Valentine's week

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It's week of love and all of them feel it in air. Those busy couple would make dates with eachother.

Busy families make dinner together and those who are single celebrate with their friends and family.

Mina have this plan too. She was preparing jungkook's favourite food.

The living room was in fragrance of those vanilla smell candle.

The dinner table has rose Patel spread all over with some candle. With food in middle.

Mina was missing her period for Past 2 weeks and she did a pregnancy test a week ago

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Mina was missing her period for Past 2 weeks and she did a pregnancy test a week ago.

It goes 2 red line she was beyond happy and tears of joy made it way.

That pregnancy kit, was Jungkook suprise for valentine's Day.

It was wrapped in small Box with beautiful gift wrap.

"All done, now let's call jungkook."

Meanwhile jungkook was planning namjoon to take on a decent date where he isn't being a jerk.

"It would be a perfect place to ask for an apology and for being boyfriend."

Jungkook said to himself and there is a knock on his door.

"Come in".

There comes world wide handsome with a sad and frustrated face.

"Bro, help me."


"With planning a date for yoongi."

"I don't have any."

"Why aren't you going to plan something for mina or namjoon."

"Seriously, hyung if I would plan it, it would be for namjoon."

"So, what your plan?"

"Taking him on a decent date without being a jerk."

"I will go with the same idea."

"Are you crazy."


"Hyung, they are best friends and of course they will ask eachother what happened on valentine's Day."

"And it would be bad if we did a same idea."


"So, plan a indoor date for yoongi hyung in most romantic way and with good food and...

"And...after all that, I will bang him like there is no tomorrow all night."

"Good for you hyung....

That's when Jungkook phone rang.

It's mina....he rejects it.

But, again ring.

"Just pick up."

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