Chapter 16

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Lizzie, alaric, and josie knew they had to make an excuse up. So alaric said "oh hope good your here I was just" hope said"i know what you were talking about and you can stop calling me hope it's inadu".

Alaric said "okay look inadu we want hope back you can't keep her body". Inadu laughed and said "of course I can and don't try anything or I will kill every one".

Inadu left and josie broke down crying and said "lizzie please you have to make this right please get hope back I love her".

When lizzie saw josie crying she knew she had to get hope back with Landons help.

Landon was in his bedroom studying lizzie came in and told him alaric and josie knows hope is not hope.

He agreed to help lizzie get hope back but inadu was strong and stronger than anyone.

Lizzie said " she might be strong but josies dark side is stronger" ". Landon said" no we can't ask Jo to do that last time she nearly killed everyone".

As bad as this was lizzie knew Landon was right but thought if hope brought josie back then josie can bring hope back.

Lizzie went looking for josie and found her sitting by herself lizzie went over and hugged her.

Josie said to lizzie " I will do anything to get hope back". Lizzie said "good because you might need to tap into your darkside".

Josie agreed it was risky but she would do anything and everything to get hope back.

That night josie, lizzie and landon snuck into alarics office and stole a black magic spell book. When lizzie was setting up Landon said to josie "are you sure you want to do this".

Josie looked at lizzie then looked back to Landon and said "I am don't worry about me just worry about hope".

Josie and lizzie sat down and josie started the spell "Phesmatos Tribum nas ex veras qu aninom transibit".

As josie continued the room filled with black fog landon said "lizzie is this normal". Lizzie said " I I don't know Jo stop".

Josie continued and the black fog flew into josie her eyes went prue black and she passed out.

Now all Landon and lizzie had to do was wait.

About 1 hour later josie was still not up lizzie and landon were starting to get worried. Just the inadu burst through the door and said "trying to get rid of me aww and I was just starting to like you lizzie".

Inadu said " you know what I think we should all go for a sleep". Lizzie and landon looked at each other and then looked at Josie but she was gone.

Then josie was behind inadu and said "no I think you should sleep" Ad Somnum".

"Well then shall we get hope back" josie said. Josie took inadu to the dinning Hall and she woke up. Josie said " well it's about time".

Inadu looked up and saw josie full of black magic. Inadu laughed and said "what do you think this would bring hope put". Josie said "no I knew it wouldn't your to powerfull am just here to talk".

Inadu said "well what you want to talk about".

Josie looked at her and said "I want to talk about us hope we love each other". Inadu just laughed and sat down.

Josie continued to say "I know your in there hope and I know you feel what josie feels you love her and she loves you".

"I know you think you aren't strong enough to fight her but you are hope so fight her" josie said. Inadu said "enough stop this".

"Please hope I need you the school needs you" josie said then walked up to her and kissed her.

Inadu passed out and so did josie lizzie and landon ran in and brought them both to there room and lay them on the bed.

Lizzie said "I really hope this will work". Landon agreed and they both waited but all of a sudden they felt sleepy and passed out.

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