Chapter 2: But It's a Walkman

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He was sorry after all of this crap that he had unintentionally put me through he dared to feel remorse. How could I tell? Well for starters there was the way he kept glancing at me during our line, up like one of those boys in school who have done something stupid but don't want to admit it.

Later he also tried to make it right by speaking up in my defense when they told us that we had earned a one-way trip to the Kyln, which was basically space Alcatraz for those non-space people out there. He even mouthed 'sorry' in my direction when they cuffed me. However, I was not in a forgiving mood so his guilt and attempts at appeasement did nothing to quell my unadulterated rage, a rage that I dare say rivals the Hulk's at the moment.

The tree man also seemed to feel a bit bad as well, could trees feel apologetic?

I would have to consider it later, I decided instead continuing to ponder and seam over this whole situation. Just seventeen years old, fresh out of the house and I'm already off to jail. Dad would be so proud.

I had even tried to defend myself but none of the officers seemed willing to listen to me, especially when they checked my record and found that I sort of didn't exist. I may have also assaulted one of the officers who had arrested me, but he was fine... mostly! On the trip the legendary Kyln I made it my personal mission to ensure that we stay in silence because I knew that if there was any talking of any kind I could snap and go on a vocalized rampage. Whenever one of my fellow occupants of the shuttle would open their mouths as if about to speak I sent them a very heated glare, silently warning of what kind of hell I would unleash if they did. If looks could kill all of them would already be in the ground.

Once we were off the shuttle however my glare lost some of its effect, especially since the only one who was behind me was the tree who didn't seem interested in talking anyways. All the chatty Kathy's were in front of me.

And I blamed all of them. The jackass had the biggest chunk of blame of course for initiating the issue but as far as I was concerned they were now all on my very long list of people to kill.

As we walked down the very boring halls I found myself glaring threateningly at the back of the jackasses head, though I had learned his name was Quill during the line up the name 'jackass' seemed to fit much better. Or the most unlucky guy in space, because the guards had made a very poor decision to put him directly in front of me in the line.

The only thing that was really stopping me from jumping him right then and there was, well first off it was because the tree and the guards would probably try to stop me... that and his name. His first name I learned was Peter, a name that meant more to me than I ever thought possible. He wasn't even close to my Peter, but there was still that little lovesick part of me that missed that adorable weirdo the more I tried to forget him.

"I hate you all." I informed the group, trying desperately to force my attention away from Pete. Instead I forced myself to debate if I should strangle Quill or bite off one of his ears.... maybe both! Yeah, both sounded good... except that the tree and the guards were still here. Even moving as fast as I could I could only do one of them successfully, but I wanted to make it as painful as possible.

Uh, I just couldn't win!

"So you have told us," The raccoon snapped from his spot just in front of Quill. He was a vicious little guy for sure, I had managed to catch sight of him taking out a chunk of the one of the guards hands on the way in. I made a mental note to keep clear of his teeth, I had already been bitten by a raccoon I didn't really want to do so again. Even with his small size in play he managed to look back around Quill, so he could properly glare at me as he stressed annoyed, "Many, many, many times!"

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