Chapter 5

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After the Gala, Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo's reputation continued to increase, meaning that they have gained many more fans and so as haters, but none of them minded it as many fans of theirs continued supporting them.

"Wen Qing, I'm gonna die," grumbled Zhan as he plopped himself at the chair while Wen Qing was busy handling some documents that are related to Zhan's work. "Not yet..." Wen Qing said not sparing a glance at the man who was almost going to pass out due to fatigue. " still have five shoots and you're still gonna re-shoot the scene where you kept doing mistakes," continued Wen Qing and this statement made Zhan pass out to sleep. If there is one word that could describe Xiao Zhan right now then that would be, haggard.

"Zhan..." Wen Qing called the man who passed out at his seat. "Zhan..." Wen Qing called again but was only replied with soft snores. Thinking about Zhan's hectic schedule, Wen Qing could understand why the man passed out, so she decided to give Zhan a break and that is letting him sleep peacefully while she continue her work.

Wen Qing was rummaging through her papers when someone called her. She read the caller's I.D. and it was Director Xiu Shang.

"What would she need?" Wen Qing asked herself before picking up the call.


"Ah, yes! Manager Wen Qing!"

"Good afternoon director Xiu, may I know what's the purpose of you calling me?"

"Oh yes! Uhm, I tried calling Xiao Zhan earlier but somehow, I can't reach him,"

Wen Qing looked at the sleeping man and she saw that he was holding his phone tightly.

"Uhm, how many times did you call?"

"Three times,"

Wen Qing looked back at Zhan again when she remembered that Zhan's phone was ringing earlier and what's weird is that it was Spongebob's theme song that played so she didn't mind it and thought that it was some notification.

"Oh, Director Xiu, Zhan is currently sleeping that's why he wasn't able to answer your calls," explained Wen Qing only to earn an understanding tone from the other line. "But if it's alright for you then can I know why you called him?" as far as Wen Qing knew, the last phone call that Zhan had with Director Xiu was at that time when the shooting ended and the crew decided to hold a celebratory party, sponsored by Director Xiu herself.

"I wanted to cast him as the main character of my upcoming movie!" the director explained with excitement visible in her tone. 'Again?' Wen Qing can't help but ask herself. It seems that Director Xiu likes Xiao Zhan more than she actually thought. How did Wen Qing arrive at that conclusion? Well, it's because she did her research about Director Xiu's background and it seems Xiao Zhan was the first actor that she scouted herself, not to mention that Xiao Zhan has no experience in acting at that time but she was still eager to let Xiao Zhan have the main role. And also, the drama where Xiao Zhan and Yibo were the cast, was the first-ever drama that was directed by Xiu Shang herself and lastly, Wen Qing was surprised when she knew that Xiu Shang is the granddaughter of Xiu Sheng that was the best-known director at their time, with his skills with directing, he was able to make any film well-known as long as he directed it. No wonder why Xiao Zhan and Yibo's drama went skyrocketed.

"I can't decide that for myself Director...will you wait when Xiao Zhan wakes up? I'll tell him about your offer," Wen Qing replied.

"Of course, of course!" the director cheerfully replied. Wen Qing was puzzled as to why this girl behaves this way but she decides to not butt into other's personal business.

"Then, goodbye director,"
"Goodbye manager Wen!"

And that ended the call between the two.


Xiao Zhan was greeted by the sight of the sun shining on his face, "argh!" with the sun on his face, his drowsiness immediately disappeared. "Wen Qing, why didn't you cover the curtains?" Zhan asked his manager who was still buried in her paperwork looked at him, "because I didn't find the reason why too," Wen Qing said and made Zhan's face upside down. He just woke up from his sleep and destroyed his whole mood.

"Whatever, I'll go now since I have nothing left to do," Zhan was about to stand up when Wen Qing remembered that Xiu Shang called her.

"Call Director Xiu on your way back, she has something to tell you," Wen Qing blurted while still focusing on her paperwork. Zhan was confused but only said 'alright' before leaving.


"Suzhen! I'm home!" Zhan shouted, his voice echoing throughout inside his apartment. He was still taking his shoes off and anticipated that Suzhen will greet him but instead, he noticed two small figures hopping their way towards him.

"Xiao Wei and Lan," Zhan greeted the bunnies that made their way to Zhan. Wei made his way to Zhan and snuggled to him while Lan just sat there and waited for Wei to go back near him. "Lan, come here!" Xiao Zhan called the white bunny to go near him but he just stood there while his tail is moving, showing how excited he is. "Aww, Lan might not be a touchy bunny but he's still excited that his caretaker is now home.

"Zhan?" a voice from the kitchen called, Zhan stood up and made his way towards the kitchen and a woman with an apron tied on her waist greeted Zhan's eyes. This made him immediately smile. "Suzhen," Zhan called and hugged her from behind.

"Sit, sit," Suzhen urged Zhan to sit down while she prepared food for them to eat. Just the scent of the food made Xiao Zhan's stomach grumble. Just then, Suzhen made her way to the table and served Zhan with her home-cooked food.

"Hehe, sorry, I'm not a good cook as you, but help yourself," Suzhen apologized because she knew that her skills in cooking would never be on par with Xiao Zhan's. "What are you saying?" Zhan asked as he stuffed food into his mouth and made Suzhen laugh.

"It's good and I'm satisfied with it...don't you agree Wei and Lan?" Zhan asked for accomplices but the bunnies just hopped their way out of Zhan's sight. This made Zhan pout but continued eating and Suzhen laughed at the sight.

The room was full of laughter and talks and that was how Zhan's dinner went.


[Decided to publish another chapter just to make it up to you guys.]


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