Chapter 3: Gala Pt. 1

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Zhan was at his apartment with Wen Qing, the Jiang siblings and Suzhen inside it. They were fawning over what Zhan would look like in the new attire that he'll be wearing for the Gala later. The four of them were arguing whether Zhan would look good or would look bad and of course, Jiang Cheng would take the negative said along with Wen Qing while Yanliand Suzhen kept saying that Xiao Zhan would look good in his attire.

Xiao Zhan who was busy tidying himself in his new suit, heard the people inside his apartment arguing. He got tired of hearing it so he went outside and checked the four. "Why are you three so noisy?" Zhan asked and the four of them froze when they saw an angel.

"Oh, my God! Who is this angel?" Wen Qing went near to Zhan and cupped his cheeks and turned it left to right. "Wen Qing..." Zhan muttered as he want Wen Qing to stop squishing his cheeks. "Oh yeah sorry," Wen Qing distanced herself because she felt that she wasn't the same Wen Qing that Xiao Zhan knew.

"Wen've—" Zhan was not able to continue what he was saying because Suzhen grabbed both of his shoulders to make Zhan face her, "you're bow is crooked," said Suzhen as she tidied Zhan's bow which earned a squeal from the three. "They're so sweet!" cheered the three and Zhan just stared at Suzhen who was too focused on tying his bow neatly. "There," Suzhen distanced herself from Zhan when she was satisfied at her work. "Thanks," Zhan thanked her before looking back at the mirror and arranging his hair.

"Eyy, Zhan, your hair's already need for you to change it," said Yanli and was agreed by the two except Jiang Cheng who kept silent. "A-Cheng, why are you silent?" his Jie decided to ask his sibling who was quiet the whole time. "It's not like you Cheng," followed Zhan, only to earn a glare from the man.

"Oh, am I supposed to say anything?" Jiang Cheng asked with his tone full of sarcasm and Xiao Zhan who was too dense to notice it, answered, "yeah, you can say that I'm handsome right now or praise my looks," Zhan said and earned another glare from the man. "Who said you're handsome, you're the opposite of handsome!" said Jiang Cheng only to hear laughter from the people surrounding him.

Even though Jiang Cheng kept telling Xiao Zhan bad things or sometimes inappropriate. Zhan found this quite amusing and he thought that Jiang Cheng wouldn't be Jiang Cheng if he suddenly changed his attitude, that is from being a sassy man to a quiet man.

"Ey, just admit it that I am handsome..." Xiao Zhan teased, "...come on...don't be shy," Cheng who finally had it smacked Xiao Zhan's shoulder and Xiao Zhan just laughed at the man's reaction. He can predict very well that Jiang Cheng would react like this.

"You— it's almost time...go now, before you embarrass Wen Qing!" Cheng changed the topic. " you're worried about Wen Qing's reputation than mine?" Xiao Zhan peeked at Wen Qing who was shocked at Cheng's answer and Zhan just continued teasing him because he found it funny. Cheng, who had no words left to say at Xiao Zhan, admitted defeat, "whatever!"

Xiao Zhan laughed and turned to the ladies who were trying hard to suppress their laughter. "All right ladies, this gentleman will now go," he said as he escorted Wen Qing to the vehicle where they'll be riding. "Ah, Zhen, look at how A-Xian grew," Yanli looked at Xiao Zhan's disappearing figure and Suzhen just looked at her, trying to understand Yanli. "You really love him huh?" asked Suzhen and made Yanli look at her and smile, "of course! Who wouldn't love Zhan?"

Suzhen smiled when she confirmed that Yanli's love for Xiao Zhan is just familial. Thinking about this, she turned to the frowning man beside Yanli, "what about you you love Zhan?" Cheng turned his head at Suzhen to show her his horrifying reaction.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA," laughed the two friends.


"Wow, it's big," exclaimed Zhan in amazement as he saw the venue where he'll be attending the Gala. "What did you think? That it would be small?" Wen Qing sarcastically asked and Xiao Zhan answered, still looking at the venue, "well, no but this is beyond my expectations."

Wen Qing just smiled to herself when she studied Zhan's expression that is similar to when a child found himself in front of a carousel. 'He's just like a kid,' thought Wen Qing in her mind.


Both of them got out of the car and separated their ways as Wen Qing was not important as Zhan is to this event. Wen Qing made her entrance at the other door while Zhan was tasked to walk on the red carpet only to be photographed by journalists.

As Zhan walked on the carpet, many journalists stared at him with awe. They could not find a man that has ethereal beauty just like his!

"Xiao Zhan, look here!" journalists screamed just for Zhan to spare a look at them so that they could capture this man's beauty in just a snap. Zhan obliged the journalists' wishes and looked at them, photographers at this point did not waste time and captured the picture of the man. After being satisfied, all of them thanked Xiao Zhan and the actor just nodded in return before he made his way to where he was tasked to sit.

When Zhan entered the hall, he was amazed at how the venue was decorated, it was as if the event was meant for royalties. He felt like he was Cinderella! After all, this is the first time he attended a Gala since he's been refusing all invitations for the past few months because of his busy schedule.

"Where will I sit?" Zhan mumbled to himself, hoping that women of the crew will guide him to where he's assigned to sit and thankfully, heaven heard his prayers. One of the staff guided him to where his assigned seat was and Zhan thanked the staff before making his way there. He quietly made his way to his seat and tried to not gather attention but it was too late as all eyes were set on him. This made Zhan uncomfortable, he's not used to this kind of exposure so he fasten his pace and sighed in relief when he finally sat on the seat.

Zhan took this chance to study the people around him and his heart could not stop beating faster since all people here were famous! Most of them are well-known actors and actresses and only a few were new from the industry. "Wow, I'm being surrounded by legends," Zhan mumbled. When Zhan was satisfied at staring at the people he then turned back and heard a familiar voice.

"This is where I'll be sitting?" a man with a low tone asked and Zhan looked at where it came from and noticed that it was beside him. He froze at his seat when it was the same man that disappeared from his sight months ago, only to see him again.

Not Edited


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