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    Leo brought some files to the office and it pretty much convinced the General but it didn't reach his eyes. The three patients in the hospital were covered and said to have migraine and hangovers and that my drugs had nothing to do with it. What a good move Leo played there.
   Drex fumed as I was released. I smiled as I passed by him. Leo had the car ready and we were about to get in when Drex came out yelling
"You're not going to get away with this," he said and Leo looked at me and nodded. He surveyed the area and it was clear so we placed a hanky on his nose and he lost it as we took him to our hideout.

    He woke up. He was tied securely to a chair. He looked at me with hate
"I'm not scared of you" he muttered
"I know that's why I'm going to have to make you be," I said as I hovered around him
"So tell me Drex. Did Belle tell you about me?"
"Yes! She did. She said it"
"You've got proof?" I asked
"W-what do you mean by proof?"
I chuckled as I retrieved the bottle of cold acid from the shelf
"Look Drex I've never liked you since the day I stepped into that company"
"Well, the feeling's mutual asshole," he said and I didn't waste time pouring just a little on his arm. I watched as his skin melted and he yelled
"You!" I laughed "Now who's under hostage? Look, I don't like playing around so tell me the damn truth. Did Belle tell you anything? "
"Yes!" he screamed
  Well I've had enough already
"My patience just ran out Drex"
I began pouring the liquid over his arm and he yelled. I moved to his leg, then I moved to his face, that already deformed area.
"Arrr wait! Wait!" he said and I paused. This is what was good. Him crying like a fucking kid
"I'm waiting"
"She... Fuck your balls" he said and I took to punching him several times without stopping then I decided to stop
"Last chance," I said
"O-okay o-okay. She-she didn't tell me anything"  he finally spoke. I was almost believing him
"Then who did?"
"A man called Giovanni did"

    Fuck it!!  He did it again
"Well thanks for telling me but you can never live to see any other day"

I poured all the acid on his head and I watched as he melted. I shot him countless times and I told my other men to dispose of his body because it was trash.

  Leo had been waiting for me outside
"What happened?"
"Belle didn't tell on me"
"Now do you believe me?" Leo mocked and I shot him a middle finger as I got into the car.

  I was happy when I reached home but I didn't show it. I also had to apologize to Belle for not believing her. I got in and she had been laughing with Andrea and grandma. Immediately as she saw me she got up to leave.
  Andrea and grandma stared at me as they shook their heads in disapproval.
I felt it as I followed her upstairs. Before she reached for her doorknob, I pulled her to my chest. She glared at me
"I'm sorry" I let out and she scowled at me
"So you found out the truth and you believe me now?"
"Yes I do Belle"
"Let go of me," she said as she struggled to release herself and she finally did. And again as she tried opening her door, I pulled her forward and our lips collided. She widened her eyes but she couldn't stop me because I was already taking control. I placed my hands on her waist to steady her. She finally pushed me
"You can't do something wrong to me and just kiss me to forget it as if nothing happened. I'm angry at you Cicero" she stated and finally got into her room and slammed the door in my face.


  I rushed downstairs and it was just grandma that was around. Perfect timing.
"Grandma I need your help" I rushed and she smiled
"Let me guess Izzabelle?"
She turned to pay full attention to me
"Well, if you loved her you wouldn't have treated her the way you did"
"I know"
"So now you realize that you love her?"
"Yes grandma more than that I don't want to lose her"
"Then make it up to her"
  That was my main problem
"There's a party at Rogers tomorrow so why don't you just take her there? You know, Leo, Andrea, and I are coming too"
"Sure we got your back boy"

  I smiled at her as I hugged her
"And make sure you go easy too on her okay?"

  I became excited. I ordered her dress and shoes as I also ordered mine. I was going to tell her...


Grandma came into my room with shopping bags. I stared at her
"Here! Cicero said I should give you this" she smiled and I frowned
"He can't appease me with gifts grandma"
"No no Cara. You are wearing these now. We all are going to the party at Rogers"
  I looked at grandma suspiciously then she winked
"Hurry up Cara you don't want to be late for the party," she said as she left me alone to my thoughts

  I stared at the dress and shoes. I think I should just forgive him maybe because Drex had shown him shreds of evidence.

  I got into the tight black body con and the black heels. I didn't do much makeup. I let my hair fall behind my back. I took my purse as I went downstairs. Leo and Andrea were ready so was grandma. 
"Let's get going," Leo said then I wondered where Cicero could be. Speaking of Cicero, he came down the stairs. He was dressed in a black suit with his hair styled to the corner bringing out his emerald green eyes.
"You can stop the staring now Cara we will be late"
     I stopped
"Grandma I think I'll go with Cicero," I said and Cicero himself was surprised
  Andrea clapped and pulled grandma and Leo out.
Cicero marched up to me and smirked
"Guess you couldn't stay without me" he whispered
"You wish" I stated as I turned to move and he pulled me back with my back facing him
"But I don't think I'm lying Belle" he whispered into my neck and I had the hair on my back stand as tiny needles of excitement rushed through me.
"Really, Now?" I played along
"Okay," I said as I pulled away "I think we're running late" I muttered as I took fast strides to his car. He followed as he smiled.

   We arrived at the classy party and what I'd been through like kidnapping and killing in these kinds of gatherings didn't make me feel good. I just stayed close to Cicero which felt extremely safe. He greeted a lot of people and I began feeling bored as I ambled toward the bar section to get a glass of vodka. I just let the sour taste take control of me not until when I felt a hand on my waist. I turned sharply to slap the person when I saw Cicero
"Hey calm down" he laughed and I began laughing too
"I forgot to tell you that you look beautiful tonight" he whispered into my ear I tried to hide my smile but I couldn't

  "C'mon let's dance," he said as he pulled me to the dance floor. He placed my hands on his shoulder as he settled on my waist and we began swaying
"Mí dispiacé Mí amore"
(Translation: I'm sorry my love)
I smiled because I knew what it meant
"I forgive you" I smiled and he smiled too as he kissed me. He handed me a rose and I could hear Andrea cheer so I turned towards her and grandma and they gave me a thumbs up.
"I want to show you something," he said and all of a sudden the lights went off. I just thought it was just one of the gestures that he used. A projector was pointed at the space on the wall and I froze. I began shivering as I watched the video

"Tieni duro e presto sarà tutti finito"
(translation: just hold on and it will soon be over)

  Everything made sense now. The green eyes and all the trauma. Tears began streaming down my face. He was the person that took away my virginity. He was still the same person that made my mother die.

   Whispers were heard from the whole hall. A wave of embarrassment washed through me as the lights came on. I turned to face Cicero that had a remorseful look on.
"So this is what you wanted to show me?" I yelled
"Y-you did this to me and-and you made me fall for you" I cried as I began hitting his chest he tried to stop me but I didn't want to.
"Belle. Belle listen to me-"
"I wouldn't understand you. How dare you" I stopped to cry
Gasps, silence, everything passed through the hall as people stared at us I felt so ashamed.
"I regret everything I've done Belle and I want to make it up to you"

I didn't waste time slapping him as my hand felt the stinging pain
"You have some nerve." I said "I never want to see you," I said as I began leaving the hall feeling embarrassed but he stopped me
"Belle please wait"
"Don't you dare touch me" I yelled as I ran away.

  How could he?  All this while I failed to realize that he was the reason for my demise. Damn him.

I wiped the never-ending tears that seem to never stop as I moved to the woods where Cicero took me too. I sat down on the edge as bitter memories came flashing back. I didn't want to remember anything.

  I closed my eyes as the bitter rain poured on me.......

  Ohh 😥 our dear Belle just found the bitter truth that she never knew of...

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