling, "You bastard!" I teleport behind him again as his punch hits nothing but air! "What?" He says in confusion as he starts to turn his head to look behind him. I greet his look with a solid kick to the head followed by a side kick to his chest as he gets the wind knocked out of him and falls onto his back gasping for air. I slowly walk up to him and say, "Pick yourself up off the floor right now...we're just getting started!" He looks at me with pain and anger on his face, then suddenly starts to smile and says, "Are your sure about that?" Before I can question his response my body starts to feel different. I'm out of breath and my legs and arms felt sore like I just ran a 400 meter sprint! "How can that be? I only threw five attacks which isn't even a warmup for me normally! Why was I so exhausted all of a sudden? "What did you do to me?" I say as I struggle to catch my breath. Rugo struggles to get up after the beating he just took, but eventually makes it to his feet as he holds his side in pain. "Now now Yusara...that would ruin the surprise now wouldn't it?" Rugo says as he winces in pain. We both stand there as my brain tries to process what just happened. This exhausted feeling has to be his quirk but how did he get me with it? I made sure to hit him when he was unable to counterattack, and he never physically touched me!" Rugo groans in pain and says, "Damn this can handle yourself in a fight Yusara I'll give you that." I take up a defensive stance and playfully respond with, "And you make a great punching bag for me." The smile on Rugo's face disappears as he takes up a defensive stance of his own and says, "Talk all the shit you want while you still can...because before you know it YOU will be the one lying on the floor!" And with that Rugo runs at me swinging a wild haymaker at my head. I instinctively go to block it but then I hesitate. "Why would he go for such an obvious attack when he knows I have the upper hand in a fight? Doesn't he know that I'll block it? My eyes widen as I come to an interesting conclusion. "It's almost like he wants me to block the attack...but why?" Even though every instinct told me to block the punch and counterattack I duck under and jump back, observing Rugo's reaction. I need to pay attention to anything that might give away the truth to his quirk. Rugo slowly turns to look at me and smiles saying, "What's wrong? I thought you said that you were just getting started?" He runs at me again this time he has his body down low with his arms spread out wide. As he dives to try to tackle me I teleport away and he falls to the ground with a grunt of pain. He picks himself up and rushes me again throwing a barrage of punches. As I dodge the first two attacks I notice for the first time how sloppy his form is and I realize that Rugo is very inexperienced when it comes to fighting. But why was he opting to charge strait into combat when he knows he is outmatched? As I dodge the third wild hook Rugo throws a kick to my side. "Damn it I can't dodge in time!" I think as my instincts take over and I bring my leg up to soak up the force of the kick. As it makes contact I wince as I feel the pain, however I then feel an odd sensation that I hadn't noticed before. At the moment of contact for a brief moment I felt the sensation in my leg muscles. Without hesitation I spin with the force of the kick and back fist Rugo in the side of his head. Rugo let's out a cry of pain and stumbles to the side, clutching his head. As I made contact I felt that same sensation from before, and as I try to get back into my defensive stance I noticed that something was off. My leg felt like I had a cement block tied to it, and my arm felt like I had just did four sets of dumbbell curls at the gym! What the hell was going on with my body? I watch as Rugo stops stumbling and catches his footing, when all of a sudden it hit me. I got kicked in the leg and now I can barely move it from exhaustion, and the fist I hit him with also feels like I just put it through a rigorous workout. Could it be that his quirk saps the energy from your body through touch? I had to make sure so before Rugo had fully recovered I threw a punch at his chest with my other arm. I had only hit him with this specific arm one time so if it all of a sudden became tired too, than I had to be right about his quirk. As Rugo gets the wind knocked out of him from the punch I pull my arm back and test the feel and movement to see what happened. Sure enough, my arm now felt heavier and more tired than it originally had been. I smile as I turn to Rugo and say, "You sly dog...I can't keep punching you or I will lose this fight because of your quirk." Rugo gives me a malicious look as he struggles to catch his breath from the punch to his chest. "I'm right aren't I? You drain my energy with every punch I hit you with don't you?" Rugo says nothing, but I can see his confidence waver slightly through his labored state. I struggle to think of a game plan with this new information I had obtained. I can't win the fight by physical attacks anymore so I have to find another way to win without him touching me or me touching him. Then I remembered what All Might had