New day

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Jungkook woke up with a happy smile. After a long time. He feel that he is slowly turning into his old way.

But, he is still hang there for taehyung.

He was ready to go for shower but his phone rings.

It's his wife call.

" Mina, what it is now."

Jungkook said as soon he accepted the call.

" Where were you yesterday and the day after yesterday."

" Stop it, mina we are married only Infront of world, don't act like one."

" Wae, wae I can't act like one when I am your only one wife."

The lady said with muff voice due to tears.

" Is this what you want, argument early in the morning."

" Yes, you are only one wife but for the work not in my heart."

" How long I have to wait,to make a place in your heart."

The lady said with tears flowing from her eyes.

" Not, even after my death."

" For me you are only the forced wife for the sake of my CEO Position."

" I am only having you in my life,for the sake of my hard work that I have put in the position."

" I am hanging up now,and bad morning."

Jungkook said anger in his voice.

With that he throws his phone on bed and went for a hot shower.

After showering jungkook was ready to have breakfast and a good morning from namjoon.

But what he received in dinning room in silence and a note.


Jungkook....I am sorry for not having breakfast with you. I got some work from university. The food is ready in the table.

Please, enjoy it.


Jungkook smile in the thought of note. He seems it quite cute and old type.

He have is breakfast and walk towards parking when he got a message.

Hey, jungkook.

Even if you are anger, please attend today's family dinner.

My mom and dad are looking forward to caught up with you in a long time.

It was mina message. Even tho jungkook wanna say no.

He have to do it for his sake and good image of son-in-law.

Messages me time, I will try to be their but don't hope for me.

He replied with not so good mood.

While namjoon was alone in his university.

" I have to ignore him."

" I mean it was just a kiss."

" But, his reply hurt me."

" Namjoon don't fall for him".

" I think he loves that taehyung,guy."

Namjoon talk to himself as he was bored as fuck.

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