Chapter 5: Biggest Idiots in the Galaxy

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Looking around at the madness that surrounded me my first instinct was the same as any other living creature who wished to stay alive; run for cover. This instinct turned into more of an urge when the flying robots suddenly descended and then fired upon Groot who still stood where he was with the battery in his hand. Then my urge disappeared and my instincts thrown out the metaphorical window when, for the first time that I had seen, Groot became angry. And as it turns out Groot had what I liked to call a 'Hulk mode', and thus began fearlessly punching robots out of the sky.

And I swore when he shouted 'I am Groot' at the robots I heard the true meaning behind the words, 'Groot smash'. Oh please let it be so! Anyways I now had the uncontrollable urge to go wild and break some stuff. And I had the perfect way to do so.

Now if you were paying attention I'm sure you remember me mentioning earlier that I went through some significant changes when I was sent so space, besides my hair turning white. If you were not then you might want to keep up, this is a little important. Perhaps I shall give a demonstration.

One of the robots seemed to have taken some interest in me, quickly it levels it's surprisingly cheap looking gun at me. And vaguely I noticed that somebody was shouting at me over the machines speakers trying to get me to move back to my cell. Smirking wickedly at it I cracked my knuckles. It was time to play.

Slowing my hands started to glow with an eerie blue smoky light that sort of began to curl around me when I first saw the light it reminded me of the tesseract. And that was what it all boiled down to. That stupid glow box had cursed me and caused my afterlife to be as messed up as it was. But at the same time I did have to thank it.

My streak started to glow as the voice on the speaker began to shutter nervously, encouraged by his fear I put my hands together before thrusting them forward sending a burst of electric blue energy at the robot. If I had used too little such a hit would do nothing to the machine, in fact, I believe it might actually power the device, only I had put a bit too much into the hit.

The overwhelmed machine began to squeak and beep frantically, broken chunks of dialog being mixed in as the machine had a meltdown before ultimately exploding in a dazzling light show.

I smirked victoriously lowering my hands turning to me left to find one of the inmates starting at me in terror. My smirk increased as I flashed my teeth and greeted, "Boo."

The big tough prisoner let out a terrified girlish shriek as he stumbled away from me, screaming about a monster, only to run right into a wall. Aw, the idiots of the universe amuse me so.

The guards continued to shout over the speakers, ordering the prisoners back to their cells. Though I don't know how they expected anyone to do this if they were shooting at everything that moved.

Setting my hands on my hips I once again began looking for the members of my group, Groot was easy to find mostly because he hadn't really moved at all. Only now he had a furry scarf on his shoulder-oh wait no. That was Rocket, trying to avoid the robots shooting.


"GAH!" I shouted jumping a bit to turn to see a vaguely familiar face looming over me. I quickly recognized him as the blue shirtless guy from earlier, I was wondering where he had disappeared to. He looked down at me growling accusatory, "You are part of the group?"

"Um... yes...?" I answered trying not to move away from the lumbering giant.

"Excellent." The man announced suddenly much more chipper as he leaned back to his full height, "We must assist the small furry one and the tree."

"Sure...?" I agreed not really sure how I should be responding to this guy. Was he a part of our group now? Why wasn't he wearing a shirt? Aw man, did we have to split the money six ways now?

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