Chapter 22

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While josie and hope where up the stairs in hopes room, lizzie decided to go after daliah herself. "you hear hope, you don't stand a chance lizzie please don't go" landon said with a worried voice.

Lizzie looked at landon "landon I know you are worried but remember this, I will always love you" lizzie said and walked away.

Hope and josie came down to see landon crying. Hope ran over to him and said what's wrong, he looked at hope and said "lizzie is going after daliah on her own".

Josie had a panicked look on her face.

Hope held landon by his shoulders and said "listen to me carefully, did lizzie say were exactly she was going".

Landon shook his head no, hope took josie aside, looked her in the eyes and said "whatever happens am going to get lizzie back".

Josie looked at hope and said "please hope, I need lizzie but please be careful I love you". Hope grabbed josie by the waist and kissed her passionately and left.

Lizzie knew going after daliah was dangerous, but she could not let hope get taken by her.

"Come on lizzie, just be brave and go in" lizzie said to herself as she looked at the building she tracked daliha too.

As lizzie walked in, it was pitch black she could not she a thing. Out of the darkness a voice boomed throughout the building.

" ah I see so tell me darling, what do you hope to achieve by coming here by yourself".

Lizzie stood there in silence for a couple of minutes before speaking. "I came here to kill you". There was a loud laughter booming all through the building.

"oh, oh my dear you can't kill me, am too powerful too kill now please let me have what I am owed" daliah said.


But as she listened for the voice, nothing came, no voice, no laughter just complete and utter silence.

Back at the salvatore school, josie was pacing about the school. "Jo please calm down, am sure they are both fine" landon said.

"you don't know that, they could be dead for all we know" josie said with a angry voice.

Landon looked down then josie apologised to him.

Just then at beaming blue light appeared in front of them both. In the blue light they could see lizzie, standing in complete darkness.

Then they saw hope standing outside a building, that looked very, very old.

Josie then ran up to her room and landon followed her. Landon said " w- what are you doing".

"We are going to help, come on getting weapons and let's go" josie ordered to landon. Landon ran downstairs and grabbed some weapons from alarics office.

After they were prepared, they left to help.

Back at the building, lizzie was still trying to figure out where daliah was, until a voice came from the darkness.

"well, well looks like daliah will get what's she is owed after all" inadu said.

Lizzie turned around and saw hope standing there. "What are you doing here, go get out am here to protect you hope please" lizzie damand.

Hope looked at lizzie with tears in her eyes, "tell Josie I love her and that am sorry".

Lizzie said "no, no hope you are not going with her". Hope said "its the only way to keep the people I love safe".

"please, please don't to this hope, I-we all love you and want you home". Hope grabbed lizzie and hugged her tight both of them had tears in there eyes.

A blue light appeared with daliah standing in the middle of it. Lizzie held onto hope but hope looked at her and lizzie let go but before she left, she gave lizzie a note.

Hope walked to the bright, blue light and disappeared. Lizzie found a way out of the building just as josie and landon got there.

Josie said "lizzie am so glad your OK, where's hope". Lizzie couldn't say anything she just looked at josie and josie burst into tears.

Lizzie handed Jo the letter, josie opened the letter and read it.

" Dear Jo, am sorry that I had to write this am wishing I don't have to write this but if you have this letter,it means I have went with daliah. Please don't worry about me, I can take care of myself. I remember they day I met you I thought, wow who is this beautiful and stunning girl she would never go for me. But I was wrong, you did go for me and I fell hard for you I love you josie with all of my heart. Also can you let lizzie know that, she will always mean so much too me and I will always love our friendship. P.S tell landon I not to worry to much  and when I do come back we'll just let him know. I love you josie always and forever, love hope.

Josie read they letter with tears pouring down her face. Lizzie and landon were crying also they all hugged and headed back to the school.


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