Chapter 17

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Lizzie and landon woke up and all around them was pitch dark. Lizzie said " Landon wake up where the hell are we".

Just then a loud bomming voice came out of nowhere. "Welcome to my world darlings you will be screaming".

Lizzie kicked Landon and he woke and said "ah what was that for". Lizzie said "inadu put us to sleep and now we have ended up here". Landon looked about bus as they walked it was full of darkness.

Landon said "we have to find a way out and get hope and josie". Lizzie said "I know that you hoblit".

Alaric heard the noise from lizzie room and ran to check and found all of them on the floor passed out.

"josie wake up please come on, lizzie come on" alaric said as he tried everything to wake them up but nothing worked.

Lizzie and landon saw a door at the end of the darkness they ran to it and opened it. Inside it was hopes room and hope and josie were already inside.

Landon said " hope is that really you" hope looked at both of them and said "yeah it's really me guys". Landon ran up to hope and hugged her and lizzie went straight to josie.

"Now the actual game can begin this should look fimilar to hope as her father and uncle where in here one time" Inadu's voice said.

Hope said " I remember my aunt Freya created an astral landscape called Chambre de Chasse".

Josie said " how do we get out" hope said " in order to get out you have to find something that represents you in this room".

Landon said " OK we just need to find it and fast". Hope said " it's not that simple Landon".

Back at the school alaric was looking through all of the books he had to find out what happened. Then alaric came across the Chambre de Chasse and he knew there was no way to help them they had to find there own way out.

Josie was walking around the room until see came across a letter she had wrote to hope. Hope walked over to her and said "what you got there Jo".

Josie looked at her and said "this is a love not that I wrote to you 1 WEEK after we kissed".

Josie handed the letter to hope and she opened it and read it.

"dear hope I don't know if you will ever read this or if I will give it to you but here it is. I have fallen in love with you I knew it the second you came to the school. I don't want lizzie to find out because I know she will hate that I have fallen for the daughter of klaus mikealson. I know you probably don't feel the saame way and I get that I really do but I just wanted to let you know how I really feel about you.

The second hope read it tears appeared in her eyes and josie was crying. Then josie disappeared lizzie said "where the hell did my sister go" hope said "she found what represented her".

All of a sudden hope touched a picture of her josie and lizzie and she disappeared as well.

Back at the school josie and hope where both awake alaric was so happy josie was back and hope was herself agian.

Alaric looked on the floor and lizzie and landon where still sleeping. Hope said " we just need to give them time". Alaric agreed and they sat waiting on them.

Lizzie and landon were getting impatient just then a voice came out of the darkness.

"There is nothing hear that represent you here you are stuck here with me now".

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