said about the rules in the beginning before we started the training. My mind cuts back to a memory of All Might addressing the group of students outside of the training building. In a booming voice he says, "Here is the situation. Two villains have hidden a nuclear bomb somewhere in their hideout, and it's the hero's job to find it and secure it. The hero's can achieve victory by capturing the evildoers, or by securing the bomb! Likewise the villains will win if they capture the hero's or protect the payload!" The memory dissipates and I'm back in the fight with Rugo, who has caught his breath and is back to normal. "That's it!" I think to myself as I grab a long piece of fabric that was given to us by All Might at the start. If I can tie this around Rugo when he isn't expecting it than he becomes captured according to the rules and I win! But I have to make sure he won't be able to stop me while I do it...but how? All of a sudden a plan shoots into my brain as I tie one of the ends of the fabric rope into a loop knot. Rugo looks at the rope and back to me and scoffs, saying, "You think that puny scrap of cloth is going to save you?" I stand my ground and say nothing as I wait for him to attack. Rugo starts running at me once again to throw a wild attack, but this time that's exactly what I wanted him to do. The wild punch flies straight towards my head but before it makes contact I slip to the side of it causing it to miss. As it flies pass my face I slip the looped rope around his outstretched arm.  Before he can react to what happened, I teleport behind him and pull the loop knot until it closes tightly around his arm. "What the hell?" He yells as he attempts to regain his footing but my plan was already too far in motion. I then begin to teleport rapidly in a circle around him, as the rope pins down both his arms and wraps up his upper body. Rugo tries to run away from me but I sweep his legs out from under him with a kick as he falls on his face with a defeated grunt of pain. I put my foot on his back and tie off the rest of the rope so it won't come loose and step away. Rugo squirms and struggles to get out of the rope trap but it's no use. "You won't get away with this you bastard...I'm not done!" Rugo yells at me as he struggles to break free from his rope cocoon. I laugh at his pathetic attempt to sound tough and reply with, "Well that just about "wraps up" this battle wouldn't you say Rugo?" He scoffs at me and looks away with a defeated look on his face and says nothing. I walk up to the bomb that Rugo was protecting and touch it to symbolize me disarming it. After a couple of seconds All Might's booming voice comes over a loudspeaker saying, "And with that round one of battle training comes to a hard fought end! The winner of the first battle is the hero's of TEAM 1!"
I pump my fist into the air in triumph, although it was short lived due to my arm's exhausted state. "I better go see if Thomas is alright." I think as I limp over to untie Rugo. He protests my attempt, but eventually I get the cloth rope off of him. I hold my hand out to him to help him up and say, "So are we cool now?" As I wait for his response. He stares at me for a second before letting out a sigh and takes my hand. "While I may be stubborn, I understand when I've been beaten...yeah...we're cool Yusara." As I help him to his feet. We both walk out of the room and make our way out of the building. As we exit I see both Thomas and Nukkuru being placed onto medical stretchers, while class 1A surrounds them with worried expressions. I sprint over to check on them but I am stopped by All Might who says, "I know you are worried young Yusara but pestering them now will only get in the way of the medical team." My gaze goes back to Thomas and Nukkuru as they are loaded into an ambulance and speed off towards U.A. "However do not worry about them, because recovery girl's quirk will have them right as rain!" All Might says as he puts his massive hulking hand on my shoulder and gives me a thumbs up. I look down at the ground then look back up at All Might and nod in assurance. He nods back at me then pats me on the back saying, "Now cheer up kiddo! You should be proud of yourself after that splendid show you put on! Excellent work indeed!" I smile and scratch the back of my head and say, "It was nothing really...but I gotta keep getting stronger if I want to keep up with everyone!" All Might let's put a booming laugh saying, "Keep that mindset up and you'll be a pro hero in no time!" With that he turns around and claps his hands to get the classes attention yelling, "Alright everyone settle down! Would the next two teams please make their way inside to resume the training?" As the class slowly makes their way inside I start to follow them but I'm stopped by All Might again. "Yusara I know you want to stay and watch the fights, however I'm going to send you to recovery girl as well. You took a fair amount of damage yourself, and as your teacher I'm responsible for your safety." I start to protest, but I stop myself and board the bus that will take me to U.A. as All Might walk into the training building.

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