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        I was damn tired. I was finally turned upright and tied securely to an old wooden chair. I don't even understand why men had to torture women. I was sore. This made me remember my dad who always tortured my mum and me and besides why were they only after me? Was it because I knew Mr. Alviano??

    The room I was placed in was very unpleasant and very small. The roof leaked and there was water everywhere. I didn't understand why. It smelt of pee and rotten items. I was going to puke if I didn't leave this place.

    The door was thrown open and a dark-haired guy came in. He looked scary. As he ambled towards me, he flashed a smile that showed his yellow teeth.

    He caressed my cheek as he hovered around me and I flinched
"You innocent kitten. Just wait until my boss has tasted you. You wouldn't be innocent anymore. You will be unholy as the rest of them"

   The thought of another rape scared the demons in me as I tried protesting but a slap was centered on my face which made my nose bleed.
"You wouldn't have been here but since your control freak of a boyfriend decided to meddle in our business, you become the weak point" he smirked. I kicked him in the balls without hesitation and he yelled in pain. He slapped me again and again. My face could be compared to a tomato now. He added another slap and this time I felt like my cheekbone was broken. It hurt
"Don't worry you'll meet my boss very soon and trust me you're gonna be his damn ride all night"

  The man said as he smirked and exited the room.

Okay!..... So that fool came in here to tell me Shit, hit me, and go away? Some people needed to be placed in the mental asylum

    I had been here for two days now and nobody was coming for me. I felt abandoned. I just sat in the room trying to catch some sleep but the pain wouldn't let me have it. The door was opened again and this time two men came in. They untied me and pushed me out of the room. I couldn't even move properly because they tortured my feet too.

    It was sure a damn long walk. I was taken to an open field. First of all, it was too cold, and second of all, I was freezing.

   My hands were tied behind me again and the strong ropes tore their way into my skin. The pains were so much that I was tired of crying.

    We arrived at the main place and it was surrounded by heavily armed men. I was sure gonna be used for sacrifice because It looked like one.

   I got to see 'The Boss' he looked nice but he was a demon and he was the ass with grey eyes. He used the butt of his gun on my shoulder earning a loud cry from me and making me drop to my knees. It hurt so bad that I wanted to crawl and sleep forever but his men held me in place.
"Don't worry your boyfriend will be here anytime soon mi amorè" he said as he touched my hair gently and pulled it terribly. I wanted to die. They should end me once and for all.

"Look who's here. The hero of the day. Cicero Alviano" the arrogant man said and I lifted my eyes with hope-filled in them.

   It was truly him. He came..... Alone??
Where was Leo? His men?

  He stepped out of his car. He was wearing a black suit, and dark shades and he had a cigar in between his lips. He strutted towards us with a bag but ended up some meters away from us.

  "Loverboy. You finally came to save your bimbo"
  "Let's get things straight here Fabio. I have what you want so give me back the girl" Mr. Alviano said and Fabio began Laughing
  "I'm not dumb enough for you to fool me, Cicero. How am I sure that's the real crown or you did some plan before coming here"
  "I never lie. Have you seen any of my men?"
  "Prove it will you? "

Mr. Alviano shot the bag to one of Fabio's men and the man removed the most beautiful thing I'd seen so far. The gold crown glittered under the sun. It looked heavy. The man nodded and placed it back into the bag

  "Hand her over," Mr. Alviano said and I saw Fabio smirk. He pushed me forward and I started moving ahead. I somewhat felt like something bad was about to happen but I still moved on. I wanted to run but I couldn't cuz my legs were hurting so I tried my best.

  As I was about to reach Mr. Alviano, a gun was fired and I felt a sharp pain on my side. My eyes widened in shock as I stopped. Everything stopped as I fell on Mr. Alviano's body. I was shot......


   I yelled as she landed on me. I got her before she landed on the ground. She was shot. My men who were hidden in the field began shooting. I scooped her up into my arms but I was shot in my left arm. It hurt like a thousand demons. I hid behind my car as I placed her on my lap. I shot my glasses away so I could view her fully. I didn't know how to do this but something in me made me very nervous as I held her. She was closing her eyes slowly. My heart pounded through my ears. I had never been scared before but I was now.

  "H-hold on just a bit will you now? Stay up .....for me" I stuttered. I turned and I still saw my men and Fabio's men still shooting. The canons had now entered the case and it was causing mass destruction.

   The anger in me was at boiling point. I gently placed her down on the ground and covered her with my jacket as I now entered the shooting scene. I didn't care about the bullet that was in my hand and the pain I felt. I began shooting each and every one of them without stopping. They came in numerous numbers but I didn't stop shooting.

  Fabio was long gone with the crown. If he only knew.

  I shot every fucker on the field and it was a damn blood bath. Just a few of my men were killed.

  It was over now. I ran back to Belle. I carried her and placed her into the backseat of my car and I rushed to the house while I called my doctor to meet me immediately back home.

  I've never felt this way before. What was making me?  It couldn't be her right??

  I turned and glanced at her now swollen face. I felt something burn within me. She was in this mess because of me.

  I don't want to lose her now. Not yet...

Is our boy Cicero slowly falling for Belle??
What's making him that nervous??
He has never been scared in his life but he's scared now..... Awww 😳

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