6. Knox's Arrival

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Authors Pov

The Chirari soldiers dragged themselves with humiliation as they entered the palace. A tall dark figure was waiting for them.

"He got away." The General said as he clenched his teeth.

For the zillionth time, Zane had heard the same freaking answer and he was soo done with it. It didn't surprise him that after sending his men, then the best assassins, after that vampire elders the Chirari would succeed but he wanted it to give it a try after all they were a warrior race. But that had also been unsuccessful. 

"Unsuccessful and filthy as the others."

The general flinched at that. "We would have killed him if that mortal girl hadn't interrupted."

"What??? You were defeated by a mere mortal? A mundane? A pathetic human?" He spat.

"You are dismissed. The others were unsuccessful too, but you? You have brought disgrace to the royalty! The rumors were true. The Chirari are getting weak. They're nothing but disgraceful pets now!" Zane shrieked. 

"Say that one more time and I'll cut that tongue off and eat it with pepper and salt!" The general snarled.

Within a flash of a second, Zane picked him up and tossed him across the throne room as if he were a toy. He hurled the general against a wall and held a knife at his throat. Then he said with a dangerously calm tone, " You will not disrespect me ever. Or I will make sure that I personally cut out each of your internal organs and feed them to the wolves." The general had broken some of his bones and he was bleeding profusely, but he refused to show his fear on his face because he knew if he did, he'd be dead.

" Get lost and never come in front of me ever again. This time you were sparred but that time you won't be lucky." He chuckled.

The Following day

Knox had come to the palace after a long time and nothing had changed. Everything was as it was then. He walked down the hall and spotted his little brother. 

"Ah, brother dear! There you are! I have missed you terribly." Zane knew that deep voice. He spun around and saw his brother standing right behind him. His expression must've looked childishly funny because on seeing him Knox chuckled. 

"Come on, both you and I know that it's not true. The dining room is this way." He led on with a heavy sigh. His brother was never good news.

 Zane and Knox sat at the table for dinner. It was rare for the two Ashfords to sit in the same room. The atmosphere was tense and it grew even thicker. It was always like this between them. Finally, Knox said,

"I heard of your conquest on killing the heir. I conjecture you've failed many times over? My, my that heir is quite someone I presume." and with that, he laughed.

"Oh I've heard you haven't been able to accomplish it either, Knox," he said with an uninterested tone.

 Knox forcefully smiled and said, "You see I haven't entirely failed. After getting stabbed a second time by one of my men the heir has weakened a lot. And so to heal himself entirely, he's here in Aurendel."

After giving it some thought, Zane spoke, "If he's here to heal then he'll go to the most profound of healers. Probably a Warlock." Knox smiled. His small brother had grown after all.

"So why are you here, telling me all of this? It's not like you want me to find him and kill him so I can become the king." He asked.

"No. definitely not. But I was thinking if we worked together then we'd have a better chance at catching the heir."

"Working together? Hah! As if. I am grateful for the information you've provided me with Knox, But working together? Not in a million years. Never. Not after that." It was a grudge that Zane had been holding for the past 500 years and he had decided never to forgive his brother.

"Oh come on little brother, are you still holding a grudge after all these years?"

"You killed the only person I ever loved in my whole life and stole my only chance at humanity, Knox. I will never forgive you for that." he snarled.

"I didn't kill her! She killed herself."

"This conversation is over. You have your answer and you may as well leave now," he said becoming back his old, cold self.

All of Knox's protests died as a guard came in and said something in Zane's ear.

"What is he saying?" Knox asked.

"He's saying that a mortal girl has crossed the magical barrier and is causing troubles on the streets."

"Oh this just got a lot more interesting," Knox said under his breath.  

"What was that? and when are you leaving?"

"I've just decided that I will be staying a few more days," Knox said, satisfied with his decision. 

A/N: The story is going to get even more unpredictable as it proceeds further and I'll be introducing new characters so stay tuned! 

(I'm writing a new book. well, it's a teen drama so be sure to read that one too!)


(here's the link!)

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