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       I think I'm tired of everything already. I sat down aimlessly on the bed as I stared at the ceiling. I was thinking of Mr. Alviano.
  Even if I were to leave today, where was I going to go to? Sometimes I'm grateful he came into my life

  Reynaldo texted me
* Reynaldo
         Are you okay?
     I think so
         Wanna hang out again
    I don't think so
       Why? Oh let me guess: you're back at his mansion and he doesn't wanna let you out? Feel free. I'll pick you up at four. I have a-

     The phone was seized by surprise from me. I stood up abruptly in shock.
"I didn't know you went this far," Mr. Alviano said plainly
"I-I can explain M-"
"Shhh... I understand. It's just bad influence" he frowned as he shot the phone down to the floor in full force and he removed his pistol from his pocket and shot the phone countless times.

    I was left speechless
"Why do you think they could track you down easily and kidnap you?"

  Uh..... So that was a tracking device to track me down? I couldn't answer his question
"Why do you think he left you at the club and when you came out you didn't see the car? He sold you to the enemy. He's my enemy"
"B-but he's your brother" I stuttered because I couldn't believe
"And so what? So he can't go against me?"

  He turned me around and placed a blindfold on my eyes. My heart began racing fast as his hand brushed past my neck. Maybe he was going to kill me for going against him
"I-I'm-I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disobey you" I stuttered.

     He whispered into my ear
"Shhh... Will you?"
  I shuddered.
He held me as he led me to where I didn't know of. I began panicking again as the thought of him killing me appeared again.

    We came to a stop and he gently removed the blindfold and I opened my eyes slowly. He brought me to a shooting room.

   I turned around and he was already putting on headsets as he picked up a gun.

    He began shooting and he didn't miss a shot. I watched as his muscles flexed. I don't know how God made somebody so perfect. He looked like a Greek god and I was slowly liking the demon.

   Why would he bring-
He handed me the gun

"Your turn," he said as I stared at him blankly
"Ive-I've never shot before," I said feeling scared as he looked at me deeply
"You'll never know until you try," he said and I got hold of the gun. He helped me put the headsets on. His fingers brushed passed my skin again and I felt very strange as my breath hitched.

  He went to the corner to watch me. I suddenly felt shy. I was never shy, especially in front of him.

  I started and I began getting out of control. I started shooting uncontrollably as I turned toward him
"Hey!" he yelled
"I can't stop" I yelled back. He ran behind me and was able to stop me.
"Fuck! Don't get me killed yet. I still have a lot to achieve" he retorted as I sighed in relief.
He stood behind me this time and held my hands. Thoughts upon thoughts filled my head. Why?? I started breathing fast why??
"Relax. It's just shooting" he said softly as he placed his head on my shoulder. I tensed up again.
He helped me pull the trigger twice without missing a shot. He left me now alone to shoot by myself and I continued without missing a shot. I stopped.
I turned to face him and we stared at each intensely. It was like he was searching my soul.

  The news on the flat-screen TV interrupted us as we both turned to see it.
"The well-famous bachelor Cicero Alviano finally made one of his biggest deals with the Chinese Prime Minister. Isn't that success? The only man to have dealt without disruption. He was also seen with the woman in red by the name of Izzabelle Swift. Not to be nosy but the fans are all excited and eager to know who she is to Mr. Alviano. Watch ICBN for more information"

I thought Mafia kings don't get involved with the media or is it because of his flower shop??
   So he has two personalities?? At a very young age. Wow!
  The room was filled with awkwardness as he looked at me. I suddenly became nervous as I tried to change the topic
"Uh... I'm sorry again" honestly
"If I talk to you doesn't mean we're okay Belle" he stated sternly. Where was the soft guy some minutes ago??

   I sat quietly as I stared down at my feet
"We are invited to Sylvesto's ball and that's tomorrow," he said and left.

Hey! Wait a minute! Where am I?
"Mr. Alviano!" I yelled as I ran after him. I ended up in the huge hallways.
"Mr. Alviano??" I said again and finally gave up as I stood frustrated. I began staring at the pictures on the wall. One had Mr. Alviano, Andrea, and grandma on it. Grandma looked much younger
I liked Cicero's hair. It was very extraordinary and fits him so well.

   I went to the next picture that had a man who looked much more like Mr. Alviano, I'll assume that's his dad and Mrs. Alviano. They all stood happy.

   When I moved to the next, I saw my dad-my dad's picture. Wait up! My dad?....

K........ K....... K....... K....... K....... K...

    Today was the ball at Bologna and everyone that is: Marco, Dice, Giovanni, Leo, and Andrea were all ready. Grandma went on a vacation to America and wouldn't be back anytime soon. She told me she was placing her grandson in my hands and that I should be the girl to change his stone heart.

  Mr. Alviano told us all to dress in black. I wore a crisp black gown that was off the shoulder and had both sides opened for the world to see. My heels were red. My brown hair was swept into a stern knot.

  When I got downstairs, everyone was set
"Uh-Izzy, Marco and Dice are going ahead to prepare the guns. While Giovanni is coming along with Andrea and me. You're going with Cero!" he finished

    Why must it always be me???

They all left and I was left alone waiting for the demon.

I didn't realize I slept off till I was tapped
"You don't wanna look like a monkey before you get there do you now?" he teased as I furrowed my eyebrows at him.
"Even if I look like a monkey, I'll tell everyone I'm your girlfriend" I sassed
"Everyone knows I'm single and no one knows you"
"You might have forgotten that we were both seen at that event and I was in your arms and they know me as the woman in red" I smirked. He rolled his eyes as he got out straight to the garage to get into his black SUV. I followed him. He got in and as I was about to get in too, he scowled at me

"Where do you think you're heading to?"


"We are going to Sylvesto's ball" I shot him a confused look
"Who's we?" he asked
"Who's us?"


"You and I"

He rolled his eyes and flashed a smile. His pearl-white teeth came into view. It was so beautiful

"There's no you and I except we're in a relationship"
"C'mon!" I yelled
"Catcha later Belle," he said as he revved the engine and drove off

    What the fuck?!

I stood bemused and taken aback. He just left me here!

I was still in a daze when his SUV stopped before me
"Get in!" he smirked
"Asshole" I frowned as I got in and sat down
"What d'you say?" he growled and it was my time to smirk while I faced ahead
"Nothing! What can I ever say to the almighty Don?"

   He shook his head as we took off.......

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