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Cero's P. O. V

     My stepdad kept calling as I parked my car in the garage. I wasn't going to pick up the damn call because he wasn't going to say anything important. Dice and Leo had already gone underground to check the business.
  I stepped into the mansion and started straight for the dining with everyone on it. That was my mum, little sister Andréa and Sylvesto, my stepdad. I sat down at the very end of the table blatantly as I browsed my phone
"Where are you from? " he growled
I didn't answer because I was going to be rude as fuck.
"Answer me! " he yelled and I averted my eyes from my phone to him.
"Per favor! Cicero. Just answer your... Dad"
(Trans: please)
My mother in her stupidity spoke
  Sylvesto's not my dad and never will be
"He's a stranger and not my dad. Correction" I said as I diverted my attention back to my phone
"You've abandoned your responsibilities, haven't you? " He got up and strutted towards me
"You went drinking again. Look at you. You're so negligent. And here am I telling everyone that you're the mafia born. Piece of horse Shit! " he yelled and I gave him a bored look.
"I'm a soul with a conscience and I'm Twenty-two. Unlike you who's old and heartless," I said not caring about what he'll do next. I watched as he fumed. Andréa stifled a laugh as she stuffed her veges into her mouth and that made me giggle
"Do not forget who I am Cicero" he growled
"I know, I know. you don't need to repeat that you are Sylvesto the asshole and you're no rank near me. That's to say, I'm next and you have no chance of-"
"Cicero shut up" my mother screamed as she stood up
  They all looked like fools before me
"He's now your father and I got married to him. Give him the respect he deserves"
I looked at her with my belly churning with hate and anger
"He doesn't deserve my respect"
I spoke and got up noisily and left for my room.
  I needed a house of my own.
I sat down on my bed as I imagined the petite figure of the brunette I saw earlier today. How she looked innocent in the outfit she wore. How she gave a piece of her mind to anyone who disrespected her dignity.
  My thoughts were disrupted by Andréa
"Hey! "
"Hi! "
"Sylvesto's calling for you down in dad's basement " she finished
"What the heck? He's not supposed to be down there " I retorted as I stormed down there.
There he was moving around idly
"Hmm! You came on time Cicero" He spoke as he hovered around me
"Very quick when you heard I was down here" he chortled
"Why are you here? " I frowned
"Shish! Calm down. Let's talk like father and son would we? " he placed a hand on my shoulder and I flinched immediately
"You wish," I said and he ignored me instantly
"Everything! Everything is yours" he pointed at the gold and silver and the... Crown that was in a glass box
"In your name. Make use of it or... You may just hand it over since you don't look interested... Son" he finished and I laughed
"That's where your problem is. You want all this wealth. You want to claim everything but you're mistaken. You may act all sweet and innocent in front of my family but I know you Sylvesto and I'll end you"
      I said and this time, he laughed
"Aww Cicero calm down will you now? Why the speech? " he teased
"Fuck off " I cursed and walked away allowing the chagrin to consume me.

K... K.....K..... K..... K.....

    After a tiring day, I and the boys went back to our favorite bar. I wasn't going to drink but I wanted to relax.
"Mafia prince" Leo teased as he pulled my attention from my wandering thoughts.  Leo is my best friend the rest are just company and it's only Leo I trust and no one else
"Fuck off" we began laughing and Giovanni yelled
"Dude! It's the feisty kitten" Marco smirked as he glanced her way and then back at me
"And so what? " I asked as I stared  at the innocent body
"Let's play a game"Leo smirked
   This wasn't going to end well. I knew
"What game?"
"Okay! You Disvirgin the girl or lose your rechargeable car to us"
     Fuck! No. That was a gift given to me by my dad.
"No! That's an expensive game guys I can't do that and you guys know that I don't joke" I stated sternly
"Cero! You made me lay with an old lady which was gross, you made Giovanni swim naked in public, you made Dice strip half-naked in front of old women and as for Marco, let's not get to the past. So, it's just a virgin. Haven't you slept with other girls before? This wouldn't be difficult " Leo finished

   I'm hating this.

"What's my gain then if I do it? "
"You get the estate"
 Quite balanced though
"And one more thing. You have to bring proof"Leo smirked as I shot him a middle finger

    I can't lose that car because that's all I have to remind me of my father so it's the girl's virginity...

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