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For the life of me, I couldn't figure out how the format this chapter. But I think I figured it out.

This is a flashback to events that have happened in June. But the flashback itself is taking place in August. This is all still Five Years Ago. I don't know if that makes any sense, but if you get confused or have any questions, feel free to ask.

Content warning: there is abuse mentioned in this chapter. If you want to skip it, stop reading when you get to "My problem, huh?" and start back when you see "Don't you dare..."

Enjoy :)



Five Years Ago August, Tristen
Part 1: Flashback to June

Tristen was grinning so hard that his face was starting to hurt.

He was texting Nevaeh and she had just surprised him with a four-day getaway at the end of next month. She had everything figured out from the place to the hotel, down all the way to all the activities that they could do. The more she said, the more excited he got.

I think I'm going to work extra hours for the next couple of weeks. He thought. Just so we can have the money to do anything we want. He had to remember to take the time off as well, the sooner the better.

There was a quiet scoff in the background, but he paid no mind to it.

I miss you.

His heart warmed at the message. I miss you too baby.

3:18 pm
Soooooo. When will your dad let you out of house arrest?

3:18 pm
Haha very funny

3:19 pm
🤷🏽‍♀️Just saying. Where have you been this whole summer besides your job and my house?

3:19 pm
My job and your house🤷🏻‍♂️

3:19 pm

3:19 pm

3:21 pm
You're telling me you've been trapped in the house this whole break?

3:22 pm
Trapped? Oh never that. I'm just spending some quality time with my dad...
I may or may not be blinking twice at the moment

3:23 pm
Why didn't you say anything? I would've come and kidnapped you sooner.🙄

3:23 pm
Seriously tho, I'm okay. I'm used to it

3:23 pm
You shouldn't be.

3:25 pm
It's funny. He doesn't want me to leave and yet it's like he hates my very existence

3:26 pm
No offense, but your dad needs help😅

3:26 pm
😂None taken. Because you're absolutely right. That's exactly what I've been saying

"What's so goddamn funny?" A drunken voice ripped through his head, instantly bringing him back to dimmer reality.

The room was dark, the only sources of light coming from the TV and the occasional lightning strikes from the storm outside. His dad was sitting in his usual chair, an unopened cold beer in the cup holder of his armrest and a half-empty bottle in his hand. The little light in the room made the features on his face more defined. The bags under his eyes are darker than they really were. His usual scowl showed more anger and resentment than what was usually present. Tristen's smile completely dropped, allowing the muscles in his face to finally relax. He could only hope that the light was just giving off the illusion that his father was beyond pissed because he couldn't think of anything else that could've set him off. "Nothing," he responded quietly.

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