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" Kai, just handle the project between jeon and us."

"Yes sir."

"And have you kept eye on mina?"

" Yes sir."

"Make sure no one can find my stay here in Seoul."

" I already take care if it sir."

" I want jungkook each and every movement update."

" Yes sir."

Namjoon said to his secretary Kai. Who is like a little brother to him.

" Kai, did you find out the car accident case of Kim taehyung?"

" I have sent my men for that, will be in your hands in 2 days."

" I want the whole man Information behind the accident."

" Give  that truck driver want ever sum to know the real culprit."

Namjoon just give tones of work to his secretary.

" Okay, lets go back to Busan but, before that give this file to mr.jeon."

Namjoon said and Kai sent some as messenger for the file.

Its been hours that namjoon walk out of jungkook office.

Suddenly there is a knock on the door.

" Come in."

" Sir, there is some files from the recent projects."

" Put it here."

With the nod his secretary put the file and walk out of the cabin.

Jungkook open the file when suddenly a letter drop.

Dear, jungkook hyung....❣️💜🌺

  I know I have been cold to you today. When I saw you after two years, I feel alive. I found my heart is still safe and sound. I want to hug you, kiss you like before but, just hang in there for some time. In this two,years i have built myself pretty well. How is the baby jungkook. I hope the baby is healthy. I know you are feeling guilty for that day. But, don't be I have forgive you long time ago. I just wanted you to be, I have to Take that step. I promise you, the next we will meet eachother without any boundary. I will give all of me to you. Its hard for both of us to live without eachother. I missed how we used to hug eachother till we felt asleep. How you used to steal my kisses and how you used to be jealous if I talk with any other men like you show today. I wasn't mad at That either, I was happy to feel the same emotion back. Jungkook on serious not, Don't tell anyone about my arrival at Seoul. Just trust me and wait for me just few days and after that you will find me in your arms,under you. I carve for you like you do. There is a new SIM card behind the file. Just used it to keep in touch with me. Don't let anyone know about it. By when you will be read this I will departure from Seoul. Just keep this letter save .make sure no one can found it. If they do, then I have a fear that I will be killed like taehyung. I know you are in shock right now.but, I am trying my best to find the truth.      

I love you hyung ❣️💜❤️. I missed you so much.❣️ Here my kiss. 💋💋.

Your love,

Namjoon being himself, is being cute at last make Jungkook smile and cry.

He doesn't know whom namjoon was talking about.

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