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I got excited and wrote this chapter early. This character grew on me real quick lol.

Also, before I forget, the first chapter takes place in the month of December. I realized I didn't put that when I first started. I fixed it but I'm letting you guys know so you're more aware of the timeline.

I know that this is starting off really slow, but I promise it's about to build up. Enjoy :)



Five Years Ago August, Willow

Willow looked in the mirror once again conflicted.

It's too hot outside to be wearing a sweater. But I won't have to carry a jacket around all day if I do wear it.

She was wearing a sky blue knitted sweater with sleeves long enough to almost cover her hands and some blue jeans. She really liked the outfit and it made her comfortable. Plus, the color popped out against her dark complexion. But she didn't want to burn up while transitioning to her classes. She only had two for the day, but they were in different buildings, so she would be walking outside. And it was going to be in the nineties today.

She made up her mind and kept it on. She'll suffer for her comfort. She blew one of the curls out of her eyes and put her glasses on. She also decided to wear her hair out in an afro like always. She liked how she is able to play with the bouncy curls when they're out like this.

She went to put her shoes on and grabbed her book bag and keys. When she got to her car, she pulled out a notepad and opened it to a new page. She had to go to a couple of stores to get some things after classes and she didn't want to forget. Today was a special day after all.

The drive was upbeat. She connected her phone to the car and blasted her favorite playlist like she always did, singing along to the songs until her throat started to hurt. It was her favorite part of driving. Music was one of her favorite things in general. She had a really nice set of headphones that she wore on her neck wherever she went. Their battery life is incredible and she doesn't take them off when she doesn't have to.

She parked her car and got out. It was quiet outside beside the students either talking on the phone or walking to class. When she stepped inside the chilled building, the chatter got louder. She took her headphones and put them on, turning her music up high enough so it drowns everyone out. She found it less awkward to catch a glimpse of everyone she passed if she couldn't hear them. She always had the most random thoughts about the people she passed on her way to class. Even she considered some of them weird, but she learned that these thoughts were actually normal.

Ooo that's a nice outfit.

I like his hair.

Her crop top is cute and her tummy is pretty.

Oh they definitely know they're hot.

I wonder how they feel skateboarding through the halls like that. Must feel great.

Willow has always tried to keep to herself, especially at school. Yes she was soft-spoken, and she knew this, but she honestly wanted to come out of her shell a little at times. Talk to people, go to events, maybe even go to an infamous college party. But she couldn't, not right now at least. She had enough on her plate to deal with when it came to school and her long-term project.

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