Chapter 12: Your What Message?!

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This time during the planning phase I put my foot down, because so far all ideas that had come from the minds of Quill and Rocket had been done right horrible. Rocket's especially though I resisted the urge to point fingers. At least, he seemed mostly happy with the idea that I came up with, but that might be because we were going to kill Ronan with the Hadron Enforcer. With the information, we got from Gamora on Ronan's ship we had developed a pretty good plan.

We had just run into a bit of a wall.

Sure it would be okay if we just flew at Ronan's bigger ship, but it would be so much better if we had some kind of distraction. By my calculations, we could have over 1/5 of ours ships if we had that distraction the only problem I had was I couldn't figure out what kind of distraction we could use.

It was a puzzler to be sure. One that was solved faster than I thought.

Quill, for some reason, decided to introduce me to Yondu having remembered that I was going to meet the blue space pirate when I had been on Xandar.

To his credit Yondu was not mad, at least not at me, he sort of cuffed the side of Quill's head as he snapped at him blaming him for my imprisonment. Decided that we have plenty of time Yondu through his arm over my shoulder and began leading me away towards the ships that he had wanted me to fix.

Quill thankfully decided to tail along with us, I wasn't completely comfortable alone with the Ravagers since one of them had made a comment about eating me. They swore they wouldn't though, but I still insisted on using Quill as a shield since he was more familiar with these guys than I was.

"Here it is!" Yondu announced opening a door to a fairly large hanger.

"Whoa, you aren't talking about those old pieces of junk?" Quill gasped raising an eyebrow skeptically, "Those things haven't worked for years."

I took one step into the room and then stopped completely a wicked smile slowly forming on my face as Yondu and Quill began mindlessly arguing over the state of the two ships I found. I spun holding out my arms as I announced, "Gentlemen! Our chances of survival have just doubled!"

The two of them glanced at one another, silently debating my mental state.

Nearly four hours later were suiting up in brand new outfits, courtesy of the Ravagers. Though they promised they were new and hadn't been used by those who were not longer with us. I decided to keep my jacket though I found that I was a big fan of the pants and the heeled boots.

I may have spent a couple minutes in front of the mirror goofing off until Gamora walked into the room and found me rolling and pretending to shoot things with my sniper.

I ended up taking the co-pilot chair on the Milano, well actually I called it about three hours ago. Though, in the end, it didn't matter. Rocket was riding, well driving Quill's ship who job was to blast a hole in the side of the ship that we could get into.

I was basically bouncing up and down when we finally, more than a little thrilled to see the newly fixed ships. Eager to see the fruit of my labor.

"This is a terrible plan," Gamora decided suddenly as we took off.

"You're the one who said you wanted to die among friends!" Quill pointed out smugly.

"And actually, it's not nearly as bad as the one on the Kyln," I reasoned shrugging as I looked out the window at all the ships announcing cheerfully, "Honestly, I just wanna see some ships turned into fireballs. And if we do somehow manage to get to Ronan I wanna take off his ear."

Quill frowned confused looking over at me as he asked, "Uh, why his ear?"

"Well, I spent like two hours calculating exactly what angle and how much pressure I would need to bite off your ear before Groot or the guards could stop me," I explained unapologetically. Quill made a weird choking noise reaching up to cover his left ear as he stared at me.

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