Chapter 3: Time to Stop a Murder

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After the first 12-15 minutes of discipline/torture, I was thoroughly satisfied, sure that karma had done it due on Quill for knocking me off the walkway and playing a major part in sending me to jail. And then 5 or 6 minutes later I was pretty sure karma had a checklist on Quill that it was going through.

I'd say about 2 minutes later I decided it just seemed plain cruel. Thankfully the guard seemed to have finally had his fun and put away the taser. I was tempted to ask Quill if he was okay as another guard came over and yanked him to his feet. But I decided that that would be pointless, the man had just spent about 20 minutes being electrocuted. He was definitely not fine.

We were very quickly split up to be hosed down.

If you want specific details on said process then I get to call you a sick freak and actually break your nose for being a pervert.

Moving on, after that amazing experience, heavy sarcasm, I had to trade in my favorite beautiful amazing black leather jacket... for a hideous yellow monstrosity that somebody dared to call clothing.

Perhaps I was just being picky or spoiled even, I had been born into luxury; good clothes just came with the package. Sometimes I believed that JARVIS was programmed to automatically buy anything that was either on the runway or that I even mentioned liking. I found that the others were sucking it up, so I figured I'd woman up and do the same.

Doesn't mean I had to like it, though.

Once dressed the guards lead us into what I could only assume was the main room, were all the other prisoners seemed to be hanging out. And I decided that without a doubt this was hell. This was hell and it was my punishment for any and all horrible things I had ever done, intentionally and unintentionally.

Does killing a worm count? Because I definitely remember apologizing for that!

The room itself could very easily be described as a disgusting pit of despair that made you wish for fifteen gallons of soap or hand sanitizer. I tried to keep my disgusted sneer to myself as I clutched whatever it was that the guards had given me close to my chest. I also made it a goal to keep as close to Quill as possible without altering him.

He had gotten me into this mess so as far as I was concerned I had every right to use him as a human shield, at least, I assumed he was human after the Walkman thing. It was looking like I would need a shield actually because the other prisoners had taken an interest in our group, god I was in a group with these guys and had started throwing stuff at us.

Now if anyone were to ask me what I did in response I would tell them I caught the garbage and threw it back at them like a total badass. Yeah, I didn't do that. My real response was to latch onto the Quill and actually force him to shield me from the garbage, ignore his cry of 'hey' when I did so.

I hesitantly let him go when I realized that they weren't actually just throwing stuff at the newbies, they were just throwing stuff at the green on. They kept shouting at her, but I managed to pick up a name that kept being repeated over and over again. Gamora, I think it was. Either that was her name or it was a new curse.

"What is up with them?" I asked the raccoon. He seemed to be the one with the most prison experience and he knew who Gamora was, which meant he would have the best idea of what was going on.

I had finally learned his name, though. Before the guards had led us into the prison area I heard him muttering something under his breath while glaring at the guards. I could only assume that 'Rocket' was his name unless of course he was threatening to blow up the building.

"Like I said she's got a rep," Rocket explained as we began walking again, "A lot of prisoners have lost their families to Ronan and his goons. She'll last a day, tops."

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