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Izzabelle's P. O. V

Losing a loved one was quite hurtful but I wasn't sorry when my dad died. He caused my mother and me a lot of trouble. He placed us in so many debts and we never and still don't have the means to pay the aggressive people.
The heavy droplets of rain came rushing down on me as I stood numb in the cemetery. I stared at the ugly casket he was placed in
"Izzy! Izzy! Come over here. You don't wanna get sick do you now? " My mother yelled from the small shade. I didn't respond
"Izabelle! " she yelled once and I was startled as I walked toward the shade
"I'm okay ma. I think we should head home now. Everything is finally over" I told her as she handed me a shawl to cover myself.
Indeed it was finally over. No more maltreatment and torture. We went home and I took to preparing for work.

Cicero's P.O.V

"hey, Cero! How's everything popping? My cousin just came back from Cuba with what you ordered and Dice and I found those snitches last night" Leo yelled over the deafening music and I smirked.
We were at our favorite bar downtown where we always hung out in. I just nodded and the rest of them apart from Leo which were Marco, Giovanni and Dice kept laughing at some old dude who couldn't find his way to the door.
I kept my head down for a few minutes when I remembered my stepdad telling me that I wasn't a normal person and I shouldn't live like one but I don't give a fuck.
Suddenly, Leo tapped me and the rest.
"Check out that waitress bro! Ain't she curvy? Check her out Cero" Leo jerked me jokingly and I turned to see the petite figure of the girl who was a brunette. She's curvy, yes she's pretty but brunettes were way out of my-
"Cero go ahead" Marco insisted
"I'm not interested"
I say this because I usually use blondes as the game and no other so she was not even counted amongst
"ouou C'mon dude. We know you want that round ass" Giovanni teased
"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled feeling annoyed.
She carried a tray of drinks to a table and it looked like she had a heated argument with the men and she turned to leave when one of the men smooshed her butt.
"ouuuu! " Marco, Leo, Dice, and Giovanni yelled in unison.
She turned aggressively and gave the man a heart-searing slap
Wow! Feisty!
"Shit! That's some hot bitch" Dice yelled
"That's what you get for messing with a virgin " Leo muttered and they all nodded
"How do you even know that?" I asked
I'm not used to all this knowing shit. I just sleep with anything clad in a skirt and after that, I dump them in front of their doorsteps with no strings attached
"From the way she behaved. If it was used-up cargo, she would have smirked and told the guy to contact her but this particular girl slapped the dude" Leo finished
My phone began buzzing - it was my stepdad calling.

Izzabelle's P. O. V

I was insulted today. I boiled with rage and anger as I sat down by my best friend Alia.
"Why the grumpy attitude? Didn't sleep well last night? "Alia teased and I rolled my eyes
"Nothing just some old ass dude who touched me" I grumbled and Alia began laughing. It may sound funny but I wasn't joking. Not at all.
"You need to find a boyfriend girl"
"Yes, I'm single and not searching. I need to finish helping my mum pay the debts that my dad created " I said as I stood up
"I get your point but you know, you need a boyfriend. And a rich one you know? " she teased again and I scoffed at her
"Don't give me those looks. I know you want a boyfriend " she sang and we took our bags heading home.
"Let's head home. We've got a long day ahead of us" I frowned as I moved ahead
"okay" she said making fun of me and we went back home.....

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