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     We came to a stop after a two-hour hour drive and it was already dusk. He helped me out of his bike. We were somewhere in the woods but it was well-lighted with tree lights leading to a cliff.

  He held my hand as he led me towards the cliff.

"Why are we here?" I asked and I waited for an answer and as usual, he didn't answer. He just sat down a little bit far from the edge of the cliff.
  I watched him as he stared ahead. I sat down by him.

  The cool sea breeze struck my body gently. The view was captivating and very amazing.

"I wasn't this ruthless before you know? I always did my stuff because I wasn't interested in the mafia. Even now I don't behave like one" he chuckled painfully
"When I wasn't in charge of the mafia, I would always come here to free my mind but I had to stop because I had to take up the responsibilities of being the new mafia king" he glanced at me before looking back ahead
"I'm a bad person and I regret everything I've done in the past and if I were to rewind time, I would fix every Shit I created," he said

   He was opening up to me

"Well..... I-I think that you aren't a bad person. For the few months that I've known you. Unless you've done despicable things?" I was still looking at him
"If only you knew"


"The papers I gave you when you were heading for the hospital, uhmm-what did they mean?"

   I froze. My body tensed up as color rose to my cheek

"If you don't want to t-"
"It's fine" I took in the air as I sighed
"My virginity was taken away by some ass" I sobbed as I laughed. I looked ahead and this time he looked at me
"My mother died because of shock. I lost everything and I had to begin from scratch but it's okay now. I'm fine" I wiped the tears that strayed from my eyes.
"I'm sorry for the drama. Didn't mean to go too emotional. My bad" I smiled as I stared at him who looked at me like he wanted to say something.

   I averted my eyes to the other side because I felt like if I kept looking into his eyes I may fall.

  I felt him move by me and I turned to see him undressing. I began laughing
"What are you doing?" I giggled as he removed his pants and his Calvin Klein boxers came into view-Hot. Extremely hot.

"What d'you think? I'm going for a swim" he smiled genuinely and dived from the cliff. I screamed as I got up.
"Geez!" I yelled as my voice echoed.

   Two minutes were gone and he wasn't in view yet. I was scared already
"Mr. Alviano?" I screamed relentlessly and still nothing. I began breathing fast as I screamed
"Cicero!" I finally screamed and he popped up.


"Woooo-hoooo! That was awesome" he screamed in joy
"You scared me" I yelled back
"Yes!" honestly
"Why don't you dive in too? It's awesome"
"I can't-"
"You can. Don't spoil the fun"

   Some few months I hated this man and here I was smiling at him.

"Okay," I said as I began removing my top and trousers. I was left in my bra and panties. The wave of shyness from the day we were in the shooting room appeared and I had second thoughts about diving in but he looked really happy I've never seen this side of his and don't know when I'll get to see it again.

    I dived in too. Screaming from up till I landed in the cold water. I rose immediately and was met faced with him

  "It's awesome right?"
  "Absolutely" I smiled

  I suddenly felt awkward. Without notice, we became close. I had butterflies fluttering in my chest

"Say it again," he said and I looked at him bemusedly
"Say what again?"
"My name"
"Mr. Alviano?"
He studied my lips intently and I blushed
"Again" he whispered
    I was caught off guard by a hungry kiss from him. I froze for some seconds but relaxed when he held my waist. Something electric passed between us.  He pulled me further to him. I felt every inch of him pressing against me, hard and cold but hot and soft.

   His tongue traced my lips. He kissed me harder as I crossed my legs on his waist in the water. I wrecked his hair with my fingers as he trailed kisses down my neck.

   A quiet moan left my lips as he sucked on the skin. Our lips found each other again and they moved in sync like they were made for each other. I felt like I was above the world.

    His hands traced an electric path up my spine, as he reached for the clasp of my bra I gasped as my bra fell off

"Scared?" he whispered into my ear as I shuddered with my heartbeat pounding through my ears.

       It was fine right?

I shook my head in denial. I felt my chest and I realized that my bra was gone. I widen my eyes in shock as I stared at him and he smirked at me.

  I felt embarrassed. He led me out of the water. My back was to him as I faced ahead. He began caressing my arm as he began kissing my sensitive spot. My nervousness picked up again as he caressed my belly and he began going down slowly as I gasped. Goosebumps filled my skin.

    I felt high but I felt so wrong.

I felt his growing bulge behind me and he was already hard. I had to stop this now.

  As he almost got into my underwear, we froze when a torchlight was pointed at us
  "Fuck!" Cicero cursed as we ran together
  "Heyyy!!" the man yelled

We went back to the cliff to collect our dresses but my clothes were nowhere to be seen

"What the heck?" I yelled
"Come back here you two" the mysterious man yelled as we saw him running towards us
"Mafia boss do something"
"I didn't come with a weapon" he laughed and I felt embarrassed as I covered my bare chest. I scowled at him.
Without hesitation, he threw his shirt on me.

   Thankfully, it was big enough and ended halfway through my thigh. He pulled his trousers up as we ran towards his bike. We got in and he hurried down the road.
  I buried my face into his bare back feeling ashamed.

  We reached the mansion and his guards looked at us in surprise and by the time he raised his head they all turned away. We got in and I went straight for my room when he pulled me back by kissing me

It became wild and now we were on the wall when he was about to remove the shirt,

"Stop!" I said and he stopped immediately
"I-I'm not ready yet," I said as I walked away from him into my room.........

Ouuuu🔥What a chapter 😪

She finally called him CICERO. 
  Honestly, I hated the fact that I had to make Belle call the name Mr. Alviano up to this point 😬 . But I'm glad that it's over now.

        Have fun!! ❤

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