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Mr. Alviano's definition of bonding was leaving me all alone in the flower shop to watch how flowers came in and went out. He ordered Leo to pick me up and tell me not to leave the house on any occasion. I was so pissed.
When Leo dropped me off, he took off with Andrea with both of them telling me not to say a thing to Mr. Alviano, grandma wasn't around too. She was never around. It was tots boring.

I took off to my room to at least freshen up but I met a card and a box on my bed. I strutted towards the bed to check out the things.
I read the cards first but they just said unknown. When I opened the box, it was a phone I saw. I stifled a scream back. He listened to me. So the devil isn't the dev-

"Looks like you've seen the gifts" a voice came from behind me. I turned sharply just to see Mr. Alviano's brother. Once again disappointment flooded me
"Did your brother ask you-"
"No! I bought them for you. He didn't send me. I heard you complaining so I thought of helping"

Did I ever emphasize the issue of a cell phone?? This was strange

"By the way I'm Reynaldo"
"Th-thank you, Reynaldo"
"For nothing Bella" he gave a smug grin
"In for something tonight Bella?" he asked as we left my room. I didn't want what happened to me should occur again
"Sure" we sat down at the kitchen bar
"Okay! How did you meet my brother?? And why do you call him Mr. Alviano??" he stared at me intensely. He had shining blue eyes that were captivating. He had stubble too. He sipped from the glass of wine I was earlier drinking from
"Uh... In America " I smiled as I avoided the other question. First of all, it was strange talking to him. I just had negative vibes flowing through me

I felt so awkward sitting with someone I'm seeing for the second time and he looked dangerous but not more than the devil 'Mr. Alviano'
"I wanted to know what you see in my brother. He's the worst man there is. He has killed millions and might kill you too. Aren't you scared." he laughed and I froze
"S-scared? I'm not scared of him and I don't see a thing in him"
"I thought you guys were a thing?" he smirked
"No! Never"
The thought of me and him-ewe
"I'm bored let's hang out"

Was he serious??
"I'm not allowed to leave the house" I let out truthfully. I wanted to end this conversation because it was going nowhere
"Why? Don't tell me it's Cicero who's keeping you from seeing the world. "

I shrugged and he grinned

"He's not your boyfriend neither is he anything to you so why listen to him? Feel free Bella why the indoors?"

He makes sense. And besides, I'm bored. But I want no trouble
"I'll take you somewhere but I'll cover up for you. He's my brother. He wouldn't do a thing" he smirked and I had qualms fill me immediately
"But he knows every-"
"Relax Piccola. Trust me" he winked

I could. I kind of gave in

He held me by the hand but stopped immediately.
"We need to outsmart your, tough-ass guards," he said and a plan popped up in my head immediately.
We mixed sleeping pills with sweet wine and I gave all the guards. It was successful. We got into the garage and took one of Mr. Alviano's cars and took off at real speed
"Trust me Bella I'm gonna blow your mind" he yelled as he gestured with his hand.
The ride grew silent so I decided to break it
"Tell me more about your brother"
"Him? Like I said he's a bad man. The heir to the mafia throne 'The Devil's horn' "
Did I just hear right?? Mafia? Isn't that a bad mob?
I was lost and Reynaldo glanced at me and chortled
"Wait let me guess. You didn't know he was in the mafia, did you? Well, now you know and he's a bad bad bad guy. I admit. I'm in the mafia too but I'm not as bad as him. He has killed and slaughtered many so if I were you I'll be very careful"

I sat very quietly. So that means he deals illegally and he kills and grandma and Andrea know about these too? I sat quietly.
We were far and I knew that because we drove for a long time. We arrived at a certain club. I started feeling strange again. Reynaldo held my hand as he pulled me forward. We got into the club and everyone cheered and jeered as we made our way through the agile crowd.
I wanted to tell him that I wasn't feeling right but the music was deafening. He pulled me up I think to the VIP section and we came across a huge double door. We got in and the room was filled with just men. Dangerous-looking men with girls lap dancing on them. Some were sniffing cocaine and others were counting cash. I felt scared. I turned to Reynaldo
"I think we should head back home. Mr. Alviano might be looking for me"
"Why would he? You were against the fact he brought you here right and he doesn't want to take you home so teach him a lesson by disrespecting him"
He smirked and patted my shoulder
"Just have fun, Bella. Forget about Cicero will you now? "
Why should I?
We reached the group of men and they all looked at me
"Y'all should meet Cicero's puttana" he smiled as he flopped on one of the chairs. If I only knew what that meant
I stood there dumbfounded. I shouldn't have followed him

