Happy us.

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After mina's taken out behind the bars. It was quite difficult for mr.jeon and the family.

Because after that the maid who used to mixed drugs in for mina was also behind the bars.

Mr.jeon body is actively in habits for that drugs, and after didn't getting it his head would blast from massive pain.

He have to given pain killer in injection.

But, namjoon having faith in mr.jeon they put him into rehabilitation center.

Its been 3 years now, namjoon and jungkook are happily been in realtionship. They are one of the most powerful couple in business industry.

Now days, mr.jeon is happy husband,dad and grandpa.  He enjoys giving every piggy back ride to lily.

He is enjoying his retirement days with his wife and his lily.

He apologized with jungkook and namjoon for his unintentionally sin.

Both being understanding men, they accept it and enjoy being with their dad.

Mr.jeon favourite is namjoon more than jungkook. 

Jimin and j-hope are having a triplets and Jin and suga already have two years old son Kim daeju.

Oh, and lily she is just like a lily. Pure, pleasant, peace,kind, guffy, subborn, competitive like her dad. Loves to kiss namjoon's dimple.

She didn't know about mina being her mom and the couple didn't plan to say this to 5 year old child.

Lily spread love, and happiness around her just a lily spreading its sent around it.

Everything seems perfect for now. Jimin get j-hope, Jin have suga. Jeon jungkook have namjoon.

But, namjoon isn't happy because nowdays his boyfriend being busy with work and ignore him.

They are living in relationship for years now and namjoon want to make it official with jeon.

He wants jeon surname to be his. So, today you will talk with jungkook.

"Yahhhhhh fucking jeon jungkook."

That's was his curse words for tiredly coming jungkook.

"What Joon?"

"Joon....you called me Joon."

" I knew it, that you didn't love me after years of being together."

Namjoon said being dramatic and jungkook is totally shock to deliver his next words.

"Just, come straight to the point."

Jungkook said rolling his eyes on namjoon. Nowadays, namjoon is being cranky and dramatic af.

" Jimin and j-hope they meet eachother after us, how they are having a family."

"Poongi and Jin hyung they got married."


Jungkook cross questions which add petrol on fire.

"So, where are we now?"

"We were dating in past, we are dating now and I guess we will be dating till we are 60."

Namjoon said being furious with his lover.

" That's good news, that we are still we."

Jungkook being a dumb ass said looking at namjoon being tired.

Namjoon who was just wearing a bath rob, open it.

" Jeon jungkook if you want to fuck me officially for rest of your life, let's get a marriage license."

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