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How many POVs are too many POVs? There has to be some kind of cap to that number lol.

There's one more person that we've seen that hasn't had a POV yet and here it is.

After this, it's showtime😈

Enjoy :)


P.S. My Spanish is so rusty and I apologize but I wanted to incorporate it and experiment a little (even if it's not a lot) if that's okay😅

Also, Happy New Year everyone!! I hope 2022 brings you great things :D


Five Years Ago September, Nevaeh

"Sí Ma, everything's going great," Nevaeh said into the phone with a smile.

"That's great to hear Nevaeh. We are all so proud of you," her mom said in a cheerful voice. "I'm so glad your second year is going well so far."

It's only been a couple of weeks, but she could already see how well she and Tristen were doing and she hoped that it'll last all semester. The move-in went smoothly and even though it was very new to them at first, they quickly adapted. They weren't that far away from campus, so the rides there and back were nice and didn't bring any problems. On top of it all, Tristen had finally managed to get a stable working schedule that didn't clash with his school work and she was able to get her supervisor to allow her to work from home for her internship, with the occasional in-person meetings.

The best part; they both still had time for each other and she couldn't ask for anything better.

"Yeah, it's going well so far, besides this one class," she said, the irritation easily starting to rise. "What class is it," her mom asked into the phone, the sound of stuff moving around in the background. "It's Communications. I got a C plus on the last assignment we had. It dropped my grade a lot more than I thought it would," she said, trying not to sound too hurt about it. "Well, I'm sure that you'll be able to get it back up mija. You're incredibly smart and it's only been a couple of weeks. You'll figure it out."

Yeah, and those couple of weeks will turn into November real quick.

She didn't like playing catch up, especially with her grades. She found it a lot easier to start them off high and keep them that way for the rest of the semester, so she made sure she was always on top of her work. That's why the C caught her off guard. It was the lowest grade she made in a while, but that's not why she was upset about it. The assignment was pretty straight forward in her opinion. She avoided saying that it was easy because that usually didn't work out in anyone's favor. But she thought she did pretty well, especially with incorporating all of the content they had learned so far. All the confidence she had shattered when she checked her grades yesterday.

I guess it wasn't good enough.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm going to have to ask her what her expectations were for it and how I can improve," she said as she sat down at the table and opened her laptop. That's really all she wanted was to improve and do great. When she first started the class, the professor, Dr. Monroe, promised that everyone would be successful in her class if they worked for it. She was pretty much how everyone described her when she looked her up. A great person with a kind heart that cares about how her students perform in her class. But she could tell that there was something that was a bit off about her. And she's trying not to use her last couple of grades as something to back up that feeling. "Is everything okay? I heard something in the background. What are you doing?"

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