"Since he isn't here let's have a taste. She looks hot"


"No! Not today guys" he turned towards me and smirked

Not today? Does that mean there will be a next time?
They began speaking in Italian and I felt like they were plotting something bad. Reynaldo said he was going to be back within a few minutes and that I should make myself comfy. That wasn't going to happen. The deadly men stared at me and I think I heard something of the Devil's horn and they wanted to trace anyone he was close to. They looked at me like hungry men who wanted to eat me. This made me hate Italy more.

I didn't care anymore about Reynaldo's opinion I wanted to leave this place. I hurried out like people were rushing after me. I rushed to the lot to find the car but it was gone. My nervousness and uneasiness appeared in full force making sweat trickle down my forehead. I turned slightly to check If Reynaldo was after me or something but I saw two men approaching me. One of whom I recognize from the club. I began walking fast away from the lot not knowing where I was going before I knew it I began running. I ran like nothing mattered just to see the two men running too.
"Stop running or else I'll shoot" one yelled but I couldn't stop
I shouldn't have listened to Reynaldo and now he was nowhere to be seen
"I said stop running" the guy yelled again this time firing the bullet and I halted immediately. They caught up with me pinning my arms behind me painfully
"Let go of me what do you guys want?" I yelled
"Shut the fuck up or we will blow your brains out," the muscled man with a thick Italian accent said as he place his pistol on my temple.
The tattooed guy in front of me smirked as he flicked the syringe. I struggled to yell but a dirty cloth was placed over my mouth. What had I done to these people?
It was really difficult to battle with them. The guy behind me held me in place for the tattooed guy to inject me.

Out of nowhere, I heard a gun fire, and the bullets were flattened on the two men who held me captive.
My heart skipped a beat as I froze when I backed someone immediately. I tried turning to see who it was but he held me in place as he gently removed the cloth from my mouth. Yet again I turned and I saw Mr. Alviano giving me a grim look. My heartbeat stopped.

He pulled me roughly to his car and pushed me into it terribly. Honestly, I felt guilty. He got into the car and drove at extreme speed. I couldn't even utter a word cuz I knew I was in the wrong.
On arriving at his mansion he stormed in and I followed sheepishly. When I got in, his green eyes were on me.
"Why the fuck did you leave the mansion? Did you know who those guys were? They would have killed you" he yelled looking frustrated
"Like you kill people," I said. I never meant to say that Mr. Devil please spare me
"It shouldn't be new to you because that's what I do to people who get in my damn way"
"Forgetting the fact that I could have been killed you never let me be on any occasion. What's your stupid problem? " I yelled
"Because I have to keep you safe" he yelled back at me coming close to me this time and I stared at his tall figure towering above me in fear
"Wh-why do you have to save me?" I mumbled as I searched his eyes for answers.
He didn't even answer. He just walked away. He slammed the wall and a picture fell. He didn't even stop to check.
I started sobbing hysterically
Where had I gone wrong? I sat down on the island trying to stop myself from crying.
I'm strong right?
"You should cry more often Cara you look cute" grandma sat down by me

It appears she's always around when I'm crying. I giggled a little but resumed my crying.
"What's wrong? "
"Why am I here? Did I do anything wrong?" I giggled in between my cries
"No darling you didn't. Just bare with Cicero. He can be a devil at times but deep down he's still a mama's boy and a good boy too. He just needs someone to shove it out of him and you Cara you are that one"

Say what now??

"I know it sounds strange but I've seen something in you that I haven't seen in any other girl. I know you can"...

Can she???

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